Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Thomas Franklin CLARKSTONAge: 75 years18331908

Thomas Franklin CLARKSTON
Given names
Thomas Franklin
Birth October 13, 1833 25 22
Birth of a sisterAmanda CLARKSTON
1836 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha CLARKSTON
1838 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth CLARKSTON
January 18, 1840 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherJemima Susan WHOBERRY
1840 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterMary CLARKSTON
1842 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterElisa CLARKSTON
1844 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherDrury Clarkson
May 6, 1845 (Age 11 years)
Note: Kentucky, Wills and Probate Records, 1774-1989 For Drury Clarkstone
Birth of a sisterSarah CLARKSTON
1849 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a brotherJoseph CLARKSTON
1849 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam CLARKSTON
June 1852 (Age 18 years)
Note: He is probably the son of Mary, the first wife of Lewis Clarkston. It is possible Lewis remarried in 1853 to Sarah, his second wife.
Note: According to 1870 census.
Marriage of a parentLewis CLARKSTONSarah ¿ROBINSON?View this family
November 13, 1853 (Age 20 years)
Note: Lewis Clarkson's second wife's name was Sarah. It is NOT clear that she is the same person referenc…
MarriageAmanda Mae JOHNSONView this family
November 27, 1856 (Age 23 years)
Note: Kay Silkey wrote about Thomas Clarkston marriage:
Birth of a half-sisterNancy CLARKSTON
December 23, 1858 (Age 25 years)
Marriage of a parentLewis CLARKSTONLucy ALLEYView this family
about 1862 (Age 28 years)

Note: Lucy Clarkston's children were listed as heirs in Lewis Clarkston's probate.
Note: There is no known record of a marriage but Lewis' probate contains the phrase "...except the property reserved as the absolute property of the widow ..." So it is certain that Lewis was married at the time of his death.
Index Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis Clarkston
Index Entry Showing Lucy Sold Inheritance from Lewis Clarkston

Note: Index entry from Ozark Co Book A showing sale from Lucy to John Duggin, Lewis Clarkston's son-in-law, in 1871. Book A, pg 562.

Co 16 Missouri Cavalry
1863 (Age 29 years) Age: 30
Note: Thomas Clarkston served in the Missouri Militia Cavalry which became a unit of the Union Cavalry.
Birth of a half-sisterCharlota CLARKSTON
January 11, 1864 (Age 30 years)
Note: From her tombstone.
Birth of a half-brotherJohn CLARKSTON
1866 (Age 32 years)
Death of a fatherLewis CLARKSTON
December 1868 (Age 35 years)
Note: Date is from Ozark County MO probate records (FHL film 929574). For more details, see the NOTES sec…

Death of a brotherJames CLARKSTON
April 1869 (Age 35 years)
Cause: Murdered by bushwackers.
Note: James Clarks(t)on was killed by raiders after the Civil War. He is buried in the "Betsey Graham Gra…
Census 1870 (Age 36 years)
Note: 1870 Census for Thomas Clarkson
Death of a sisterSarah CLARKSTON
1887 (Age 53 years)
Note: From Findagrave for Sarah Clarkson Mefford:
Death of a sisterAmanda CLARKSTON
about 1895 (Age 61 years)
Note: At James' death in 1898, there was no mention of Amanda. Kay Silkey reported \"Mom and I searched t…
Census 1900 (Age 66 years)
Note: 1900 Census for Thomas Clarkson
Death November 14, 1908 (Age 75 years)

Family with parents - View this family
younger sister
-3 years
elder brother
21 months
5 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Elizabeth Clarkston DugginElizabeth CLARKSTON
Birth: January 18, 1840 32 29Taney Co, MO
Death: February 25, 1928Porum, Muskogee Co, OK
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
6 years
younger sister
1 year
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Sarah ¿ROBINSON? - View this family
Marriage: November 13, 1853Boone Co, MO
5 years
Father’s family with Lucy ALLEY - View this family
Marriage: about 1862
2 years
3 years
Family with Amanda Mae JOHNSON - View this family
Marriage: November 27, 1856Ozark Co, MO


Kay Silkey wrote about Thomas Clarkston marriage:

Lewis was a Justice of the Peace. I have a copy of the widow of Thomas Clarkston's Civil War Pension, and there is an affidavit made by William Clarkston that states " I am a brother to the above named Thomas Clarkson, deceased and was present at the marriage of Thomas Clarkson and Amanda M. Johnson in Ozark County, State of Missouri on the 27th day of November 1856 as shown by the family record. They were married by Lewis Clarkson then a Justice of the Peace who has been dead for 41 years."


Thomas Clarkston served in the Missouri Militia Cavalry which became a unit of the Union Cavalry.


