Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jane BRAINESAge: 46 years17981845

Given names
Married name
Note: As of 2018 it has not been proved that Jane Brains, wife of Thomas Scott of Graveley Cam, is the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Brains of Keystone Hunts. Process of elimination has led to this unproven assertion. There is one known DNA match of a gg-grandson of Thomas and Jane Scott with a descendant of Thomas and Elizabeth Braines of Keystone.
Birth September 30, 1798 30 26
Note: Probable record of Jane's birth found in English records at (Keyston, in Huntingd…
Birth of a sisterMary BRAINES
May 18, 1802 (Age 3 years)
Note: From
Birth of a sisterAnn BRAINES
July 1, 1804 (Age 5 years)
Note: In 2013 Benjamin Rippere, a descendant of Ann Braines Loveday, matched autosomal DNA with Tom Gaddis, descendant of Thomas Scott & Jane Braines - Ann's sister. (Family Tree DNA)
Birth of a brotherThomas BRAINES
July 27, 1806 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherHenry BRAINES
July 11, 1810 (Age 11 years)
Burial of a paternal grandmotherElizabeth CARLEY
April 6, 1821 (Age 22 years)
Religious marriageThomas SCOTTView this family
July 18, 1828 (Age 29 years)
Note: After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-183…

Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch

Birth of a son
August 2, 1829 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
about 1833 (Age 34 years)
Possible Baptism Record of James, son of Thomas & Jane Scott
Possible Baptism Record of James, son of Thomas & Jane Scott

Note: This is the only James Scott born in Graveley in this time frame. The name of the mother is Elizabeth and there is another record of a girl named Mary Scott born to a Thomas & Elizabeth Scott in 1831. It is possible (likely) that the name Elizabeth is an error because there is no other Thomas Scott married in Graveley and young James Scott, 9, is listed in Thomas & Jane Scott's family in the 1841 census. The baby Mary Scott had died in 1835.

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth SCOTT
November 13, 1834 (Age 36 years)
Note: Graveley parish baptism records state: Oct 27, 1835 Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Thomas and Jane, born 13 Nov 1834.
Birth of a son
Thomas SCOTT
January 8, 1837 (Age 38 years)
Note: Graveley baptism records state: July 2, 1837 Thomas, son of Thomas and Jane Scott, born 8 Jan.
Death of a motherElizabeth DRAPER?
February 10, 1837 (Age 38 years) Age: 68
Note: From the Keystone Parish Records,
Birth of a daughter
April 1840 (Age 41 years)
Death of a daughterAnn SCOTT
September 17, 1840 (Age 41 years)
Burial of a brotherJohn BRAINES
March 21, 1841 (Age 42 years)
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841

Note: This could be the burial of adult children of Thomas Braines of Keystone, but it is not proven.

Burial of a brotherHenry BRAINES
March 23, 1841 (Age 42 years)
Note: England Burials, 1813-1912 for Henry Brains
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841

Note: This could be the burial of adult children of Thomas Braines of Keystone, but it is not proven.

CensusThomas SCOTTView this family
1841 (Age 42 years)
Note: Living in same household: Thomas 60, Jane 45, Henry 12, James 9, Elizabeth 9, Thomas 5
Burial of a daughterElizabeth SCOTT
July 27, 1842 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
Robert SCOTT
October 20, 1842 (Age 44 years)
Note: Birth record verifies that Robert's father was Thomas, mother was Jane Braynes and his birthdate w…
Death of a brotherThomas BRAINES
January 13, 1843 (Age 44 years)
Note: This is the likely entry for Thomas Braines Jr in the Keystone Parish Burial book . Burial Jan 14, 1843 Thomas Braines, 37, Abode Keystone Lodge. Witness: William Groom.
Death March 14, 1845 (Age 46 years)
Cause of death: Phthisis (TB)
Note: From the GRO Death records - St Neots District:
Burial March 17, 1845 (3 days after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 23, 1793Islip, Northamptonshire, England
9 months
elder brother
Birth: July 13, 1794 25 22Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Burial: March 21, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England
18 months
elder brother
18 months
elder sister
2 years
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Birth: July 1, 1804 35 32Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: May 23, 1863Islip, Northamptonshire, England
2 years
younger brother
Birth: July 27, 1806 37 34Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: January 13, 1843Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
4 years
younger brother
Birth: July 11, 1810 41 38Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Burial: March 23, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Family with Thomas SCOTT - View this family
Marriage: July 18, 1828Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
1 year
Birth: August 2, 1829 48 30Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: April 11, 1846Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
4 years
22 months
Elizabeth SCOTT
Birth: November 13, 1834 53 36Graveley
Burial: July 27, 1842Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
2 years
3 years
Birth: April 1840 59 41Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: September 17, 1840Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
3 years
Thomas SCOTT + Mary FISHER - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: October 13, 1806Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
15 months
5 years
3 years
4 years
Thomas SCOTT + Mary Cole BYWATERS - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 11, 1845Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Marriage: November 11, 1845
Thomas SCOTT + Sarah - View this family
husband’s wife


Probable record of Jane's birth found in English records at (Keyston, in Huntingdonshire, is about 20 miles west of Graveley Cambridgeshire.

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 name: Jane Brains baptism/christening date: 30 Sep 1798 baptism/christening place: Keyston, Huntingdon, England father's name: Thomas Brains mother's name: Elizabeth indexing project (batch) number: C16874-1 England-ODM source film number: 1040935


After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-1837 Marriages at Curry Rivel, 1642 to 1812. Marriages at Graveley, 1599 to 1837. Volume 4. County: Cambridgeshire Country: England Thomas Scott & Jane Brain 18 Jul 1828


Living in same household: Thomas 60, Jane 45, Henry 12, James 9, Elizabeth 9, Thomas 5


As of 2018 it has not been proved that Jane Brains, wife of Thomas Scott of Graveley Cam, is the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Brains of Keystone Hunts. Process of elimination has led to this unproven assertion. There is one known DNA match of a gg-grandson of Thomas and Jane Scott with a descendant of Thomas and Elizabeth Braines of Keystone.


From the GRO Death records - St Neots District:

Mar 14, 1845 Jane Scott Female 50 years. Wife of Thomas Scott laborer. Phthisis. Signed by Elizabeth Housden, present at the death. Graveley. Registered Mar 17, 1845.

BirthJane Braines Baptism Entry in Keystone Parish RecordsJane Braines Baptism Entry in Keystone Parish Records
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Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch
CensusScott Families in Graveley Census of 1841Scott Families in Graveley Census of 1841
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BurialBurial Record of Jane BRAINS Scott and Her Son Thomas ScottBurial Record of Jane BRAINS Scott and Her Son Thomas Scott
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Media objectOld Ordinance Survey Map of Graveley Area, circa 1830Old Ordinance Survey Map of Graveley Area, circa 1830
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