Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary Isabel GannAge: 83 years19262010

Mary Isabel Gann
Given names
Mary Isabel
Married name
Mary Isabel Silkey
Birth March 4, 1926 20 18
Birth of a siblingJ. L. Gann
June 29, 1927 (Age 15 months)
Death of a siblingJ. L. Gann
June 29, 1927 (Age 15 months)
Birth of a brotherPaul Dean Gann
January 10, 1934 (Age 7 years)
Death of a brotherPaul Dean Gann
October 31, 1934 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a son
Terry Wayne Silkey
December 21, 1946 (Age 20 years)
Death of a sonTerry Wayne Silkey
December 22, 1946 (Age 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherSarah Ann “Sadie” ROGERS
January 14, 1956 (Age 29 years)

Death of a fatherElvin Paul Gann
October 22, 1980 (Age 54 years)
Death of a motherClara Leon Watkins
March 13, 1987 (Age 61 years)
Burial of a motherClara Leon Watkins
March 15, 1987 (Age 61 years)
Death January 1, 2010 (Age 83 years)
Note: From findagrave. In 1999, Mary gave me a personal tour of the Gann areas of Missouri .
Family with parents - View this family
16 months
younger sibling
J. L. Gann
Birth: June 29, 1927 21 19Conway, Laclede Co, MO
Death: June 29, 1927Conway, Laclede Co, MO
younger brother
Paul Dean Gann
Birth: January 10, 1934 27 26Conway, Dallas Co, MO
Death: October 31, 1934Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Family with Private - View this family
Terry Wayne Silkey
Birth: December 21, 1946 20Springfield, Greene Co, MO
Death: December 22, 1946Springfield, Greene Co, MO


From findagrave. In 1999, Mary gave me a personal tour of the Gann areas of Missouri .

Isabel Gann Silkey was born March 4, 1926, at Charity, the daughter of Elvin Paul and Clara Watkins Gann. She died at McKendree Village Healthcare Center following a long illness. Services are Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 10 a.m. at Day Funeral Home, Marshfield, with burial in Marlin Cemetery.

She grew up in the Gann Community and attended Green Mountain Baptist Church. She had a strong faith in Jesus Christ. She graduated from Conway High School and attended Southwest Missouri State University. After obtaining her teaching certificate, she taught first through eighth grades in a one-room school at Flint Ridge. She left teaching and married Rudolph Albert Silkey on Feb. 7, 1946. To this union, a son, Terry Wayne, and a daughter Lanette Kay, were born. After their marriage, they moved to Wichita, Kan. She was employed by Macy's department store as a home decorator. After retirement, they moved to Nashville, Tenn.

Mary was active in Church and school activities. She enjoyed all forms of needlework. As long as her health permitted, she was a member of the Embroiders Guild of America and the American Needlepoint Guild. Several of her works were displayed at local exhibitions.

She also became very interested in documenting her family history. She was a member of the Middle Tennessee Genealogical society and the Gann Family Historical Society and Library. She especially enjoyed attending their annual Gann gatherings. Through this organization, she was reunited with several family members whose families were from Dallas county. In 1994, she went to Europe with the Gann's and she visited sites where the Gann family may have lived prior to moving to the United States.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Rudolph; her brother, Gayford "Sonnie" Gann; and her son, Terry Wayne.

Shared note


From Mary Gann Silkey, Nashville, TN.