Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Verda Hessie GannAge: 84 years19051989

Verda Hessie Gann
Birth January 30, 1905 26 22
Birth of a brotherElvin Paul Gann
January 16, 1906 (Age 11 months)
Birth of a brotherEarnest Gann
1910 (Age 4 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnn Martha GANN
about 1911 (Age 5 years)

Note: Martha was in the 1910 census. Martha's husband Henry Gann is listed as a widower in the 1920 censu…
Death of a brotherEarnest Gann
1912 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherCecil James Gann
May 1915 (Age 10 years)
Death of a brotherCecil James Gann
July 1915 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam Henry GANN
February 16, 1925 (Age 20 years)
Death of a fatherLeonard Silas “Len” GANN
May 14, 1925 (Age 20 years)
Death of a motherSarah Ann “Sadie” ROGERS
January 14, 1956 (Age 50 years)

Death of a brotherHenry Everett (Scatter) Gann
April 7, 1966 (Age 61 years)

Death of a brotherElvin Paul Gann
October 22, 1980 (Age 75 years)
Death May 14, 1989 (Age 84 years)

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elder brother
3 years
1 year
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
Earnest Gann
Birth: 1910 30 27Conway, Dallas Co, MO
Death: 1912Conway, Dallas Co, MO
5 years
younger brother
Cecil James Gann
Birth: May 1915 36 33Conway, Dallas Co, MO
Death: July 1915Conway, Dallas Co, MO
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Shared note


From Mary Gann Silkey, Nashville, TN.