1870 Census for Thomas Clarkson Jasper, Ozark, Missouri Post Office: Gainesville Thomas Clarkson 38 Amanda M Clarkson 29 Mary Clarkson 11 Sarah W Clarkson 21 William Clarkson 9 Richard Clarkson 4 Joseph N Clarkson 1


1900 Census for Thomas Clarkson Sugar Loaf, Boone, Arkansas Mother: number of living children: 6 Mother: How many children: 7 Thomas Clarkson 67 Amanda M Clarkson 60 James M Clarkson 28 (son) Sarah E Clarkson 18 (dau) Claud Clarkson 6 (g-son) Willis Clarkson 3 (g-son)


HAULING SALT FROM ST. LOUIS TO FORSYTH By S. C. Turnbo In refering to the old time freighters who used big wagons drawn by the slow moving oxen the following was told me by Mr. Thomas Clarkstone, son of Lewis Clarkstone, an early settler on Swan Creek that runs through Christian and Taney Counties, Mo. Thomas Clarkstone lived many years on the north side of White River and just over the line in Boone County, Ark. He committed suicide by hanging himself in a cedar tree in the early morning of November 14, 1906. In relating the story which was given me long before his death Mr. Clarkstone said "While my father lived on Swan Creek in the pioneer days he and Bill Smith, another old timer who lived on this stream, hauled 300 sacks of salt from St. Louis to Forsyth in 1842. The salt belonged to Jess Jennings and John Vance. They brought this amount at two trips or 75 sacks on each wagon. Each man owned an unusually big stout wagon with three yoke of large cattle to each wagon. It took 4 weeks to get to St. Louis and return back to Forsyth. They hauled a good camping outfit with them and also dogs, rifles, and plenty of ammunition were taken along. When the two freighters ran short of meat they would stop and kill deer or bear and on camping at night they would "bell" the oxen and let them graze on the tender grass until morning when they would drive the cattle back to camp, yoke them up, and hitch them to the wagons and start on this long wearisome journey again." I will add here that Mr. Clarkstone become partially insane before his death, which is supposed to be the reason he hung himself, which was done near his home. He had climbed up a small cedar tree that he trimmed up a few years before and tied the end of the rope to a limb. The other end was tied around his neck and he swung off and strangled to death. The suicide occurred before day break he was buried at Pro-tem, Mo.


Published on Internet ON ANCESTRY.COM: Wife Amanda Mae Johnson (Born: 1841)

Children Sarah W Clarkson (Born: ) Mary Clarkson (Born: 1859) William Clarkson (Born: 1861) Richard Clarkson (Born: 1866) Joseph Newton Clarkson (Born: 1869)




"Just below the mouth of Elbow Creek is a bluff which overlooks the John Yandell farm and Elbow Shoals. An observer here commands an excellent view of the neighborhood, and the usual variety of the scenery as found on White River is seen.... On this farm I passed 4 years of my childhood. The memory of those happy days from August 1849 to October 1853 is still fresh in my mind. ... Just below the shoals is Longs Ferry; part of the shoals are in Boone County, Ark. and part in Taney County, Mo. ....

In 1852, the Yaw Haw Ganey a much smaller and older boat than the Eureka came up the river and steamed into the mouth of the chute. She was heavily loaded with freight for the merchants of Forsyth.The crew of the boat worked hard all day trying to pass through the chute. A large number of the passengers disembarked and waited on the bank of the river at the mouth of Elbow Creek for the boat to pass over but she failed to pass over the shoals and late in the night the captain was compelled to back his boat out of the chute and landed at the lower part of the bottom on the north side of the river and put off 300 sacks of salt, which belonged to the merchants of Forsyth. The following day was Sunday and just before noon she succeeded in passing through the chute and went on to Forsyth. The Yaw Haw Gaeney was the first steam boat reaching that town. The salt was left in the care of the writers father, Jim and Tom Clarkstone sons of Lewis Clarkstone who lived then on the old Buck Coker Place at the lower end of the Jake Nave bend of White River were employed to haul it on ox wagons to our house on Elbow Creek one half a mile above the mouth where the salt was stored in a new log house. We have already told in another chapter of the sad fate of Jim Clarkstone in war time and we will now give a brief account of the death of Tom Clarkstone. He lived to be old and feeble and his mind at times was deranged. He lived on the north side of the river just over the line in Boone County, Ark. and below the Jake Nave Bend. On the morning of the 14th of November 1906 his body was found hanging in a cedar tree near his residence. The poor old man had committed suicide by hanging himself witha plow line, his body received interment in the graveyard at Pro-tem.

MilitaryCombined Service Record Cards for Thomas Clarkston in National Archives
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