Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Pedro RONQUILLO de AMAYAAge: 54 years16001654

Given names
Also known as
Capitan Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya
Birth 1600
Note: The census of 1650 states that Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya was native of Ferenal de la Sierra which clo…
MarriageIsabel BENITEZView this family

Note: A court case starting in 1649 contains dozens of pages concerning the settling Pedro Ronquillo's de…

Warning About Indian Rebels
1644 (Age 44 years)
Note: In 1644 Captain Pedro Ronquillo wrote a letter warning the government about the dangers from Indian …
Petition 1644 (Age 44 years)
Note: 1422 1467 Contra Jeronimo indio Sinaloa criado de Diego Romo y a Pedro indio Sinaloa que servia a Pe…
Archive Entries
1649 (Age 49 years)
Note: 998 1274 Sobre pesos, por Alonso Morales Garcia y Toribio de Evia contra Pedro Ronquillo. 94 ff. G-4…
Birth of a son
1650 (Age 50 years)
Census 1650 (Age 50 years)
Note: The census entry for Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya states he was from Ferenel de la Sierra (which is probably Fregenal de la Sierra in Extremadura of Spain.)
Baptism of a daughterAngela Maria RONQUILLO y BENITEZ
March 20, 1652 (Age 52 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Angela Maria Ronquillo Venites
Death 1654 (Age 54 years)
Cause of death: Died in a Fall

The census of 1650 states that Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya was native of Ferenal de la Sierra which closely agrees with the following from, Contributed By Yolanda Ronquillo, 10 April 2017

"In researching my 8th great grandfather Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya I found his birth place to be Fregenal de la Sierra which lies near the border of Portugal and about 48 kilometers from El Ronquillo a small town ... The town of El Ronquillo had been a stopping place for the crusaders because of a well and has a rich history of being a stop off place for travelers. I believe that the closeness of Fregenal de la Sierra and El Ronquillo will bring more connections for this search for our ancestors."


A court case starting in 1649 contains dozens of pages concerning the settling Pedro Ronquillo's debts before and after his death in 1654. Declarations by his widow Isabel Benitz clearly establish that she was Pedro's widow, that she was married previously to Simon Cordero and that Andrea Ronquillo and Pedro Ronquillo (Jr) were minor children Of Pedro's at the time of his death in 1654.

The entire records are in the Fondos de Parral archives.

UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Civil case- widow trying to collect on estates of 2 dead husbands Serial Number 100-00285 Title Civil case- widow trying to collect on estates of 2 dead husbands Date 11-00-1649 Documentation San Bartolome. November 1649 thru September 1656 orig. Sgnd. Summary This very long Series of documents deals with, first, debts incurred by Capt. Ronquillo to Alonso Moralez Garcia and then Bartolome Garcia. Then Ronquillo Dies in fall of 1654, and the rest of the documents primarily concern Isabel Benitez zuida establishing the case that Ronquillo was her Husband, and she thus is entitled to a certain sum of goods of the estate - because she was first married to Simon Cordero and it appears had owned many articles and goods from his estate when he died and left her a widow. These things she brought to the Ronquillo estate when she married him and wants back now. Persons- captain Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya of San Bartolome; Alonso Moralez Garcia y Toribio, Parral; Bartolome Garcia, citizen and merchant of Parral; Isabel Benitez zuida?; alfarez Simon Cordero; captain Diego de Aquileta y Peralta, Alcalde mayor, and capitan de Guerrera, of Pueblo of Valle de San Bartolome. (Roger Davis) (1975) Persons Ronquillo de Amaya, Pedro (Captain)Moralez Garcia y Toribio, AlonsoGarcia, Bartolome (Citizen) (Merchant)Benitez , IsabelCordero, Simon (Alferez)Aquileta y Peralta, Diego de (Alcalde Mayor) (Capitan de Guerrera) Places San Bartolome First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1649c fr. 1274-1373. Original Location AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1649c fr. 1274-1373 Batch Reference Number 1010


In 1644 Captain Pedro Ronquillo wrote a letter warning the government about the dangers from Indian attacks facing the population in Valle de San Bartolomé. Original available in the Fondos del Parral.

AHMPFCA20001006 Gobierno y administración Peticiones Valle de San Bartolomé 05/12/1644 El capitán Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya, con poder de los vecinos y labradores del Valle de San Bartolomé, solicita que se suspenda la visita en proceso a dicho valle por el peligro que representan los indios rebeldes.


1422 1467 Contra Jeronimo indio Sinaloa criado de Diego Romo y a Pedro indio Sinaloa que servia a Pedro Ronquillo y otro Sinaloa que servia al Pe. Joseph Pascual en San Phelipe y otros dos, por abigeato. 9 ff. G-42 Año 1644


998 1274 Sobre pesos, por Alonso Morales Garcia y Toribio de Evia contra Pedro Ronquillo. 94 ff. G-40 Año 1649

1148 .. Sobre el embargo de arrendamiento de las casas que ocupa Pedro Ronquillo. 8 ff. Véase no. 6358 (C8.240). Rescatado. R-223 Año 1651

1309 1767 Contra Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya por riña con diferentes indios de los mineros. 3 ff. G-10 Año 1652

1422 1467 Contra Jeronimo indio Sinaloa criado de Diego Romo y a Pedro indio Sinaloa que servia a Pedro Ronquillo y otro Sinaloa que servia al Pe. Joseph Pascual en San Phelipe y otros dos, por abigeato. 9 ff. G-42 Año 1654


The census entry for Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya states he was from Ferenel de la Sierra (which is probably Fregenal de la Sierra in Extremadura of Spain.)


UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Civil case- widow trying to collect on estates of 2 dead husbands Serial Number 100-00285 Title Civil case- widow trying to collect on estates of 2 dead husbands Date 11-00-1649 Documentation San Bartolome. November 1649 thru September 1656 orig. Sgnd. Summary This very long Series of documents deals with, first, debts incurred by Capt. Ronquillo to Alonso Moralez Garcia and then Bartolome Garcia. Then Ronquillo Dies in fall of 1654, and the rest of the documents primarily concern Isabel Benitez zuida establishing the case that Ronquillo was her Husband, and she thus is entitled to a certain sum of goods of the estate - because she was first married to Simon Cordero and it appears had owned many articles and goods from his estate when he died and left her a widow. These things she brought to the Ronquillo estate when she married him and wants back now. Persons- captain Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya of San Bartolome; Alonso Moralez Garcia y Toribio, Parral; Bartolome Garcia, citizen and merchant of Parral; Isabel Benitez zuida?; alfarez Simon Cordero; captain Diego de Aquileta y Peralta, Alcalde mayor, and capitan de Guerrera, of Pueblo of Valle de San Bartolome. (Roger Davis) (1975) Persons Ronquillo de Amaya, Pedro (Captain)Moralez Garcia y Toribio, AlonsoGarcia, Bartolome (Citizen) (Merchant)Benitez , IsabelCordero, Simon (Alferez)Aquileta y Peralta, Diego de (Alcalde Mayor) (Capitan de Guerrera) Places San Bartolome First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1649c fr. 1274-1373. Original Location AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1649c fr. 1274-1373 Batch Reference Number 1010


UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya. Arrendamiento de una hacienda (Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya, Lease of a hacienda.) Serial Number 100-00408 Title Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya. Arrendamiento de una hacienda Author(s) Ronquillo de Amaya, Pedro Date 06-09-1652 Documentation San Joseph del Parral. June 9, 1652. 4p. Original. Signed. Summary Pedro Ronquillo tutor and executor of the estate of the late Simon Cordero, rents a hacienda, Santa Ana in Valle de San Bartolome to Joan Payan. Inventory included. Cost is 1,400 pesos a year. (R. Davis) (1977) Persons Ronquillo de Amaya, Pedro (Tutor y Curador) Vegaica, Geronimo de Payan, Juan Cordero, Simon Morales Garcia, Alonso Venitez Cordero, Josephina Places San Joseph del Parral (Real)San Bartolome (Valle) First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1652c fr. 1049-1051.


UAir - University of Arizona Institutional Repository Documentary Relations of the Southwest Serial Number 100-00445 Title Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya. Pleito criminal. Author(s) Ronquillo de Amaya, Pedro Date 10-27-1652 Documentation San Joseph del Parral. October 27, 1652. Original. Signed. Summary Justicio mayor Geronimo comes upon a fight with Pedro Ronquillo beating up an Indian, Miguel de Silva. Both are arrested and testimony shows Miguel had wounded a mulato slave of Pedro's. Miguel is ordered to prison for unspecified term. (R. Davis) (1977) Places San Joseph del Parral (Real) First Location AZU Film 0318 rl. 1652d fr. 1767-1771. Original Location AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1652d fr. 1767-1771


Note taken from by Zulema Trejo & José Marcos Medina at

"I have gleaned fragments of their story. I believe Isabel was baptized 1613 in Albacete, Spain in the church of San Juan Bautista. (When referencing online where the Spanish colonist of Parra Chihuahua mainly came from in Spain I found reference to Andalusia which fits with Isabel’s origins.) I don’t know why Isabel came to be in the Valley of Allende, Chihuahua but she shows up here in the church records having married Simon Cordero and have three or more children with him beginning in 1636, again verified with baptismal church records. Isabel would been 23 at the baptism of her first child. Simon Cordero was named as one of the original settlers of this area. Simon is also references as ‘tutor’ to Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya for a position of Encomendero de San Bartolomé for the Conchos Indian people. This title and practice of ‘encomendar’ is explained in the below critique. “Another type of forced labour was the encomienda system by which certain Spaniards had the obligation of christianizing a native group and in return the indigenous people had to give tribute.” Simon dies and Isabel and Pedro marry in 1650. They have three children, Pedro, Andrea and Angela. Her second child, Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya Benitez is our ancestor. Isabel was 37 at this point. Pedro dies either from a fall or in the fall of 1654 and leaves much debt. (Here is a part of the story that is a mystery. Why if Pedro inherits Simon’s wealth of land and animals, which was substancial, does he die in debt?) After his death two men come forward and claim the whole lot. Isabel enters into a civil suit to get back her property, property she brought from Simon into the marriage with Pedro."

MarriageWidow Isabel Benitez States Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya Has Died, Oct 1654Widow Isabel Benitez States Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya Has Died, Oct 1654
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MarriageAndrea and Pedro Ronquillo Are Declared Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya's Minor ChildrenAndrea and Pedro Ronquillo Are Declared Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya's Minor Children
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CensusEntry for Pedro Ronquillo in 1650 CensusEntry for Pedro Ronquillo in 1650 Census
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DeathWidow Isabel Benitez States Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya Has Died, Oct 1654Widow Isabel Benitez States Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya Has Died, Oct 1654
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Image dimensions: 1,513 × 1,525 pixels
File size: 472 KB
Type: Document