Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Hans Gorg BENDER PAINTERAge: 43 years17151758

Given names
Hans Gorg BENDER
Birth before 1715

MarriageEve View this family

Birth of a son
1736 (Age 21 years)
Note: The farm belonged to the Painter family in 1757 and is still owned by descendants in 2006. This photo is taken from the graveyard where the victims of the Indian massacre were buried; it is a graveyard still used to bury family.
Shenanadoah Valley
1742 (Age 27 years)

Residence 1750 (Age 35 years)

Changed Name
Note: Was born Hans BENDER but name changed to George PAINTER in Va.
Death July 1758 (Age 43 years)
Note: The story of the massacre was known throughout the Eastern Seaboard at the time it occurred. The following story was found in a historical paper, the New York Mercury, second paragraph in the article.
Cemetery: Painter Family Farm Cemetery
Note: Painter Cemetery: 38°47'49.79" N 78°37'53.85" W
Changed Name

Was born Hans BENDER but name changed to George PAINTER in Va.


The story of the massacre was known throughout the Eastern Seaboard at the time it occurred. The following story was found in a historical paper, the New York Mercury, second paragraph in the article.


Painter Cemetery: 38°47'49.79" N 78°37'53.85" W Edinburg, Shenandoah Co, VA Contributed by Foxie Hagerty

THE PAINTER CEMETERY is located in the general vicinity of Edinburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia. It is more specifically located on Road No 614, .2 mile southwest of Road No 707, which in between Mt. Jackson, Virginia, and Edinburg, Virginia. This cemetery is on a hillside approximately 100 years northwest of the residence of Herbert Painter and his wife Mildred Leigh Painter, Bo 89, Route 2 Edinburg, Shenandoah Co, Virginal. Their farm is known as the "Indian Fort Stock Farm." and in much earlier days a very tall chimney made of stone, and all that remains of the very early home of George Painter, who along with other settlers were killed by Indians in 1758 62 and 68, A History of Shenandoah Co., Virginia, by John K. Wayland, 1927. Samuel Kerceval, early Shenandoah Valley historian also has written about this early Shenandoah Co., Virginia plantation. A very strong spring gushes from a small hillside between the Painter home and the cemetery. The tombstone inscriptions were transcribed on Jan 14, 1983 by Mrs. Jeanette C. Ritenour, Fort Valley Route Box 81 Seven Fountains, Shenandoah County, Virginia.

This private plantation burial ground is pretty large, and is enclosed by a stone masonry wall. There are many sunken grave sites that are unmarked, and also at least five fieldstone marked graves which are not inscribed. Many of the existing tombstones are broken off of their bases and are lying on the ground.

Catherine Wife of Philip Painter--Aug 30, 1874--79y11m8da
 Philip Painter Aug 30, 1874 73y11m28d 
Charles Estep son of William & Mary C. Estep died Apr 23, 1859--Aug 13, 1862 -- 3y3m20d this is a metal tombstone with embossed lettering.
 Tiny E. Painter 29 Aug 1857--- 29-Oct 1862 5y 2m 
Mary Rinker-- 16 Apr 1857-- 24 Oct 1862--8y6m8d 
Harry Rinker--14 Mar 1848- 24 Oct 1862 4y6m11d
 Willie Lee son of Samuel and Amanda S. Evans 1 Jan 1870--08 Jan 1870--one week old
 Philip Trook 01 Jan 1800-- 18 Jan 1870 
Rebecca Trook 09 Jun 1803- 18 Mar 1865 
Mary Estep 01 Aug 1866-- 37y7m7d 
Victoria Painter 30 Sep 1871-- 22 May 1889 17y7m22d 
Greely Painter 25 Feb 1877 4y4m17d
 Salome Painter 10 Jan   no death year 28days 
Annie Painter 30 Apr 1882--07 Mar 1893 10y10m7ds 
Naason B. Painter, 05 Aug 1831-- 06 Aug 1904 73 years 1 day---CONFEDERATE SOUTHERN ARMY MARKER 
LYDIA F.  dau of Samuel & Mary Fravel  07 June 1851 --21 Sept 1863 12y3m14ds 
Allie V. dau of Samuel & Mary Fravel 01 Oct 1838-- 09 Apr 1856 17y6m8ds 
Annie dau of Samuel & Mary Fravel 27 Jan 1836--27 Mar 1838--2y2ms
 Joel Coffelt 22 Sept 1855-- 38y7m19ds 
Mary wife of Noah Coffman- 06 Sept 1820--26 Oct 1876-- 56y1m20ds 
Dorothy Rinker 15 DEc 1848 -- 27 Sept 1919 70y9m12ds 
George Rinker   31 Oct 1842 -- 13 Feb 1889  46y3a12d 
Samuel Fravel  25 Apr 1809 --- 30 Dec 1887  78,y8m5ds 
Mary Fravel 27 Aug 1814 -- 24 Mar 1888  73y7m3ds

Foxie’s transcriber’s note’s: I do not believe this is a full accounting of people buried in this cemetery

Copyright Genealogy Trails 2013, Reserved for Original Submitters


The following is taken from "The Gann and Painter Ancestors of Paul Thurman Butler" , 1984.

The Painter (German name Bender) families came to America from the Palatine (southwestern Germany) near Mannheim on the Rhine River. William Penn encouraged German and Swiss families to come to Pennsylvania and offered many inducements to them. Penn considered these people of excellent stock and the type of hardy individuals that were needed to develop Pennsylvania. Approximately 30,000 German and Swiss families commenced arriving in Philadelphia about 1720 and continued to arrive for the next thirty or so years. Most of these immigrants floated north down the Rhine River in Germany. They then sailed from Rotterdam, Holland, usually stopping in England to resupply the ships, for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which was then the largest port on the eastern seaboard. New York had not as yet become a great port.

