Gordon QUARNSTROMAge: 87 years1912–1999
- Name
- Given names
- Gordon
- Surname
![]() | 1912 |
![]() | Margaret Lenore LEE — View this family November 30, 1935 (Age 23 years) |
![]() #1 | Lee QUARNSTROM 1939 (Age 27 years) Note: According to 1940 census.
![]() #2 | Dean Martin QUARNSTROM January 13, 1943 (Age 31 years) |
![]() | Margaret Lenore LEE March 24, 1991 (Age 79 years) |
![]() | July 5, 1999 (Age 87 years) |
Family with Margaret Lenore LEE |
himself |
Gordon QUARNSTROM Birth: 1912 Death: July 5, 1999 — Austin Tx |
wife |
Margaret Lenore LEE Birth: February 27, 1914 21 — Montana Death: March 24, 1991 |
Marriage: November 30, 1935 — Renton, Washington, USA |
4 years son |
Lee QUARNSTROM Birth: 1939 27 24 — Washington, USA Death: September 29, 2021 — La Habra, Orange Co, California |
4 years son |
Dean Martin QUARNSTROM Birth: January 13, 1943 31 28 — Longview, Washington, USA Death: August 13, 2021 — Santa Cruz, California |
Note | Copyright 1999 Chicago Tribune Company Chicago Tribune July 8, 1999 Thursday GORDON M. QUARNSTROM BODY: Gordon M. Quarnstrom, 87, a longtime Chicago area resident and former public relations director for Allstate Insurance Cos., died Monday of heart failure in his Austin, Texas, home. Mr. Quarnstrom took on many different roles during his lifetime, including reporter, political aide, publicist, health agency director and candidate for Congress. After holding several journalism jobs in Washington state in the 1930s and later becoming involved in local politics, he ran for the U.S. House in 1950 and 1952, both times unsuccessfully. In between campaigns, he worked as executive secre-tary to U.S. Sen. Warren Magnuson (D-Wash.). In 1953, he moved with his family to Wilmette, where he stayed for almost 40 years. After leaving Allstate in 1971, he held several jobs, including executive director of the Chicago Metro-politan Council on Alcoholism. "The council is acutely aware of the damage that alcoholism does to health, business careers, and marital and family relationships. . . . We need an informed citizenry and we need business and industry alerted to what they can do. . . ." Mr. Quarnstrom wrote in a letter to the Tribune on Oct. 5, 1972. After his first wife, Lenore Lee Quarnstrom, died in 1991, he moved to Austin, where he continued to operate a travel writing news service he founded in 1972. He remarried in 1994. His wife, Connie Sherley, said he remained busy, despite his recent illness. Other survivors include two sons, Lee and Dean; and three grandchildren. |