Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Edith WILSONAge: 83 years19162000

Given names
Married name
Edith Gann
Birth November 5, 1916
Death of a husbandHarlan Raymond (Rabbit) GANN
August 11, 1981 (Age 64 years)
Burial of a husbandHarlan Raymond (Rabbit) GANN
August 13, 1981 (Age 64 years)
Death May 22, 2000 (Age 83 years)
Family with Harlan Raymond (Rabbit) GANN - View this family
Harlan Raymond (Rabbit) GANN
Birth: February 25, 1914 33 27Coweta, Wagoner Co, OK
Death: August 11, 1981Broken Arrow, Tulsa Co, OK

Shared note


From Charles R. Gann, Broken Arrow, OK. "My mother died this morning at 8:40. We covet your prayers for this difficult time."

!EDITH WILSON GANN Edith was born November 5, 1916 in Haywood, Pittsburgh County, Oklahoma. She was the daughter of Charles Franklin (Dick) Wilson and Emma Price Wilhite. Edith was a long time resident of the Broken Arrow and Coweta area. Edith died May 22, 2000.

Edith married Harlan Raymond (Rabbit) Gann October 5, 1936. She was a homemaker and Nurses Aide retiring from Children's Medical Center of Tulsa. She started work at the Medical Center when it was located just north of I-44 on Lewis. She had a tender heart for all of the special children she tended while working at Children's Medical Center along with her sisters-in-law Lena Gann Rosser and Lorrene Gann Stephens. She enjoyed playing cards with Lena, Letha Gann Morton, and Jeanette Gann Forbes. Those ladies would set up late playing canasta together. Edith also enjoyed fishing with her sisters Fay and Alene. They could be heard for a long way laughing and telling stories while they were fishing. None of them cared if anyone caught a fish.

Edith moved to the Broken Arrow area in the late 1920s or early 1930s and camped where Indian Springs Golf Course is today, until her parents could find a house. Edith and Harlan moved to Broken Arrow in 1951 where all of the children graduated from high school. She entered the Broken Arrow Nursing Home in October of 1994.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Harlan, a grandson Raymond Scott Gann, a brother Eugene Wilson, two sisters, Alene Gughes and Barbara Wilson, and her parents. Survivors are: sons and daughters-in-law Charles and Judy Gann, Paul and Charlotte Gann of Broken Arrow; Larry Joe and Lynn Gann of Fort Valley, Georgia; Bill Gann of Pawhuska; Tom and Brenda Gann of Tulsa; sisters Faye Creek of Haskell and Inez Stovall of Muskogee; eleven grandchildren, three step grandchildren, and twenty-five great grandchildren. Edith loved her family and she will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Interment will be in Floral Haven Cemetery under direction of Christian-Gavlik Funeral Home of Broken Arrow.