Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Edward William KELLETTSAge: 56 years18781935

Edward William KELLETTS
Given names
Edward William
Birth December 25, 1878 26
Death of a maternal grandfatherWilliam MULDOON
June 9, 1891 (Age 12 years)
Note: Death certificate 24474 State of NY, Monroe Co
Death of a maternal grandmotherAnn KENT
1901 (Age 22 years)
Note: Data on tombstone in Mt Hope Cemetery, Rochester.
Death of a motherEllen MULDOON
1924 (Age 45 years)
Note: Inscriptions on Tombstones in Mt Hope Cemetery, Rochester:
Death of a fatherWilliam Henry KELLETTS
1935 (Age 56 years)
Death August 27, 1935 (Age 56 years)

Note: Mt Hope Cemetery Rochester Inscriptions

Mt Hope Cemetery Rochester Inscriptions

KELLETTS, Edward W. 1878-1935 KELLETTS, Ellen 1850-1924 KELLETTS, Nellie M. 1876-19xx

Burial Record:

Aug 27 1935 Edward W. Kelletts Age 56 Arterio Schlerosis Residence: 76 Weston Rd


According to 1930 census in Rochester, Edward was a clerical worker who sometimes worked at Post Office. The Family census entry (ED 28-194 8986)

Edward Kelletts Head 51 NY NY Unknown Daisy Kelletts Sister 53 OH NY Unknown Isabella Kent Aunt 78 Widow NY NorthernIre Eng

DeathEdward Kellett's ObituaryEdward Kellett's Obituary
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Type: Newspaper