Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Crisanta SANCHEZ Y VIGILAge: 73 years18641938

Given names
Married name
Crisanta RAMIREZ
Also known as
Cresenita S Ramirez
Also known as
Crisanta Vigil
Birth November 1, 1864
Death of a fatherJesus Maria SANCHEZ
November 10, 1880 (Age 16 years)
MarriageValerio S RAMIREZView this family
1882 (Age 17 years)

Note: According to 1900 census.
Birth of a daughter
Matilde “Tille” RAMIREZ
December 10, 1888 (Age 24 years)

CensusValerio S RAMIREZView this family
1900 (Age 35 years)
Note: 1900 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez
CensusValerio S RAMIREZView this family
1910 (Age 45 years)
Note: 1910 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez
CensusValerio S RAMIREZView this family
1930 (Age 65 years)
Note: 1930 United States Federal Census For Valerio Ramirez
Death February 11, 1938 (Age 73 years)
Note: Record names her parents as Jesus Maria Sanchez and Lupita Vigil and her birthday Nov 1 1864.
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
8 years
Family with Valerio S RAMIREZ - View this family
Marriage: 1882
7 years


According to 1900 census.


1900 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez Birth Date: Jun 1863 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1900: Gascon, Mora, New Mexico Marriage Year: 1882 Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother: Number of Living Children: 3 Mother: How Many Children: 5 Valerio Ramirez 39 Crisanta Ramirez 36 Canuto Ramirez 14 Felicita Ramirez 16 Tile Ramirez 12


1910 United States Federal Census For Crisanta Ramirez Name: Crisanta Ramirez Age in 1910: 45 Birth Year: abt 1865 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1910: Pena Blanca, San Miguel, New Mexico (Penasco Blanco) Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Native Tongue: English Able to Read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Years Married: 29 Number of Children Born: 6 Number of Children Living: 3 Valerio Ramirez 47 Crisanta Ramirez 45 Canuto Ramirez 24 Matilde Ramirez 19 Alvina Ramirez 11 (Adopted)


1930 United States Federal Census For Valerio Ramirez Birth Year: abt 1867 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1930: Pena Blanca, San Miguel, New Mexico, USA Home Owned or Rented: Owned Age at first Marriage: 20 Able to Read and Write: Yes Father's Birthplace: New Mexico Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Able to Speak English: Yes Occupation: Farmer
Name Age Valerio Ramirez 63 Crisanta Ramirez 62


Record names her parents as Jesus Maria Sanchez and Lupita Vigil and her birthday Nov 1 1864.

DeathDeath Record of Crisanta Ramirez, 1938, Rociada NMDeath Record of Crisanta Ramirez, 1938, Rociada NM
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