Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Pedro Nolasco VALDEZAge: 37 years18421880

Pedro Nolasco VALDEZ
Given names
Pedro Nolasco
Note: I have merged two individuals based on records on the internet; e.g the husband of Maria Perfecta Vigil is the same as the son of Juan Jose Valdez and Lina Salazar. This is probably true but I would like to find a contemporary written record that confirms it.
Baptism February 3, 1842
Note: Pedro Nolasco Baldes
MarriageMaria Perfecta VIGILView this family

Census June 1, 1850 (Age 8 years)
Note: Likely entry for Pedro Valez' Family in 1850 Census
Census between June 1860 and October 1860 (Age 18 years)
Address: Precinct 6, Rio Arriba, New Mexico Territory -- Los Luceros
Note: 1860 United States Federal Census
Baptism of a daughterMaria Nieves VALDES
July 30, 1865 (Age 23 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria De Los Nieves Valdez
CensusMaria Perfecta VIGILView this family
1870 (Age 27 years)
Note: 1870 United States Federal Census For Nieves Valdez
Baptism of a sonAdolfo VALDES
May 5, 1870 (Age 28 years)
Note: Adolfo Valdes From New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918
Birth of a son
Francisco VALDES
1871 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a daughter
1877 (Age 34 years)
Death before 1880 (Age 37 years)
Note: Deceased, according to marriage record of his daughter Nieves in 1880.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Juana de los Reyes VALDES
March 7, 1975 (95 years after death)
Note: Maria Juana De Los Reyes Valdes From New Mexico Births and Christenings
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Maria Perfecta VIGIL - View this family
6 years
7 years
98 years
-105 years
Baptism: May 5, 1870 28 24Holy Cross Catholic, Santa Clara, Rio Arriba, New Mexico


Pedro Nolasco Baldes

Name Pedro Nolasco Baldes Sex Male Father's Name Juan José Baldes Father's Sex Male Mother's Name María Luisa Salazar Mother's Sex Female Event Type Christening Event Date 3 Feb 1842 Event Place Santa Clara, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, United States Event Place (Original) Holy Cross Catholic, Santa Clara, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, United States


Likely entry for Pedro Valez' Family in 1850 Census


1860 United States Federal Census Name Pedro Valdez Age 16 Birth Year abt 1844 Gender Male Race White Birth Place New Mexico Home in 1860 Precinct 6, Rio Arriba, New Mexico Territory Post Office Los Luceros Dwelling Number 602 Family Number 602 Occupation Laborer Personal Estate Value 24 Household Members (Name) Age Jose Valdez 65 Lena Salazar 36 Catalina Valdez 18 Pedro Valdez 16 Bartolo Valdez 14 Tomas Valdez 12 Casio Valdez 4 Placida Valdez 3/12


1870 United States Federal Census For Nieves Valdez Age in 1870: 3 Birthplace: New Mexico Dwelling Number: 10 Home in 1870: Tierra Azul, Rio Arriba, New Mexico Territory Race: White Gender: Female Inferred Father: Pedro Valdez Inferred Mother: Perfecta Valdez Pedro Valdez 25 Perfecta Valdez 20 Nieves Valdez 3 Adolfo J Valdez 2


I have merged two individuals based on records on the internet; e.g the husband of Maria Perfecta Vigil is the same as the son of Juan Jose Valdez and Lina Salazar. This is probably true but I would like to find a contemporary written record that confirms it.


Deceased, according to marriage record of his daughter Nieves in 1880.

Census1850 Census in Rio Arriba for Valdez Family1850 Census in Rio Arriba for Valdez Family
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