Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Lucy ALLEYAge: 73 years18421915

Given names
Married name
Note: That Lucy is a third wife to Lewis Clarkston is not proved but based on real data. Supposedly Lucy was married to a "John W Clarkson" but it is MORE likely that Lucy was married to Lewis Clarkston since her children Charlota and John were listed as heirs of Lewis Clarkston in his probate, along with his other children. Lucy's children retained the Clarkston name into adulthood. Lucy was married to widower Samuel Bozarth about 1858 and, after Lewis died in 1869, she then married Asa Gower about 1872.
Birth April 22, 1842
MarriageAsa GOWERView this family

Census 1850 (Age 7 years) Age: 8
Note: Lucy Alley is listed as daughter of Wiley Alley and wife Charlotta.
MarriageSamuel Bozarth View this family
about 1858 (Age 15 years)
Census 1860 (Age 17 years)

Note: 1860 United States Federal Census For Samuel Bozarth
MarriageLewis CLARKSTONView this family
about 1862 (Age 19 years)

Note: Lucy Clarkston's children were listed as heirs in Lewis Clarkston's probate.
Note: There is no known record of a marriage but Lewis' probate contains the phrase "...except the property reserved as the absolute property of the widow ..." So it is certain that Lewis was married at the time of his death.
Index Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis Clarkston
Index Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis Clarkston

Note: Index entry from Ozark Co Book A showing sale from Lucy to John Duggin, Lewis Clarkston's son-in-law, in 1871. Book A, pg 562.

Death of a husbandSamuel Bozarth
about 1862 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a daughter
January 11, 1864 (Age 21 years)
Note: From her tombstone.
Birth of a son
1866 (Age 23 years)
Death of a husbandLewis CLARKSTON
December 1868 (Age 26 years)
Note: Date is from Ozark County MO probate records (FHL film 929574). For more details, see the NOTES sec…

Census June 1870 (Age 28 years)
Note: Lucy Clarkston, née Alley, and her children are living with her parents Wiley and Charlotte Alley i…
Census June 1880 (Age 38 years)
Note: 1880 United States Federal Census For Lucy Gower
Death May 14, 1915 (Age 73 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 13, 1841Sumner Co, TN
9 months
Family with Lewis CLARKSTON - View this family
Marriage: about 1862
2 years
3 years
Family with Samuel Bozarth - View this family
Marriage: about 1858Missouri
Family with Asa GOWER - View this family
Lewis CLARKSTON + Mary ¿Legg? - View this family
husband’s wife
-3 years
21 months
5 years
2 years
Elizabeth Clarkston DugginElizabeth CLARKSTON
Birth: January 18, 1840 32 29Taney Co, MO
Death: February 25, 1928Porum, Muskogee Co, OK
3 years
3 years
6 years
1 year
4 years
Lewis CLARKSTON + Sarah ¿ROBINSON? - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 13, 1853Boone Co, MO
5 years


Lucy Alley is listed as daughter of Wiley Alley and wife Charlotta.


1860 United States Federal Census For Samuel Bozarth Age: 30 Birth Year: abt 1830 Gender: Male Birth Place: Tennessee Home in 1860: Campbell, Taney, Missouri Post Office: Priors Store

Samuel Bozarth 30 Lucey Bozarth 19 Lafayett Bozarth 6 Sarah Bozarth 3 George Bozarth 19


Lucy Clarkston's children were listed as heirs in Lewis Clarkston's probate.


There is no known record of a marriage but Lewis' probate contains the phrase "...except the property reserved as the absolute property of the widow ..." So it is certain that Lewis was married at the time of his death.


Lucy Clarkston, née Alley, and her children are living with her parents Wiley and Charlotte Alley in 1870.

1870 United States Federal Census For Wiley Alley

Home in 1870: Washington, Webster, Missouri Post Office: Sand Springs

Willey Alley 50 Charlotte Alley 48

Lucy Clarkston 28 Charlotte Clarkston 5 John W Clarkston 3

Joseph Hunter 18 Missouri Alley 14 Samuel Alley 12 Amanda Alley 8 Josephine Alley 7


1880 United States Federal Census For Lucy Gower Age: 35 Birth Date: Abt 1845 Birthplace: Tennessee Home in 1880: Beaver, Taney, Missouri , USA

Asa Gower 30 Lucy Gower 35 Samuel T. Gower 6 William L. Gower 4 Laura Gower 1 Verginea Gower 32


That Lucy is a third wife to Lewis Clarkston is not proved but based on real data. Supposedly Lucy was married to a "John W Clarkson" but it is MORE likely that Lucy was married to Lewis Clarkston since her children Charlota and John were listed as heirs of Lewis Clarkston in his probate, along with his other children. Lucy's children retained the Clarkston name into adulthood. Lucy was married to widower Samuel Bozarth about 1858 and, after Lewis died in 1869, she then married Asa Gower about 1872.


From VirJean28, Posted: 22 Jun 2007, Message Board for Bozarth.

SAMUEL C.7 BOZARTH (JOSEPH6, LEVI5 BOZORTH, JOSEPH4, JOHN3, SIMON2, JEAN/JOHN BOSSARD/1) was born Abt. 1828 in White County, Tennessee, and died Abt. 1862 in Missouri. He married (1) ELIZABETH ROBBINS 18 Oct 1851 in White County, Tennessee, daughter of STEPHEN ROBBINS and ESTHER JOHNSON. She was born 17 Apr 1832 in Tennessee, and died 03 May 1857 in Taney County, Missouri. He married (2) LUCY ELIZABETH ALLEY Bet. 1858 - 1860 in (Taney County, Missouri). She was born 22 Apr 1842 in Kentucky, and died 14 May 1917 in Dallas, Jackson County, Missouri.


The probate records and the census of 1870 hint, but do not state, that Lewis Clarkston had a third wife, or at least. a third family. There are two young Clarkston heirs, Charlota 5 and John 2, who are probably not children of Lewis' second wife Sarah as she was likely dead by 1869 since she is not mentioned in the estate. There is a younger woman, Lucy Clarkston, who is not identified as a family member but who was present during the sale of the estate. This woman, Lucy Clarkston, appears to be the mother of said Charlotte and John according to the 1870 census of Washington, Webster Co, MO. Also, after Lewis' death, Lucy sold land that Lewis had owned. It is likely she inherited it as part of her dower.

MarriageIndex Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis ClarkstonIndex Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis Clarkston
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Note: Index entry from Ozark Co Book A showing sale from Lucy to John Duggin, Lewis Clarkston's son-in-law, in 1871. Book A, pg 562.
MarriageInventory, Including Land, For Lewis Clarkston ProbateInventory, Including Land, For Lewis Clarkston Probate
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Type: Document
Media objectLucy Clarkston with Charlota & John Clarkston in Census 1870Lucy Clarkston with Charlota & John Clarkston in Census 1870
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Image dimensions: 1,040 × 446 pixels
File size: 471 KB
Type: Document
Media objectFirst two pages of Lewis Clarkson's probate record.
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File size: 135 KB
Media objectLucy Alley Clarkston Was Present at Sale of Lewis Clarkston's EstateLucy Alley Clarkston Was Present at Sale of Lewis Clarkston's Estate
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 1,160 × 1,374 pixels
File size: 1,572 KB
Type: Document