Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Heather Rene LINDSEYAge: 24 years19812006

Heather Rene LINDSEY
Given names
Heather Rene
Birth July 21, 1981 18

Death of a maternal grandfatherDonald James BEARDEN
August 22, 1998 (Age 17 years)

Death of a motherElizabeth Ann BEARDEN
August 2004 (Age 23 years)
Death April 20, 2006 (Age 24 years)
Note: According to Courtney Marsha: "As for Heather...she died on April 20, 2006 in Morocco where she was buried. The events surrounding her death are very sketchy. I'm not sure who her husband was. it was one of those mail order marriages. He wanted to get into the country and couldn't get a visa so she went over there to marry him and then she came home. When she found out that he was having trouble getting his visa he convinced her to come back to Morocco with Sara to wait for him. The story that we got was that she got sick and ended up in the hospital. The hospital released her and she died the next morning."
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According to Courtney Marsha: "As for Heather...she died on April 20, 2006 in Morocco where she was buried. The events surrounding her death are very sketchy. I'm not sure who her husband was. it was one of those mail order marriages. He wanted to get into the country and couldn't get a visa so she went over there to marry him and then she came home. When she found out that he was having trouble getting his visa he convinced her to come back to Morocco with Sara to wait for him. The story that we got was that she got sick and ended up in the hospital. The hospital released her and she died the next morning."