Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria Loreto GUTIERREZ1832

Maria Loreto GUTIERREZ
Given names
Maria Loreto
Married name
Maria Loreto GULURÉ
Baptism of a daughterMaria Josefa GURULÉ
August 25, 1810
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria Josefa Gurule
Birth of a son
Gaspar Reyes GURULÉ
ResidenceRamon GURULÉView this family
Note: Maria Josefa's 1825 marriage record states the family lived in La Angostura, near Algodones NM.
Marriage of a childFrancisco TRUJILLOMaria Josefa GURULÉView this family
November 21, 1825
Note: Parents of bride and groom were named:
Adoption of a sonGaspar Reyes GURULÉ

Adoption: Adopted by both parents
Death after 1832

Note: Loreto was a godparent for her granddaughter Maria Agapita in 1832 so died some time after that.

Maria Josefa's 1825 marriage record states the family lived in La Angostura, near Algodones NM.


Loreto was a godparent for her granddaughter Maria Agapita in 1832 so died some time after that.


Named in their daughter Maria Josefa Gurulé's 1810 baptism and 1825 wedding records.