Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

George Scott and wife Elizabeth PAUL Scott

George SCOTTAge: 87 years18281916

George SCOTT
Given names
Birth July 13, 1828 46 35
Birth of a brotherAlexander SCOTT
August 8, 1830 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterAgnes SCOTT
January 26, 1833 (Age 4 years)
Death of a motherIsabel BOOTH
May 21, 1843 (Age 14 years)
Death of a sisterBarbara SCOTT
December 16, 1846 (Age 18 years)

Death of a sisterAgnes SCOTT
April 7, 1855 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam SCOTT
September 11, 1855 (Age 27 years)
Note: From the OS Name Books 1865-1871, Belnagoak was described as \"A small farmsteading and dwelling house slated and in good repair with gardens attached the property of the Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen--\"
Religious marriageElizabeth PAULView this family
December 12, 1857 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
George SCOTT
1859 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
William SCOTT
1861 (Age 32 years)
CensusElizabeth PAULView this family
1861 (Age 32 years)
Note: Civil parish: Methlick
Death of a sisterJane SCOTT
1881 (Age 52 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam SCOTT
July 24, 1886 (Age 58 years)
Note: From, DNA match - Fiona Calder, Sharp Family Tree.
Death of a sisterMargaret SCOTT
after 1891 (Age 62 years)

Death of a sisterIsabella Booth SCOTT
May 6, 1896 (Age 67 years)
Note: She is buried in Grand Forks Cemetery according to the Grand Forks Herald, May 7 1896, \"The funera…
Death of a brotherJames SCOTT
July 9, 1900 (Age 71 years)
Burial of a brotherJames SCOTT
July 9, 1900 (Age 71 years)
Death of a brotherAlexander SCOTT
October 3, 1900 (Age 72 years)
Note: From Sharp Family Tree, DNA match - calder_fiona,
Death of a sisterElizabeth SCOTT
June 28, 1906 (Age 77 years)
Death of a sisterMary SCOTT
October 21, 1910 (Age 82 years)
Note: An email from Andrew Scott of New Zealand, Oct 31, 2008:
Death March 19, 1916 (Age 87 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 2, 1812Aberdeenshire, Leslie Parish, Scotland
3 months
elder sister
19 months
elder sister
22 months
elder sister
Elizabeth SCOTT
Birth: March 22, 1816 34 23Methlick Parish
Death: June 28, 1906Newton of Mountblairy, Alvah, Banffshire
2 years
elder sister
Birth: March 22, 1818 36 25Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: 1881Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
3 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
William SCOTT
Birth: May 17, 1822 40 29Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: July 24, 1886Savoch, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2 years
elder brother
Birth: August 2, 1824 42 31Methlick Parish
Death: July 9, 1900Belnagoak, Methlick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2 years
elder sister
Mary Scott, Wife of William GilesMary SCOTT
Birth: August 8, 1826 44 34Methlick Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: October 21, 1910Mekinock, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
23 months
2 years
younger brother
Alexander SCOTT
Birth: August 8, 1830 48 38Methlick Aberdeenshire Scotland
Death: October 3, 19003 High Shore, Banff, Banffshire, Scotland
3 years
younger sister
Birth: January 26, 1833 51 40Methlick Parish
Death: April 7, 1855Methlick Aberdeenshire Scotland
Family with Elizabeth PAUL - View this family
Marriage: December 12, 1857Methlick Aberdeenshire Scotland
2 years
3 years


Civil parish: Methlick Address: Auchencrieve Occupation: Ploughman

Media object

The group of George Scott(1858-1943) eldest son of George Scott and Elizabeth Paul was taken in Toronto in the last years of the 19th Century.

Kneeling in front is Gordon McKay Scott (1889-1981) Seated (L-R) are William George Kerr Scott (1886-1943), Mary Marjorie Scott (1894-1989), Ella May Jane Scott (1887-1956) and George Scott, the father. Standing (l-R) are James Ernest Scott (1892-1917) - killed in WW1 and at the back, Jane Fife (or Fyfe) Scott nee Henderson (1858-1919), the mother.

Media objectGeorge Scott and wife Elizabeth PAUL ScottGeorge Scott and wife Elizabeth PAUL Scott
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Image dimensions: 320 × 480 pixels
File size: 31 KB
Media objectGeorge Scott Family of Toronto - son of George SCOTT and Elizabeth PAULGeorge Scott Family of Toronto - son of George SCOTT and Elizabeth PAUL
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 640 × 426 pixels
File size: 71 KB
Highlighted image: no
Note: The group of George Scott(1858-1943) eldest son of George Scott and Elizabeth Paul was taken in Toro…