Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William Henry KELLETTS1935

William Henry KELLETTS
Given names
William Henry
Note: Ellen's husband was named William according to directory in Rochester; e.g.
MarriageEllen MULDOONView this family
August 3, 1874
Birth of a daughter
Nellie M. “Daisy” KELLETTS
June 1876
Birth of a son
Edward William KELLETTS
December 25, 1878
Death of a wifeEllen MULDOON
Note: Inscriptions on Tombstones in Mt Hope Cemetery, Rochester:
CensusEllen MULDOONView this family
Note: The remainder of the Kelletts family and Aunt Isabella Kent were together in 1930 census.
Death of a sonEdward William KELLETTS
August 27, 1935

Note: Mt Hope Cemetery Rochester Inscriptions
Death 1935

The remainder of the Kelletts family and Aunt Isabella Kent were together in 1930 census.

1930 United States Federal Census about Isabella Kent Birthplace: New York Home in 1930: Rochester, Monroe, New York Marital Status: Widowed Relation to Head of House: Aunt Father's Birthplace: Northern Ireland Mother's Birthplace: England Edward Kelletts 51 Daisy Kelletts 53 Isobella Kent 78 Preston Raymond 50


Ellen's husband was named William according to directory in Rochester; e.g. Ellen Kelletts, widow of William, 7 Orlando.

Rochester newspaper in Aug 1874 had marriage announcement of Ellen and William Henry.