Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Martha Alice (Allie) GANN1886

Martha Alice (Allie) GANN
Given names
Martha Alice (Allie)
Birth 1886 29 17
Birth of a brotherAndrew GANN
February 18, 1888 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherElbert (Ebb) GANN
August 14, 1890 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherGaley GANN
November 18, 1895 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterLillie Mae GANN
January 26, 1898 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherOrville GANN
May 11, 1906 (Age 20 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAnn Martha GANN
about 1911 (Age 25 years)

Note: Martha was in the 1910 census. Martha's husband Henry Gann is listed as a widower in the 1920 censu…
Death of a maternal grandfatherWilliam Henry GANN
February 16, 1925 (Age 39 years)
Death of a motherSarah Lucinda GANN
May 9, 1934 (Age 48 years)
Death of a motherSarah Lucinda GANN
May 9, 1934 (Age 48 years)
Death of a sisterLillie Mae GANN
December 3, 1940 (Age 54 years)
Death of a fatherJim Hyder GANN
July 15, 1943 (Age 57 years)
Death of a brotherGaley GANN
October 25, 1957 (Age 71 years)
Death of a brotherAndrew GANN
December 30, 1967 (Age 81 years)
Death of a brotherElbert (Ebb) GANN
July 10, 1971 (Age 85 years)
Death of a brotherOrville GANN
March 12, 1977 (Age 91 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 16, 1881Buffalo, Dallas Co Mo
Marriage: January 16, 1881Buffalo, Dallas Co, MO
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
8 years
younger brother
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Shared note


From Craig Hubbard, 1847 Garnet St, Corona, CA 91710 12/28/95.