Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Frank Simon SCHWABAge: 85 years18961981

Frank Simon SCHWAB
Given names
Frank Simon
Birth January 14, 1896 33 25
Birth of a brotherLeo SCHWAB
December 29, 1899 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJames S SCHWAB
December 1899 (Age 3 years)
Military 1917 (Age 20 years)

Death of a fatherEdward SCHWAB
April 18, 1922 (Age 26 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Ann McCABE
February 19, 1929 (Age 33 years)
Death of a sisterMamie SCHWAB
February 23, 1961 (Age 65 years)
Note: Her obituary lists no children.
Death of a motherMargaret WILLIAMS
January 8, 1962 (Age 65 years)
Note: Schwab, Margaret Mary nee Williams
Death of a brotherLeo SCHWAB
June 23, 1970 (Age 74 years)
Note: LEO J. SCHWAB Obituary
Note: According to obituary of his sister Mamie in 1961, Frank lived in Valders, WI.
Death July 1, 1981 (Age 85 years)
Note: Tombstone: Frank Simon (Jan. 14, 1896-July 1, 1981
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 27, 1887Manitowoc WI
8 years
-7 years
elder sister
10 years
younger brother
younger brother
Family with Martha Schweitzer - View this family


According to obituary of his sister Mamie in 1961, Frank lived in Valders, WI.


Tombstone: Frank Simon (Jan. 14, 1896-July 1, 1981 husband of Martha nee Schweitzer [married Nov. 18, 1935 at St. Gregory] son of Edward Schwab and Margaret Anna McCabe -born Town of Eaton died from "arteriosclerotic heart disease and arterio vascular blockage CHF [pacemaker] -diabetes")(death record in Calumet County), ossw:

Martha nee Schweitzer (July 29, 1898-Sept. 11, 1983

MilitaryWW1 Draft Card ImageWW1 Draft Card Image
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