These German and Swiss desired to leave their homelands for three reasons: first, on account of the many wars; second, on account of religious persecution; and third, on account of the opportunities in Pennsylvania offered by William Penn. They were members mostly of the Reformed Church and also members of the Lutheran Church. The Mennonites were the first Germans to arrive. Lutherans were called "Pennsylvania Dutch," though they were from the Rhineland, on account of the similarity of the languages of Holland and Germany.

The earliest trace we have of our Painter ancestors thus far is the listing (Strausberger's) of Hans Gorg Bender and Eve Bender as immigrants coming to Philadelphia arriving August 17, 1731 (both over the age of 16 and on the ship). They were listed as passengers on the ship "Samuel" whose master was Hugh Percy (or Peircy) from Rotterdam. The Benders (later to be named Painters) were natives of the Palatinate. They came to America by way of Rotterdam, then to

Cowes, England (on the Isle of Wight) thence to Philadelphia.

Shenandoah County, Virginia data shows clearly that George Painter was none other than Johannes (Hans) Gorg Bender. According to histories of Virginia and land records, George Painter and his brother (who was also given the first name Johannes) John Painter purchased land on the Shenandoah (in the Valley), in 1742. They settled in Painterstown, southwest of Woodstock, VA, about 1742 (see "A History of Shenandoah County," by Wayland, 1927, pp. 626-267 --- see also pp. 65-68 of the same work for additional history of the Painters). Since both of these brothers had the first name Johannes one came to be known as George.

George Painter was probably the young husband of Eve (Bender) Painter both of whom were passengers on the same ship Samuel, in 1731. Where they were for the 10 years between Philadelphia and the Shenandoah Valley we do not know. George and EvePainter had at least eight children from the information we have gathered thus far. There was a "Big George", born ca. 1733; "Big Adam", born ca. 1735-36 (our ancestor through the Ganns); "Big Philip", born ca. 1738; four     daughters whose name we do not know, captured by the Indians in 1758, born respectively about 1741, 1743, 1745, and 1747; and Mary, born about 1749, who survived the Indian captivity and later married a man named Coppel.

From: "George W. Durman" Subject: Re: [GERMANNA] Ezekiel PAINTER b. 1776 son of Adam PAINTER b. 1733 Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 21:51:15 -0500

This is Ezekiel PAINTER's ancestry:

Johann Matthaus BENDER; b.1677, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER; d.1744, PA; m.Anna Katharina VOLTZ

Johann Jorg BENDER; b.31Mar1707, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER; d.1758, Indian Fort Stock Farm, Paintersville, Shenandoah, VA (Killed in the 'famous' Indian Fort Stock Farm Massacre during the French and Indian Wars); m.Eve ?

Johann Adam "Old Adam/Big Adam" BENDER; b.1736, Shenandoah, VA; d.23 Jan 1833, Horse Creek Community, Greene, TN; m.Elizabeth BOWMAN (Mary has wife as Demilla. Don't know which of us is correct. Anyone else know?)

Ezekiel (Hezekiel) PAINTER

Ezekiel/Hezekiel is definitely one of our Germanna BENDER/PAINTER descendants and not one of the "other" "English" PAINTER's.



From: "George W. Durman" Subject: Re: [GERMANNA] Ezekiel PAINTER b. 1776 son of Adam PAINTER b. 1733 Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 00:50:28 -0500

Yes that Adam BENDER is the father of our Ezekiel/Hezekiel. And the wife is Demilia "Milla or Milley" BROYLES, daughter of Adam BROYLES and Mary WILHOIT.

I just went back through my databases and took a closer look at what I had on this family. I had Ezekiel as the son of Johann Adam "Old Adam/Big Adam" and had always worried over that, since the dates just didn't fit. Old Adam's son, Johann Adam, Jr., DID marry Demilia BROYLES! They are the parents of Ezekiel/Hezekiel. (Added TM: It was Old adam who married Demilia - not J. Adam Jr.

Here are the connections between the parents and sponsors:

1) Moses BROYLES, was the brother of Demilia BROYLES. (He was married to Barbara CARPENTER.)

2) Barbara CARPENTER's parents were Andrew CARPENTER and Barbara WEAVER.

3) Elizabeth BREIL was Elizabeth BROYLES, sister to Demilia and to Moses.

So, the sponsors for the Baptism of Ezekiel/Hezekiel were the mother's brother, Moses; Moses' wife's parents, Andrew CARPENTER and Barbara WEAVER; and the mother's sister, Elizabeth.


BirthPainter Genealogy taken from "A history of Shenandoah County, Virginia", Wayland, John Walter,. Strasburg, Va.. Shenandoah Pub. House. 1927Painter Genealogy taken from "A history of Shenandoah County, Virginia", Wayland, John Walter,. Strasburg, Va.. Shenandoah Pub. House. 1927
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BirthAnd the rest of the historyAnd the rest of the history
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PropertyJohn Painter gets land in 1742 ... image taken from "The German element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia", original data by John Wayland.John Painter gets land in 1742 ... image taken from "The German element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia", original data by John Wayland.
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ResidenceMap Showing location of Painter Fort in Shenandoah ValleyMap Showing location of Painter Fort in Shenandoah Valley
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ResidenceDrawing showing the layout of the Painter FarmDrawing showing the layout of the Painter Farm
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DeathNew York Mercury Newspaper Article July 31, 1758New York Mercury Newspaper Article July 31, 1758
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Media objectPainter Farm Cemetery
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