Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jose Maria TRUGILLO1779

Given names
Jose Maria
Birth about 1779

MarriageJosefa MARTINView this family

Birth of a daughter
Maria Loreto TRUGILLO
about 1813 (Age 34 years)
Note: Based on census of 1845
Marriage of a childJuan de Jesus ABEYTAMaria Loreto TRUGILLOView this family
Type: Religious marriage
May 18, 1826 (Age 47 years)
Note: New Mexico Marriages record for Juan De Jesus Beita
CensusJosefa MARTINView this family
1836 (Age 57 years)
CensusJosefa MARTINView this family
1845 (Age 66 years)

Death of a daughterMaria Loreto TRUGILLO
after 1870 (Age 91 years)
Shared note

The baptism record in 1833 names the grandparents of Maria Guadalupe Abeyta; e.g the parents of Juan de Jesus Abeyta and Loreto Trugillo.

Paternal Grandparents: Pablo Antonio Beitia (Abeyta) & Ana Maria Martin Maternal Grandparents: Jose Maria Trugillo & Josefa Martin

Padrios: Jose Antonio Beitia & Maria Concepcion Vigil, vecinos de Plaza de Señor San Josephe.

CensusAtanacio Trugillo Lived Next to Parent - Jose Maria Trugillo, 1836Atanacio Trugillo Lived Next to Parent - Jose Maria Trugillo, 1836
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CensusAbiquiu Census 1845 Shows Jose Maria Trugillo, 66, and Wife Josefa Martin, 57Abiquiu Census 1845 Shows Jose Maria Trugillo, 66, and Wife Josefa Martin, 57
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