Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Valerio S RAMIREZAge: 75 years18651940

Given names
Valerio S
Birth July 25, 1865
Note: Taken from death record in 1940, the birth year is likely wrong. Since his sister was born in 1864, according to her birth certificate, the year should be 1865. The document does not state the county. Could be either Peña Blanca in Sandoval County where the family formerly lived or it could be Peña Blanca near Rociada.
Census 1880 (Age 14 years)
MarriageCrisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGILView this family
1882 (Age 16 years)

Note: According to 1900 census.
Birth of a daughter
Matilde “Tille” RAMIREZ
December 10, 1888 (Age 23 years)

1894 (Age 28 years)
Note: Valerio Was Granted a Land Patent in 1894 in Mora County near Rociada, NM.

CensusCrisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGILView this family
1900 (Age 34 years)
Note: 1900 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez
CensusCrisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGILView this family
1910 (Age 44 years)
Note: 1910 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez
CensusCrisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGILView this family
1930 (Age 64 years)
Note: 1930 United States Federal Census For Valerio Ramirez
Death of a wifeCrisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGIL
February 11, 1938 (Age 72 years)
Note: Record names her parents as Jesus Maria Sanchez and Lupita Vigil and her birthday Nov 1 1864.
Census 1940 (Age 74 years) Age: 78
Note: Valerio Ramirez United States Census, 1940
Death December 28, 1940 (Age 75 years) Age: 76
Note: Valerio S. Ramirez In New Mexico Deaths (Familysearch)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1855
8 years
elder brother
21 months
elder sister
16 months
-5 years
elder sister
Family with Crisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGIL - View this family
Marriage: 1882
7 years


Taken from death record in 1940, the birth year is likely wrong. Since his sister was born in 1864, according to her birth certificate, the year should be 1865. The document does not state the county. Could be either Peña Blanca in Sandoval County where the family formerly lived or it could be Peña Blanca near Rociada.


United States Federal Census For Valerio Ramirez Birthplace: New Mexico Territory Home in 1880: Rincon Del Tecolote, San Miguel, New Mexico, USA Father's name: Jose Ramirez Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's name: Camila Ramirez Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Occupation: Farm/Laborer Attended School: Yes Name Age Jose Ramirez 44 Camila Ramirez 35 Valerio Ramirez 18 Analia Ramirez 14 Trevino Ramirez 10 Candido Ramirez 8 Adelaido Ramirez 6 Braulio Ramirez 4 Porfino Ramirez 1


According to 1900 census.


Valerio Was Granted a Land Patent in 1894 in Mora County near Rociada, NM.


1900 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez Birth Date: Jun 1863 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1900: Gascon, Mora, New Mexico Marriage Year: 1882 Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother: Number of Living Children: 3 Mother: How Many Children: 5 Valerio Ramirez 39 Crisanta Ramirez 36 Canuto Ramirez 14 Felicita Ramirez 16 Tile Ramirez 12


1910 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez Name: Crisanta Ramirez Age in 1910: 45 Birth Year: abt 1865 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1910: Pena Blanca, San Miguel, New Mexico (Penasco Blanco) Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Native Tongue: English Able to Read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Years Married: 29 Number of Children Born: 6 Number of Children Living: 3 Valerio Ramirez 47 Crisanta Ramirez 45 Canuto Ramirez 24 Matilde Ramirez 19 Alvina Ramirez 11 (Adopted)


1930 United States Federal Census For Valerio Ramirez Birth Year: abt 1867 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1930: Pena Blanca, San Miguel, New Mexico, USA Home Owned or Rented: Owned Age at first Marriage: 20 Able to Read and Write: Yes Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Able to Speak English: Yes Occupation: Farmer
Name Age Valerio Ramirez 63 Crisanta Ramirez 62


Valerio Ramirez United States Census, 1940 Event Place: Election Precinct 13 Rociada, San Miguel, New Mexico, United Age: 78 Marital Status: Widowed Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Canuto Ramerez Head Male 54 New Mexico Mela Ramerez Wife Female 43
Alfonso Ramerez Son Male 29
Virginia Ramerez Daughter Female 18
Joe Anna Ramerez Granddaughter Female 5
Valerio Ramerez Father Male 78 Father Salamon Sanchez Adopted son Male 10
Pedro Sena Lodger Male 55
Genoviva Sena Lodger's daughter Female 6


Valerio S. Ramirez In New Mexico Deaths (Familysearch) Name Valerio S. Ramirez Event Date 28 Dec 1940 Event Place Rociada, San Miguel, New Mexico Gender Male Age 76 Birth Year (Estimated) 1864 Father's Name Jose Ramirez Mother's Name Camila Aragan

Census1880 Census for Jose and Camila Ramirez Family, Rincon del Tecolote1880 Census for Jose and Camila Ramirez Family, Rincon del Tecolote
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File size: 246 KB
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PropertyLocation of Valerio Ramirez Land Brant of 1894Location of Valerio Ramirez Land Brant of 1894
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File size: 827 KB
Type: Map
PropertyHomestead Certificate 1867 Granted to Valerio in 1894, 157 acres near Rociada.Homestead Certificate 1867 Granted to Valerio in 1894, 157 acres near Rociada.
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Type: Document
DeathValerio S Ramirez Death Record, Rociada NM, 1940Valerio S Ramirez Death Record, Rociada NM, 1940
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File size: 465 KB
Type: Document