Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jonas SHORT1831

Given names
Note: (This is speculative.) A Jonas Short was mentioned in the 1782 will of his brother Abraham Short of…
Birth of a son
Simeon SHORT
about 1790
Headright For Militia Service

Note: Jonas Short received 640 acres of Headright for his service in the Georgia Militia, under the command of Captain James Giles. The headright was reviewed in 1809, so he was probably still in GA at that time.
150 Acres From John Wyett on Shoal Creek
Note: From the Jackson County Deed Book A-B pp. 12-13: This indenture made the 22nd day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five between John WYETT and Mary his wife of the county of Oglethorpe and state aforesaid of the one part and Jonas SHORT of Oglethorpe County and said state of the other part, witnesseth: that said John WYETT and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pounds sterling to him in hand well and truly received by the said Jonas SHORT at and before the selling and delivery of these present the right whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed to the said Jonas SHORT, his heirs, and assigns, all that tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres, being the same more or less, situated, lying and being in the county of Franklin and on Shole (Shoal) Creek, butting on Morton, at a stake corner, thence to a poplar on Patton's line, from thence to a red oak on Stoddard's line, thence to an oak on Goram's line, together with all and singular the rights, members and appertances thereof whatsoever to the said of land being belonging or on anywise appertaining there unto to have and to hold the said tract of land unto the said Jonas SHORT, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said John WYETT and Mary his wife and their heirs and every other person whatsoever shall and will warrant forever, defend in witness whereof the said John WYETT and Mary his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written. Signed, John Wyett, Mary (her X mark) Wyett. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Joel Patton and Thos. Price. John Griffin, JP. Recorded 31 October 1796. Geo. Taylor, Clerk.
Birth of a daughter
Note: According to 1850 census of Simspn Co MS, Naomi SHORT Magee Miles was born in (approximately) 1797 in Ga.
Property 1798
Note: The tax digests for Jackson County show Jonas Short remained in Jackson County from the 1790s throug…

Property 1802
Note: Jonas Short bought land in Jackson Co GA in 1802: Hopkins, Wm. to Jonas Short 25 Aug. 1802 2 Jan 18…
Property 1807
Note: 1807 Georgia Land Lottery Grantees: 
David Short, 
Jonas Short
Census 1809
Note: The 1809 Tax list for Jackson County Ga lists two men named Short:
Washington Parish La

Note: In 1813 Jonas Short received land Certificate 783 in Washington Parish. He shared a long boundary with Evan James.

Residence 1814
Note: Jonas had moved to Washington/St Tammany Parish by 1814. His son Simeon was in the 13th LA Militia …
Marriage of a childEvan J MAGEENaomi SHORTView this family
November 26, 1815
Note: St Tammany LA Parish Marriage bonds: Evin Magee, 20 Nov 1815, to Naomi Short, daughter of Jonas Short.
Marriage of a childSimeon SHORTElizabeth MAGEEView this family
December 27, 1815
Marriage of a childJohn Robert “Robert” POWELLMartha Louisa SHORTView this family
May 13, 1818
Note: From CousinConnect web site:
Census 1820
Note: 1820 Census for Jonas Short Washington, Louisiana
Residence 1823
Note: Jonas Short had moved to Mississippi by 1823.
Note: In a book entitled CHANCERY BOOK 1820-1830, found in the Chancery Office of Copiah County, undated entries from pages 207,208 stated that Jonas Short sued Jacob Lilley for unknown reasons. The suit was filed sometime in late 1828. The jury found for the defendant but the Court may have overturned the verdict in favor of Jonas.

DivorceMary Ann View this family
November 26, 1831
Note: The marriage of Jonas Short and Mary Ann Short was dissolved by an act of the Mississippi Legislature in 1831.

Death 1831
Note: Jonas Short appeared in several tax lists from 1823 through 1825 but had disappeared from the tax ro…
Death 1840
Note: In 1840 a Jonas Short appeared in Texas with Simeon Short and Elbern Short where Jonas was granted 320 acres by a land commission in Jasper Co. This might have been old Jonas Short with his son and grandson. Or it might have been young (15 years old) Jonas, son of Simeon. No age was given in the land record.
Conditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841

Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.

