Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jose Antonio MANZANARES1797

Given names
Jose Antonio
Also known as
Antonio Manzanares
Birth about 1797 17
MarriageMaria Ysidora SANCHEZView this family

Death of a paternal grandfatherJose Manuel MANZANARES
before 1800 (Age 3 years)

Note: Deceased at the time of the marriage of his son Cristobal in 1800.
Death of a maternal grandfatherSalvador Antonio MARTIN
before 1800 (Age 3 years)

Marriage of parentsJuan Cristobal MANZANARESFrancisca MARTINView this family
December 8, 1800 (Age 3 years)
Note: Citation: 88 - 12/8/1800; Juan Cristobal Manzanares; Spanish; single s/Jose Manuel Manzanres-dec/Ma…
Baptism of a brotherFrancisco Ygnacio MANZANARES
February 8, 1808 (Age 11 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Francisco Ygnacio Manzanarez
MarriageMaria de la Luz MADRIDView this family
October 4, 1824 (Age 27 years)
Note: Name Antonio Mansanares
Baptism of a sonJuan Francisco MANZANARES
December 21, 1834 (Age 37 years)
Note: Baptism names Juan Francisco's parents and Grandparents:
Baptism of a sonJose Alejandro MANZANARES
July 31, 1840 (Age 43 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings ForJose Alejandeo Mansanares
Census 1845 (Age 48 years)
Note: From New Mexico Census of 1845 (book by Virginia L. Olmstead, 1975):
New Mexico Militia - Abiquiu Militia
1846 (Age 49 years)
Antonio Manzanares Listed in Abiquiu Militia in 1846
Antonio Manzanares Listed in Abiquiu Militia in 1846

Note: Source Citation: New Mexico State Records Center and Archive; Santa Fe, New Mexico

CensusMaria de la Luz MADRIDView this family
June 1, 1850 (Age 53 years)
Note: 1850 United States Federal Census
CensusMaria de la Luz MADRIDView this family
1860 (Age 63 years) Age: 60
Note: 1860 United States Federal Census For Luz Madrid
Income Tax List of 1864 1864 (Age 67 years)
Note: During Civil War era Antonio Manzanares appeared on list of Income tax payers.
Birth of a son
1876 (Age 79 years)
Birth of a daughter
1879 (Age 82 years)
Census 1880 (Age 83 years) Age: 80
Note: 1880 United States Federal Census For Jose Antonio Manzanares
1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families
1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families

Note: On the same page, the census lists families of Benino, his father Juan Francisco , and his grandfather Antonio (all) Manzanares. It also shows Antonio, at the age of 80, had a new wife Isidora and two small children.

Baptism of a daughterMaria Eulemia MANZANARES
May 2, 1885 (Age 88 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria Eulemia Manzanares
Census July 1885 (Age 88 years) Age: 80

Note: Jose Antonio Manzanares, 80, with his young family in 1885

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 8, 1800Santa Clara Pueblo
younger brother
-10 years
Family with Maria de la Luz MADRID - View this family
Marriage: October 4, 1824Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
10 years
6 years
Family with Maria Ysidora SANCHEZ - View this family
4 years
6 years


Name Antonio Mansanares Spouse's Name Maria De Luz Madrid Event Date 04 Oct 1824 Event Place Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico citing reference - FHL microfilm 16,621.


From New Mexico Census of 1845 (book by Virginia L. Olmstead, 1975):

Don Antonio Manzanares M 39 His Wife 46 5 Males 20,16,10,7,4 3 Females 13,11,2

Found in New Mexico, Census, Military, and Other Records of Mexico, 1821-1846 > 1845 > Miscellaneous pg 151/338. (See copy attached.)


1850 United States Federal Census

View 1850 United States Federal Census View blank form View/Add alternate info Report issue Name: Antonio Mansenaras [Antonio Manzanares ] [Jose Antonio Manzanares ] Age: 45 Birth Year: abt 1805 Birthplace: New Mexico Home in 1850: Rio Arriba , New Mexico Territory, USA

Antonio Mansenaras 45 Maria Mansenaras 40 Maria Mansenaras 17 Juan Mansenaras 16 Jose Mansenaras 14 Alejandro Mansenaras 9 Jose Casimiro Mansenaras 25 (Labor) Maria Mansenaras 17 Maria Mansenaras 1


1860 United States Federal Census For Luz Madrid [María de la Luz Madrid] Age: 60 Birth Place: New Mexico Home in 1860: Precinct 10, Rio Arriba, New Mexico Territory Post Office: Los Luceros Ant(onio) Manzanarez 55 (Maria de la) Luz Madrid 60 Rut Manzanares 10 Tregoris Lucey 12 Presceliano Garces 10 Franco Manzanares 8 Felipe Espinosa 2

Income Tax List of 1864

During Civil War era Antonio Manzanares appeared on list of Income tax payers.


1880 United States Federal Census For Jose Antonio Manzanares Age: 80 Birth Date: Abt 1800 Birthplace: Abiquiu Home in 1880: Rio Arriba, Rio Arriba, New Mexico, USA Marital status: Married Spouse's name: Isidora Manzanares (New Wife) Father's Birthplace: Rio Arriba Mother's Birthplace: New Mexico Jose Antonio Manzanarea 80 Isidora Manzanares 23
Masedonio Manzanares 4 Masimiana Manzanares 1

On same page is his son Juan Francisco Manzanares and the new family of his grandson Benino Manzanares.


Named in the 1834 baptism of their son Juan Francisco.

MarriageMarriage of Antonio Manzanares & Maria de la Luz Madrid, 1824, AbiquiuMarriage of Antonio Manzanares & Maria de la Luz Madrid, 1824, Abiquiu
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Image dimensions: 1,480 × 462 pixels
File size: 81 KB
Type: Document
CensusDon Antonio Manzanares and Barbara Lucero in 1845 census of Abiquiu, NMDon Antonio Manzanares and Barbara Lucero in 1845 census of Abiquiu, NM
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Image dimensions: 3,380 × 5,057 pixels
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Type: Document
MilitaryAntonio Manzanares Listed in Abiquiu Militia in 1846Antonio Manzanares Listed in Abiquiu Militia in 1846
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Image dimensions: 3,335 × 3,320 pixels
File size: 660 KB
Type: Document
Note: Source Citation: New Mexico State Records Center and Archive; Santa Fe, New Mexico
Income Tax List of 1864Antonio Manzanares, Resident of Abiquiu, Paid Income tax in 1864Antonio Manzanares, Resident of Abiquiu, Paid Income tax in 1864
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Image dimensions: 2,254 × 948 pixels
File size: 206 KB
Type: Document
Census1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families1880 Census Abiquiu NM, Manzanares Families
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Image dimensions: 3,304 × 884 pixels
File size: 351 KB
Type: Document
Note: On the same page, the census lists families of Benino, his father Juan Francisco , and his grandfather Antonio (all) Manzanares. It also shows Antonio, at the age of 80, had a new wife Isidora and two small children.
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,835 × 547 pixels
File size: 188 KB
Type: Photo
Note: Jose Antonio Manzanares, 80, with his young family in 1885