Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary? KENSHALA1819

Given names
Birth October 15, 1819 19
Note: Mary born to James Kenshala of Knocknaboley. The mother's name does not match Mary Saunders but there may have been a recording error. (Margaret Connor appears as mother on 2 records in a row.)
Birth of a sisterBrigit KENSHALA
March 3, 1822 (Age 2 years)
Note: From Killaveny Parish Records.
Death of a maternal grandmotherMargaret STRAHAN
after 1825 (Age 5 years)
Note: Margaret STRAHAN Saunders was still alive in Aug 1825. She was the sponsor for her granddaughter Mar…
Death of a maternal grandfatherAndrew SAUNDERS
1828 (Age 8 years)
Note: The image: A remnant of the Probate Index for Ireland shows Andrew Saunders had died by 1828 found o…


Mary born to James Kenshala of Knocknaboley. The mother's name does not match Mary Saunders but there may have been a recording error. (Margaret Connor appears as mother on 2 records in a row.)


I believe the priest made an error in recording the mother's name. He wrote Connor but Connor was the name of witness and mother on next entry. Can't be sure.

BirthMary Kenshala Baptism, Killveny Parish, Knocknaboley 1819Mary Kenshala Baptism, Killveny Parish, Knocknaboley 1819
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