Family with Mary Ann - View this family
Divorce: November 26, 1831Mississippi
-34 years
-6 years


(This is speculative.) A Jonas Short was mentioned in the 1782 will of his brother Abraham Short of Mechlenberg NC. Abraham was a soldier who drowned while serving as a dragoon in the SC Militia. Jonas Short of GA had served in the GA militia as is verified by 1790 land records of Ga. His commanding officer mentioned in GA records, Capt James Giles of Georgia State Troops, had also served in Hills Regiment of SC, in which Abraham Short of NC had served. So it is possible that our Jonas Short of GA was Abraham's brother.

From Mecklenburg County NC. Abstracts of Wills, 1763-1790: Will of Abraham Short, July 4th 1781 ... to my mother one cow my property; to my brother Dan? Short, my property, one sorrel horse; to my sister jane Short, one spinning wheel; to my brother William one silver watch; to my brother John Short, seven sound dollars .... my brother Jonas Short. ABRAHAM SHORT. April 1782 Will Book F, p 165


Jonas Short received 640 acres of Headright for his service in the Georgia Militia, under the command of Captain James Giles. The headright was reviewed in 1809, so he was probably still in GA at that time.


From the Jackson County Deed Book A-B pp. 12-13: This indenture made the 22nd day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five between John WYETT and Mary his wife of the county of Oglethorpe and state aforesaid of the one part and Jonas SHORT of Oglethorpe County and said state of the other part, witnesseth: that said John WYETT and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pounds sterling to him in hand well and truly received by the said Jonas SHORT at and before the selling and delivery of these present the right whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed to the said Jonas SHORT, his heirs, and assigns, all that tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres, being the same more or less, situated, lying and being in the county of Franklin and on Shole (Shoal) Creek, butting on Morton, at a stake corner, thence to a poplar on Patton's line, from thence to a red oak on Stoddard's line, thence to an oak on Goram's line, together with all and singular the rights, members and appertances thereof whatsoever to the said of land being belonging or on anywise appertaining there unto to have and to hold the said tract of land unto the said Jonas SHORT, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said John WYETT and Mary his wife and their heirs and every other person whatsoever shall and will warrant forever, defend in witness whereof the said John WYETT and Mary his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written. Signed, John Wyett, Mary (her X mark) Wyett. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Joel Patton and Thos. Price. John Griffin, JP. Recorded 31 October 1796. Geo. Taylor, Clerk.


The tax digests for Jackson County show Jonas Short remained in Jackson County from the 1790s through the early 1800s.

Georgia, Property Tax Digests, 1793-1893 Jonas Short 1798: Militia District: 47 acres, Captain John Cunninghams Co Jonas Short 1800: Militia District: 47 acres, Captain Benjamin Reynolds Co Jonas Short 1801: Militia District: 275 acres, Captain William Lloyds Co


Jonas Short bought land in Jackson Co GA in 1802: Hopkins, Wm. to Jonas Short 25 Aug. 1802 2 Jan 1804. Book D, page 19


1807 Georgia Land Lottery Grantees: 
David Short, 
Jonas Short


The 1809 Tax list for Jackson County Ga lists two men named Short:

Short Jonas Page 49 Short Daniel Page 27

Neither Jonas nor Daniel were included in the List of Tax Defaulters.

In the 1850 census Naomi SHORT Magee stated she was born in GA. This Jonas SHORT is likely her father.


In 1813 Jonas Short received land Certificate 783 in Washington Parish. He shared a long boundary with Evan James.


Jonas had moved to Washington/St Tammany Parish by 1814. His son Simeon was in the 13th LA Militia in 1814/15 during the War of 1812. His son Simeon and daughter Naomi were married in St Tammany Parish in 1815.

From the Powell Family genealogy web site:

Early records of Washington Parish, Louisiana lists these documents: \"Jonas Short with wife Mary was an early settler in the areas of Spring and Silver Creek in Washington Parish. Their daughter, Louisa married Robert Powell in St. Tammany Parish Louisiana, May 13, 1818.


1820 Census for Jonas Short Washington, Louisiana Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820 Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1 (3 sons at home) Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1 Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 (2 daughters at home) Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1 Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 Total Slaves: 2


Jonas Short had moved to Mississippi by 1823.

