Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Peter BRUMWELL1720

Immigration 1674
Note: From the Immigrant Servant Database produced by Price and Associates,
Religious marriageElinor EDWARDSView this family

Note: Parish Register Entry: Peter Brumwell & Elenor Edwards was married 10th of August, 1679.
Birth of a daughter
October 1679
Baptism of a daughterSarah BRUMWELL
November 2, 1679
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth BRUMWELL
July 1682
Baptism of a daughterElizabeth BRUMWELL
July 15, 1682
Birth of a daughter
April 1685
Military November 23, 1687
Note: Peter Brummell is listed as a man who is able to provide arms and a horse to the militia.
Birth of a son
April 1694
Baptism of a sonThomas BRUMWELL
April 15, 1694
Marriage of a childWilliam BENNETT IISarah BRUMWELLView this family
about 1702
Census 1704
Note: Quit Rent Rolls for 1704 Middlesex Co Peter Bromell 100 acres
Marriage of a childEdward HARRELLMargaret BRUMWELLView this family
Type: Religious marriage
April 20, 1707
Note: An unconfirmed claim from the internet states the following family membership:
Marriage of a childGeorge BOWDENSarah BRUMWELLView this family
September 8, 1714
Marriage of a childThomas BRUMWELLDiana UnderwoodView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 8, 1716
Note: 08 Jul 1716 Christ Church Parish Register, Marriages [1716-1718] (pp. 115-16). Thomas BRUMWELL and Dianah UNDERWOOD [widow of Nathan UNDERWOOD] married 8 Jul 1716. Bartholomew YATES, minister.
Baptism of a daughterMargaret BRUMWELL

Note: CHRISTENINGS— 1685 Christ Church Parish
Death February 28, 1720
Note: Peter's will was recorded in Middlesex Co Va in April of 1721.
Note: Christ Church Parish, Virginia Deaths, 1653-1812 l

Family with Elinor EDWARDS - View this family
Marriage: Christ Church Middlesex Co VA
-3 years
6 years
9 years


From the Immigrant Servant Database produced by Price and Associates,

Bromwell, Peter Year of Indenture: by 1674 Place of Indenture: Middlesex, Virginia

Source Citations: Ruth Trickey Sparacio et al, Order Book Abstracts of Middlesex County, Virginia, 1673-1678, v. 1 (McLean, Virginia: R. & S. Sparacio, 1989), 20, 23, quoting Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book 1, 20, 23.


Peter Brummell is listed as a man who is able to provide arms and a horse to the militia.


Parish Register Entry: Peter Brumwell & Elenor Edwards was married 10th of August, 1679.


Quit Rent Rolls for 1704 Middlesex Co Peter Bromell 100 acres


Peter's will was recorded in Middlesex Co Va in April of 1721.

"I, Peter Brumwell, of the County of Middlesex in Virginia, being sick and weak in body, but of good and perfect memory, bless be to God for it, do make, ordain and declare this is my last will and testament in matter and form following.

First, I give and commit my soul to God that gave it through the spirit of Jesus Christ, my blessed Redeemer ?? body be disposed of as my ?? shall think fit.

Item: I will that all my just debts and dues that I owe to any person shall be paid according as my ?? shall think fit to do so.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Elliner Brumwell, all my land and estate both real and personal during her life.

Item: My will is that after the death of my loving wife, Elliner Brumwell, give and bequeath my lands to my son Thomas Brumwell. This son ?? lawfully begotten by his body ?? and for want of just heirs .. William Bennett and his heirs ...

Item: Of my loving wife, Elanor Brumwell, all my estate shall be equally divided amongst my grandchildren, William Benett, Peter Bennet, Richd Bennet, Eliza Bennett, Thomas Harrell, Judith Harrell, Edward Harrell Jr, and do ?? and appoint my loving wife, Elliner Brumwell, to be my ?? of this last will and testament.. But by my hand ... this 20th day of August 1720."

Peter Brumwell

Wit. Thomas Machen, Wm Hammett, Mary Machen

April 4 1721. Elilianer Brumwell produced this will in Court. Proved by the witnesses.


Christ Church Parish, Virginia Deaths, 1653-1812 l Name: Peter Bromwell Death Date: 28 Feb 1720 Burial Date: 3 Mar 1720

Shared note

Peter's father is not known at this time. It is possible that one of the following entries refers to his (unknown) father.


Vol. 2, p. 413: Date of Court: Sept. 26, 1648. (Fleet, III: 110) Certificate for 250 acres to Henry Peaseley for transporting: Richard Tilstone, John Coates, Rich Rash, John Christmas, Wm. Brummall.

(Nugent, Vol. 1, p. 203): HEN. PEASELEY, 700 acres, lyeing upon a swamp which runs down Cow Creek in Ware River in Mockjack, beginning at marked beech of Joseph Grigories on E. side of a branch, extending to Northermost tree of Richd. Duning. 2 Oct. 1650; Patent Book No. 2, p. 267. Transportation of 14 persons: Richard Tilson, Richard Rash, John Coates, John Chrismass, Wm. Bruneall, Michael Peasly, Henry Peasly, Peter Jemons, Susan Peaseley, Michael Peaseley (twice), Henry Shoute, James Wonell (or Wovell), Stephen Jones, Thomas Savidge.

And from the Land Patents of Virginia:

"John Ayres, 378 acs on S side of Rappa Riv in the freshes, beg at SW corner of land belonging to Jno Meder, running SSW &c to trees dividing this & land of Robt Davies, thence N 42 perches, W 80 perches toa br of Totobaco Cr, thence NNE to land of Jno Medar &c, 25 Sept 1665, p 396(455). Transport of 8 persons: William Brumwell, Wm Bowlewar, Jno Leatherland, Thomas Strange, Rebecca Browne, Wm Langdale, James Bush, Michael Parramore.

DeathPeter Brumwell Will from 1720, Middlesex Co VAPeter Brumwell Will from 1720, Middlesex Co VA
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DeathPage 2, Will of Peter BrumwellPage 2, Will of Peter Brumwell
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DeathPage 3, Will of Peter BrumwellPage 3, Will of Peter Brumwell
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Media objectSummary of Peter Brumwell's WillSummary of Peter Brumwell's Will
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