Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John STINNER1822

Given names
Also known as
FactAnn PORTERView this family

Note: John Stinner's name does not appear in any muster records of the 13 Regiment of Foot after 1821. Apparently Stinner, his wife Ann Porter Summers Stinner and her daughter Ann PriscillaSummers left the British Army after 1820.
Religious marriageElinor HILLView this family
April 2, 1816
Source: Jersey, Church of England Marriages, 1754-1940
Marriage Entry for Sergeant John Stinner and Elinor Hill
Marriage Entry for Sergeant John Stinner and Elinor Hill

Note: Church of England Marriage Entry for Sgt John Stenner and Elinor Hill

13th Regiment of Foot
between 1817 and 1821

Note: John Stinner was a color sergeant in the 13th Regiment of Foot in March 1814, according to book of p…

MarriageElinor HILLView this family

Birth of a daughter
February 16, 1817
Birth of a son
July 19, 1818
MarriageAnn PORTERView this family
October 30, 1820
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.

Death of a wifeElinor HILL

Death 1822

Note: John Stinner must have died by 1822 since his wife Ann married Samuel Groves Jan 1 1823
Family with Ann PORTER - View this family
Marriage: October 30, 1820Edinburgh, Scotland
Family with Elinor HILL - View this family
Marriage: April 2, 1816St Helier, Jersey, England
11 months
Birth: February 16, 1817Bath, Somerset, England
Death: November 12, 1838St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
17 months
Charles COLLEY + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: December 24, 1826St George the Martyr, Southwark, South London, England
-6 years
Frederick SUMMERS + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: August 28, 1805Parish of Broadway, County of Dorset, England
13 months
6 years
Samuel GROVES + Ann PORTER - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: January 1, 1823St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England

MarriageJersey, Church of England Marriages, 1754-1940

John Stinner was a color sergeant in the 13th Regiment of Foot in March 1814, according to book of pay lists in the British Archives. WO 12 3039.

John Stinner was stationed in Bath and Bristol in 1817 as the Dec 1817 muster shows. Baptism records from Bath, Somerset show that John Stinner's wife Eleanor had a daughter Mary Ann born there in in 1817.


Somerset Baptism Transcription for Mary Ann Stinner

Mary Ann Stinner baptized 16 Feb 1817, Anglican, St James Church Residence St James' Parade, Bath, Somerset Father John Stinner, Serjeant 13th Regt of Foot Mother Eleanor Somerset Archives Parish Records Page 84 BA JA 2/1/10 1813-1827


John Stinner's name does not appear in any muster records of the 13 Regiment of Foot after 1821. Apparently Stinner, his wife Ann Porter Summers Stinner and her daughter Ann PriscillaSummers left the British Army after 1820.


Somerset Baptism Transcription for Mary Ann Stinner

Mary Ann Stinner baptized 16 Feb 1817, Anglican, St James Church Residence St James' Parade, Bath, Somerset Father John Stinner, Serjeant 13th Regt of Foot Mother Eleanor Somerset Archives Parish Records Page 84 BA JA 2/1/10 1813-1827


John Stinner must have died by 1822 since his wife Ann married Samuel Groves Jan 1 1823

Death not known but there is one possibility from English Databases: FreeReg Burial entry Link for reporting error in transcription Field Value County Somerset Place (link for place information) Wiveliscombe Church name St Andrew Register type Parish Register Register entry number 417 Burial date 23 Dec 1821 Person age 32 Burial person forename John Burial person surname STINNER

MarriageMarriage Entry for Sergeant John Stinner and Elinor HillMarriage Entry for Sergeant John Stinner and Elinor Hill
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,718 × 806 pixels
File size: 117 KB
Type: Document
Note: Church of England Marriage Entry for Sgt John Stenner and Elinor Hill
MilitaryJohn Stinner was Color Sergeant in 1814John Stinner was Color Sergeant in 1814
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Image dimensions: 4,169 × 1,432 pixels
File size: 449 KB
Type: Document
MilitaryJohn Stinner on Muster, 13th Regiment of Foot, Dec 1817John Stinner on Muster, 13th Regiment of Foot, Dec 1817
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Image dimensions: 1,323 × 731 pixels
File size: 313 KB
Type: Document
MarriageAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th FootAnn Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,856 × 686 pixels
File size: 201 KB
Type: Document
Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.