Mississippi Census, 1805-90 Jonas Short County: Copiah County Tax list Page: 024 Database: MS Early Census Index


In a book entitled CHANCERY BOOK 1820-1830, found in the Chancery Office of Copiah County, undated entries from pages 207,208 stated that Jonas Short sued Jacob Lilley for unknown reasons. The suit was filed sometime in late 1828. The jury found for the defendant but the Court may have overturned the verdict in favor of Jonas.


The marriage of Jonas Short and Mary Ann Short was dissolved by an act of the Mississippi Legislature in 1831.


Jonas Short appeared in several tax lists from 1823 through 1825 but had disappeared from the tax rolls by 1829. Davis Short was also in the tax rolls during this time. Jonas sued a Jacob Lilley in late 1828. In 1829 Wiot Short and John Short appeared on the rolls and Davis Short continued on the rolls.

However, in 1831 Mary Ann Short and Jonas Short's marriage was dissolved by an act of the Mississippi Legislature; thus Jonas was alive in 1831.


In 1840 a Jonas Short appeared in Texas with Simeon Short and Elbern Short where Jonas was granted 320 acres by a land commission in Jasper Co. This might have been old Jonas Short with his son and grandson. Or it might have been young (15 years old) Jonas, son of Simeon. No age was given in the land record.


Naomi SHORT claimed to be born in Georgia, according to her census entry. The following are assorted gleanings of "Jonas Short" taken from searches of records from Georgia.

A. 1807 Georgia Land Lottery Grantees ….
David Short 
Jonas Short

B. Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1796-1814. Jackson Co GA


The Sundrie? Bill of the goods and Chattels of Isaac? Armstrong Sale of this County Dec'd. Sold Nov. 23rd, 1799.
 Armstrong Jr., 1 Dun Head $15.00 Johnathan Armstrong, 1 Red Cow $12.00
 ... Jonas Short, 1 Colen Barton $9.00


It is probable that Davis Short of Copiah and Jefferson Co MS was also a son of Jonas and Mary Short. He was born in GA about 1792. He served in the 13th LA militia along with Simeon Short; he married Unity Barksdale in Marion Co MS close to Washington Co LA and he lived in Copiah Co MS in the 1820s, as did Jonas. He appeared in the 1850 census of Jefferson Co MS along with his (apparent) mother Mary Ann, the same name as Jonas' wife. So there is circumstantial evidence but no actual document stating a relationship with Jonas Short.

PropertyHeadright File from Georgia Archives for Jonas Short
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PropertyJonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co Ga 1798Jonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co Ga 1798
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PropertyJonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co GA 1800Jonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co GA 1800
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PropertyJonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co GA, 1801Jonas Short Tax Digest, Jackson Co GA, 1801
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PropertyLouisiana Land Certificate, Jonas Short 1813Louisiana Land Certificate, Jonas Short 1813
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Type: Certificate
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PropertyPlat for T2S-R9E Showing Jonas Short & Evan James PropertyPlat for T2S-R9E Showing Jonas Short & Evan James Property
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EventJonas Short Sued Jacob Lilley in 1828Jonas Short Sued Jacob Lilley in 1828
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EventVerdict For Jonas Short Suit, Copiah CountyVerdict For Jonas Short Suit, Copiah County
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DivorceLegislative Record of Jonas and Mary Ann Short DivorceLegislative Record of Jonas and Mary Ann Short Divorce
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Type: Document
DivorceNatchez Paper in 1831 Announcing Jonas Short DivorceNatchez Paper in 1831 Announcing Jonas Short Divorce
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Type: Newspaper
DivorceVicksburg Newspaper Article About the DivorceVicksburg Newspaper Article About the Divorce
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Image dimensions: 618 × 176 pixels
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Type: Newspaper
DeathConditional Certificate Recipients in Jasper Co Tx, 1841
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Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: Charles Irby and his Short in-laws were in Jasper Co Tx obtaining land in 1841. Evidently they did not stay but returned to Rankin Co MS by 1850.
Media objectVicksburg Newspaper Article About the DivorceVicksburg Newspaper Article About the Divorce
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Image dimensions: 618 × 176 pixels
File size: 97 KB
Type: Newspaper