Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Teniente Juan de ABEYTA1704

Teniente Juan de ABEYTA
Name prefix
Given names
Juan de
Also known as
Juan de Abestia
Birth about 1704 24
Note: Probably Santa Fe.
Death of a fatherAlferez Diego ABEYTA
before 1725 (Age 21 years)

MarriageMaria ROSSA de SANTIESTEBANView this family
April 3, 1725 (Age 21 years)
Note: Info from Sara Gonzales Vaitohi on familysearch.
Death of a wifeMaria ROSSA de SANTIESTEBAN
before 1747 (Age 43 years)

Baptism of a sonAndres Franco de ABEYTA
December 2, 1747 (Age 43 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Andres Franco De Vestia
Baptism of a sonDiego Antonio de ABEYTA
April 16, 1750 (Age 46 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings
Baptism of a sonPablo Antonio ABEYTA
January 30, 1754 (Age 50 years)
Note: From Santa Cruz de la Cañada Baptisms 1710-1794 Vol 1
Baptism of a daughterMaria Barbara de ABEYTA
December 9, 1755 (Age 51 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria Barbara De Bestia
Marriage of a childAndres Franco de ABEYTAGregoria Ysidora MARTINView this family
April 12, 1776 (Age 72 years)
Marriage of a childJose Antonio MARTINMaria Barbara de ABEYTAView this family
June 6, 1781 (Age 77 years)
Marriage of a childPablo Antonio ABEYTAAna Maria MARTINView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 28, 1784 (Age 80 years)
Note: Marriage Records of Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu
Death of a sonPablo Antonio ABEYTA
April 23, 1818 (Age 114 years)
Theniente de Alcalde Mayor

Note: UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 13, 1698Santa Fe, New Mexico, Nueva España
7 years
Family with Maria Rita ESQUIBEL - View this family
2 years
Diego Antonio de ABEYTA
Baptism: April 16, 1750 46San Francisco de Asis Cathedral, Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico
4 years
22 months
Family with Maria ROSSA de SANTIESTEBAN - View this family
Marriage: April 3, 1725Santa Fe, New Mexico, Nueva España


Probably Santa Fe.


Info from Sara Gonzales Vaitohi on familysearch.


UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index Joseph Manuel Truxillo. Causa criminal de querella de Joseph Manuel Truxillo contra Antonio Balberde, y dos hijos suios. Serial Number 275-00733 Title Joseph Manuel Truxillo. Causa criminal de querella de Joseph Manuel Truxillo contra Antonio Balberde, y dos hijos suios. Author(s) Truxillo, Joseph Manuel Date09-08-1748 Date09-25-1748 Documentation Chama, la canada, Santa Fe. September 10, 1748. 34p. Causa criminal. Original. Signed. Dct. September 8, 1748-September 25, 1748. Summary A criminal action started by Joseph Manuel Truxillo against Antonio Balberde and his sons, who had assaulted Truxillo as a result of an argument involving an orphan girl living in Truxillo's house and the advances that one of Balberde's sons. Had made to her. Balberde was fined 20 pesos to pay for the cure administered to Truxillo, and another 10 pesos to pay court costs. They were also warned that if they cause more problems for Truxillo, that they will be exiled for four years. (R. (jackson) (1980)

Persons Beitia, Juan de (Theniente de Alcalde Mayor) Truxillo, Joseph Manuel Balberde, Joseph Domingo Lopes, Carlos Balberde, Juan Domingo Marquez, Diego Balberde, Antonio Gomes de Castillo, Francisco Trujillo, Vicente Gongora, Salbadora Balberde, Alberto Balberde, Pedro Mora, Juan Truxillo, Juana Codallos y Roybal, Joachin Manzanares, Thomasa Unanue, Phelipe Jacobo de Cruz, Leonardo de la Ginzo Ron y Thobar, Vizente Places Santa Cruz de la Canada (Villa) Chama (Puesto) Santa Clara (Mision) Nuebo Mexico (Reyno) Santa Fe (Villa)

Ethnic Groups Genizaro

First Location AZU Film 2182 rl. 08 fr. 0841-0874 Original Location SANM, Santa Fe, Span.Arch. 1621-1821, rl. 003 ff. 0841-0874


UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Master Index.

Peticion de los vezinos de la villa de Santa Cruz de la Canada. Serial Number 275-00718 Title . Peticion de los vezinos de la villa de Santa Cruz de la Canada. Date 04-10-1748 Documentation Santa Fe. April 10, 1748. 3 pages. Auto. Original. Signed. Summary A petition of the vezinos of la Canada asking for an order to have the Indians inspect the land in the jurisdiction of la Canada to locate a site for the grazing of livestock. (Robert H. Jackson) (1980) Persons Codallos y Rabal, Joachin (Gobernador) Beitia, Juan de (Alcalde Mayor) Places Santa Fe (Villa) Santa Cruz de la Canada (Villa) First Location AZU Film 2182 rl. 08 fr. 0808-0810. Original Location SANM, Santa Fe, Span.Arch. 1621-1821, rl. 008 ff. 0808-0810 Other Location UNM-Zimmerman Library. Language Spanish Notes Twitchell Vol. II, no. 0485.

MarriageMarriage of Juan Abeita With First Wife In 1725Marriage of Juan Abeita With First Wife In 1725
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