Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary ¿Legg? 1811

Mary ¿Legg?
Given names
Mary ¿Legg?
Note: Lewis Clarkston's wife was Mary. Her surname was most likely Legg, based on reports from other Clarkson researchers, a few DNA matches to Legg descendants, and based on reported (unseen) information from historical papers owned by related Clarkston descendants.
Birth about 1811
Birth of a son
1832 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Franklin CLARKSTON
October 13, 1833 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
1836 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
1838 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
January 18, 1840 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
1842 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
1844 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
1849 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
1849 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
June 1852 (Age 41 years)
Note: He is probably the son of Mary, the first wife of Lewis Clarkston. It is possible Lewis remarried in 1853 to Sarah, his second wife.
Note: According to 1870 census.
Marriage of a childThomas Franklin CLARKSTONAmanda Mae JOHNSONView this family
November 27, 1856 (Age 45 years)
Note: Kay Silkey wrote about Thomas Clarkston marriage:
Marriage of a childJohn GOODNIGHT Martha CLARKSTONView this family
December 12, 1866 (Age 55 years)
Death of a husbandLewis CLARKSTON
December 1868 (Age 57 years)
Note: Date is from Ozark County MO probate records (FHL film 929574). For more details, see the NOTES sec…

Death of a sonJames CLARKSTON
April 1869 (Age 58 years)
Cause: Murdered by bushwackers.
Note: James Clarks(t)on was killed by raiders after the Civil War. He is buried in the "Betsey Graham Gra…
Marriage of a childWilliam CLARKSTONMelvina D. WHITNEYView this family
March 24, 1870 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childIsaiah Tivis MEFFORDSarah CLARKSTONView this family
August 15, 1875 (Age 64 years)
Death of a daughterSarah CLARKSTON
1887 (Age 76 years)
Note: From Findagrave for Sarah Clarkson Mefford:
Death of a daughterAmanda CLARKSTON
about 1895 (Age 84 years)
Note: At James' death in 1898, there was no mention of Amanda. Kay Silkey reported \"Mom and I searched t…
Death of a sonThomas Franklin CLARKSTON
November 14, 1908 (Age 97 years)

Death of a daughterElisa CLARKSTON
March 4, 1925 (Age 114 years)
Death of a daughterElizabeth CLARKSTON
February 25, 1928 (Age 117 years)
Family with Lewis CLARKSTON - View this family
-3 years
21 months
5 years
2 years
Elizabeth Clarkston DugginElizabeth CLARKSTON
Birth: January 18, 1840 32 29Taney Co, MO
Death: February 25, 1928Porum, Muskogee Co, OK
3 years
3 years
6 years
1 year
4 years
Lewis CLARKSTON + Sarah ¿ROBINSON? - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 13, 1853Boone Co, MO
5 years
Lewis CLARKSTON + Lucy ALLEY - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: about 1862
2 years
3 years


Lewis Clarkston's wife was Mary. Her surname was most likely Legg, based on reports from other Clarkson researchers, a few DNA matches to Legg descendants, and based on reported (unseen) information from historical papers owned by related Clarkston descendants.


The Legg family is a hard one to follow. I am fairly certain that it is correct, however, based on a couple of additional factors. 1: Descendants of Drury that are not descendants of Lewis have family papers wherein she is so identified, in distant states, by family members 2, 3 or 4 generations prior to present. 2: The Legg's in KY appear to ALL descend of one of 2 immigrants. Laten Legg is from MA; comes through Wayne Co., KY before migrating on into GA. He is indexed in the 1830 census as Later Legg.

All of the others appear to descend of a Jacobite Scot named John Legg who was deported and landed in Maryland. The family stays in PA in part while others chain migrate, [just as did the Clarksons], across OH, KY, IN, IL, AR and MO. Just as I showed with the Clarkson, Wigham and Martin cousins who all went to CA together in 1849; so too do these Legg's migrate back and forth between different sets of kin.

John Jr., son of the above immigrant, dies in Lincoln Co., KY wherein he is enumerated in both the 1810 and 1820 census with children the right ages to be Mary & Susan. Descendants do not name them; but I have seen no probate to support their lists; and I have also seen no proof that another brother was not living close by.

I now have a leaning or theory. I think Mary and Susan are descended of this John Sr. and either through John Jr. or a brother. He lives very close to Drury and siblings. Some of this family moves back and forth between Lincoln, Casey, Gallatin & Owen Co's., KY - the precise same counties in which Drury's siblings lived at times.

If I were a descendant; this is what I would focus on to prove or disprove.

Likely brother Samuel Legg b: circa 1788 Princess Anne Co., MD d: circa 1830 Morgan Co., IL married 17 Feb. 1810 Green Co., KY to Mary Blunt b: 11 Jan. 1792 Kent Island Parish, Queen Anne's Co., MD d: 15 Feb. 1853 Mount Vernon, Lawrence Co., MO. This puts her squarely between Richard Clarkson and Lewis Clarkson in an adjoining county! She marries in the same county in which Susan Legg married John Pelham.

In Lincoln Co., KY are found the marriages of: John Legg - Martha Thurmond 7 Nov. 1825. Nancy Legg - Ephraim Smith 26 Mar. 1814.

In 1840 John Legg & Ephraim Smith are enumerated on the same page in Lewis Co., MO which is now very near other Wigham & Clarkson families in Scotland Co., MO.

Kevin Carman (Clarkston Researcher)


Unproved information on the Internet states that Mary's surname was Legg. It is possible she was related to Susan Pelham of Ozark Co Mo, since it is also claimed that Susan's maiden name was Legg (Ligg.) In any case, the Clarkston and Pelham families were closely connected since James Clarkston moved to Texas with the Pelham family circa 1860 before they moved back to MO during the 1860s and Lewis' daughter Eliza Jane was living with the Pelhams in the 1860 census.

Kay Silkey writes:

To all:

I know where the Legg name came from. The Internet. Here's what I found:

Levi Legg married Sarah J. May 5 Sept 1837 in Sangamon County, IL. (Illinois Marriage Database) They had at least two children: Lewis Clarkston Legg born 1837 Sangamon County died 1888 Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska and William Thomas Legg born 1835 Sangamon County, IL and died 1913 Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska. When Lewis purchased his land from the US Govt in Illinois he stated that he was "of Sangamon County".

and from genealogist Kevin Carman:

Philip Carroll I think is how he spelled his name responded to one of your queries back in 2011. His John Pelham is telling! First, he married Susan Legg [Ligg] in Green Co., KY in 1827. Second he is living next door to Lewis & Mary in 1840. Third, Eliza J. Clarkson is living with the Pelham's in a later census. Fourth Lewis, John & Susan are all buried in the same cemetery!

So far I do not find Lewis & Mary marrying in Green - but it adjoins burned counties! Likewise with the itinerant ministers I mentioned previously in the area and a strong Presbyterian presence in the region and the family it is entirely possible there is no marriage record in the courthouse. I am, however, convinced now that Mary Legg was her maiden name - too many coincidences to be chance.