Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria Loreto TRUGILLOAge: 57 years18131870

Maria Loreto TRUGILLO
Given names
Maria Loreto
Also known as
Loreto Trujillo
Birth about 1813 34 25
Note: Based on census of 1845
Religious marriageJuan de Jesus ABEYTAView this family
May 18, 1826 (Age 13 years)
Note: New Mexico Marriages record for Juan De Jesus Beita
Birth of a daughter
about 1831 (Age 18 years)
Note: In 1845 census of Abiquiu she was listed as 14 years old, married.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Guadalupe ABEYTA
April 26, 1833 (Age 20 years)
Baptism of a sonFrancisco Antonio ABEYTA
August 1835 (Age 22 years)
ResidenceJuan de Jesus ABEYTAView this family
1836 (Age 23 years)
Note: New Mexico, Census, Military, and Other Records of Mexico, 1821-1846 on

Baptism of a daughterMaria Josefa ABEYTA
December 19, 1839 (Age 26 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings
CensusJuan de Jesus ABEYTAView this family
1845 (Age 32 years)
Note: From Virginia L Olmstead's 1975 book on 1790, 1828, 1845 Census of New Mexico:
Census 1860 (Age 47 years)
Note: Loreto Trujillo is head of household, age 55, with Antonio, Bonifacia, Miguel and Jesus Abeita. She is living next to Pedro Trujillo, age 85.
Census 1870 (Age 57 years)
Note: Loreto Trujillo is head of household with Bonifacia 28, Miguel 26 and Juan de Jesus 24, all Abeitias.
Death after 1870 (Age 57 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Juan de Jesus ABEYTA - View this family
Marriage: May 18, 1826Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
9 years
4 years
Maria Josefa ABEYTA
Baptism: December 19, 1839 38 26Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
-8 years
2 years
Maria Guadalupe ABEYTA
Baptism: April 26, 1833 32 20Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico


Based on census of 1845


New Mexico Marriages record for Juan De Jesus Beita Spouse's Name Maria Loreta Trugillo Event Date 18 May 1826 Event Place Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico

Citing this Record: Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 16,621.


New Mexico, Census, Military, and Other Records of Mexico, 1821-1846 on Hacienda Records Ciudadano: Juan de Jesus Beitia Residence Date: 1836 Residence Place: New Mexico, USA

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From Virginia L Olmstead's 1975 book on 1790, 1828, 1845 Census of New Mexico:

Don Juan de Jesus Beitia M 45 Head Doña Loreata Trujillo F 32 Wife 2 Males 16, 9 mos 4 Females 12,8,4,3 (pg 194)


Loreto Trujillo is head of household, age 55, with Antonio, Bonifacia, Miguel and Jesus Abeita. She is living next to Pedro Trujillo, age 85.


Loreto Trujillo is head of household with Bonifacia 28, Miguel 26 and Juan de Jesus 24, all Abeitias.

Shared note

The baptism record in 1833 names the grandparents of Maria Guadalupe Abeyta; e.g the parents of Juan de Jesus Abeyta and Loreto Trugillo.

Paternal Grandparents: Pablo Antonio Beitia (Abeyta) & Ana Maria Martin Maternal Grandparents: Jose Maria Trugillo & Josefa Martin

Padrios: Jose Antonio Beitia & Maria Concepcion Vigil, vecinos de Plaza de Señor San Josephe.

MarriageMarriage of Juan Abeyta & Loreto Trugillo, 1826, AbiquiuMarriage of Juan Abeyta & Loreto Trugillo, 1826, Abiquiu
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Image dimensions: 1,484 × 726 pixels
File size: 138 KB
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ResidenceJuan de Jesus Abeyta in Hacienda Records, 1836, Near Abiquiu NMJuan de Jesus Abeyta in Hacienda Records, 1836, Near Abiquiu NM
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Image dimensions: 462 × 705 pixels
File size: 88 KB
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Residence1836 List of Individuals in Compania de Abajo Abiquiu1836 List of Individuals in Compania de Abajo Abiquiu
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Type: Document
Census1845 Census of Abiquiu, NM Shows Juan Beitia & Pedro Trujillo Families1845 Census of Abiquiu, NM Shows Juan Beitia & Pedro Trujillo Families
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Image dimensions: 3,517 × 5,142 pixels
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Type: Document
Census1860 Census of Area With Associated Families of Petra Abeyta1860 Census of Area With Associated Families of Petra Abeyta
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Image dimensions: 4,662 × 6,635 pixels
File size: 1,830 KB
Type: Document
Census1870 Census of Pablo Trujillo and Associated Families, Rio Arriba1870 Census of Pablo Trujillo and Associated Families, Rio Arriba
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Image dimensions: 2,903 × 4,026 pixels
File size: 1,304 KB
Type: Document