Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary Ann STINNERAge: 21 years18171838

Given names
Mary Ann
Birth February 16, 1817
Birth of a brotherJohn STINNER
July 19, 1818 (Age 17 months)
Marriage of a parentJohn STINNERAnn PORTERView this family
October 30, 1820 (Age 3 years)
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.

Death of a motherElinor HILL
1820 (Age 2 years)

Death of a fatherJohn STINNER
1822 (Age 4 years)

Note: John Stinner must have died by 1822 since his wife Ann married Samuel Groves Jan 1 1823
Death November 12, 1838 (Age 21 years) Age: 21
Note: This may not be the same person but the dates are correct and the fact that her stepmother Ann Port…
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 2, 1816St Helier, Jersey, England
11 months
Birth: February 16, 1817Bath, Somerset, England
Death: November 12, 1838St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
17 months
younger brother
Father’s family with Ann PORTER - View this family
Marriage: October 30, 1820Edinburgh, Scotland


Somerset Baptism Transcription for Mary Ann Stinner

Mary Ann Stinner baptized 16 Feb 1817, Anglican, St James Church Residence St James' Parade, Bath, Somerset Father John Stinner, Serjeant 13th Regt of Foot Mother Eleanor Somerset Archives Parish Records Page 84 BA JA 2/1/10 1813-1827


This may not be the same person but the dates are correct and the fact that her stepmother Ann Porter Stinner was living in Southwark makes it likely.

Burial record of St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey.

Mary Ann Stinner, 21, Abode-Page's Walk. Buried Nov 12 1838.


Baptism for Mary Anne Stinner Birth year Baptism year 1817 Baptism date 16 Feb 1817 Residence St James's Parade Denomination Anglican Church St James Place Bath County Somerset Country England Father's first name(s) John Father's last name Stinner Mother's first name(s) Eleanor Father's occupation Serjeant of ther 13 Regt of Foot