Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Isabella MULDOONAge: 88 years18501939

Isabella MULDOON
Given names
Married name
Isabella KENT
Birth May 1850 32 34
Religious marriageDaniel KENTView this family

Note: City of Rochester Archives and Records Center
Birth of a brotherWilliam G MULDOON
about 1850
Death of a sisterMaria MULDOON
November 19, 1851 (Age 18 months)
Note: From the Monroe County Genealogy web page - Vital Record Index to the Rochester Daily American 19 …
Birth of a sisterEllen MULDOON
January 1852 (Age 20 months)
Death of a brotherWilliam G MULDOON
January 8, 1853 (Age 2 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherRebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
after 1861 (Age 10 years)
Shoe Shop
1880 (Age 29 years)
Death of a husbandDaniel KENT
November 24, 1886 (Age 36 years)
Note: Mt Hope Burial Record:
Residence 1887 (Age 36 years)
Address: 291 Jay St
Note: 1887,1888 Rochester City Directories: Isabella J. Kent, widow of Daniel T, 291 Jay.
Death of a fatherWilliam MULDOON
June 9, 1891 (Age 41 years)
Note: Death certificate 24474 State of NY, Monroe Co
Death of a sisterMary Anne MULDOON
November 19, 1891 (Age 41 years)
Note: From MT Hope Cemetery records: Mary Ann Hurd 1844-1891. Her tombstone is in Range 4 of the Cemeter…
Census 1900 (Age 49 years)
Note: Isabella is using last name of Kent, a widow, living with her mother Ann Muldoon and sister Ellen, in Rochester.
Death of a motherAnn KENT
1901 (Age 50 years)
Note: Data on tombstone in Mt Hope Cemetery, Rochester.
Death of a sisterEllen MULDOON
1924 (Age 73 years)
Note: Inscriptions on Tombstones in Mt Hope Cemetery, Rochester:
Residence 1930 (Age 79 years)
Note: Isabella MULDOON Kent was living with her neice and nephew,
Death 1939 (Age 88 years)

Note: Mt Hope Cemetery Inscriptions, Rochester NY
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 18, 1839St John's Anglican Church, Cavan, Ontario
11 months
elder sister
Birth: March 6, 1840 22 24Ops, Victoria, Ontario
Death: November 19, 1851Rochester, Monroe, New York
elder sister
6 years
8 months
2 years
younger sister
Family with Daniel KENT - View this family


City of Rochester Archives and Records Center Historic Marriage Records Research Site Search Results

Page Number 173 Date of Marriage 07/03/1883 Husband's First Name DANIEL Husband's Last Name KENT City ROCHESTER State NY Husband's Age 36 Husband's Occupation CARPENTER Husband's Birth Place LYONS Husband's Birth State NY Husband's Father's First Name GEO Husband's Father's Middle Name T Husband's Father's Last Name KENT Husband's Mother's First Name MARTHA Husband's Mother's Maiden Name R Husband's Mother's Last Name IRELAND Wife's First Name IASB Wife's Middle Name J Wife's Maiden Last Name MULDOON Residence/City ROCHESTER Wife's Age 36 Wife's Color W Wife's Birth Place ROCHESTER Wife's Father's Last Name MULDOON Wife's Mother's First Name ANNA Wife's Mother's Middle Name M Wife's Mother's Maiden Name KENT Wife's Number of Marriages 1 Marriage Official's Name WARREN W WALSH Marriage Official's Position MINISTER Roll Number 1


1887,1888 Rochester City Directories: Isabella J. Kent, widow of Daniel T, 291 Jay.

Daniel T Kent, died Nov 21, 1886, age 39.


Isabella is using last name of Kent, a widow, living with her mother Ann Muldoon and sister Ellen, in Rochester.


Isabella MULDOON Kent was living with her neice and nephew, Daisy and Edward Kelletts in the 1930 census.


Mt Hope Cemetery Inscriptions, Rochester NY

KENT, Daniel T. 21 Nov 1886, age 39 KENT, Isabelle J. 1847-1939

Burial Records: Dec 21, 1939 Isabella Kent age 92 Cerebral Embolism Residence: 76 Weston Rd


In the 1930 census Isabella is going by name of her mother Ann Kent, but she is also listed as a widow. Her father William Muldoon is listed as being from Northern Ireland; e.g. her entry is:

Isabella Kent Aunt(of Edward) 78 Widow NY North ErIre Eng