Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Ed Jones in Cowboy Hat

James Edward “Ed” JONESAge: 77 years18921970

James Edward “Ed” JONES
Given names
James Edward
Birth May 1, 1892 21
Birth of a sisterMary E JONES
November 1893 (Age 18 months)
Death of a maternal grandfatherRichmond Oliver BENNETT
January 15, 1895 (Age 2 years)
Note: In one application for her pension Sarah declared Richmond died in 1895. In another she said 1896. The application for his military headstone, submitted in 1932 after Sarah had died, states he died Jan 15, 1895.

Birth of a brotherFrederick JONES
January 1896 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Carl JONES
September 3, 1898 (Age 6 years)
Death of a motherAnna Delilah Francis BENNETT
May 3, 1903 (Age 11 years)
Death of a sisterMary E JONES
March 7, 1919 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Russell JONES
October 31, 1926 (Age 34 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherSarah Jane MOORE
October 23, 1931 (Age 39 years)
Note: Paper in Confederate Widow Pension states Sarah died of senility in the home of her son-in-law GW Kennedy.

Death March 22, 1970 (Age 77 years)
Note: Obituary of JAMES EDWARD JONES
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 24, 1891Trinity County, Tx
11 months
Ed Jones in Cowboy HatJames Edward “Ed” JONES
Birth: May 1, 1892 21Trinity Co, Tx
Death: March 22, 1970Safford, Graham, Arizona, United States
6 years
younger brother
-5 years
younger sister
Birth: November 1893 22Trinity Co Tx
Death: March 7, 1919Holdenville, Hughes County, Oklahoma, USA
2 years
younger brother


Obituary of JAMES EDWARD JONES SAFFORD: Funeral services for James Edward Jones, 75, who passed away Sunday March 22, 1970 in the Safford Inn Hospital following a lengthy illness, were conducted at 3:00 p.m., Wednesday in Caldwell's "Chapel of the Valley", with Rev. B. R. Medlin of the First Southern Baptist Church officiating.

The service began with a solo, "I've Done My Work", by Mrs. Josephine Stevens. She was accompanied on the organ by Mrs. Peggy Jones.

Rev. Medlin then read scriptures and prayer and offered words of comfort to the family. The services came to a close by Mrs. Stevens singing "Abide With Me". Masonic graveside services were conducted at the Safford Cemetery by Safford Lodge No. 16 F and A.M.

Casket bearers were members of the Safford Masonic Lodge.

"Ed" Jones, born in Centralia, Texas, spent his early life in Texas, and joined the U. S. Army in World War I, serving in France. He then returned to Oklahoma where he worked in the oil fields for many years.

He came to Arizona in 1947 settling in Thatcher, then moving to Pima.

He and his family moved back to Thatcher in 1955, where they had made their home until his passing.

He operated a farm labor contracting service here for many years.

Arrangements were under the direction of the Caldwell Funeral Home of Safford. (parts of his obituary from Eastern Arizona Courier, Safford, AZ, 25 Mar 1970) [Obituary courtesy of Keith Bottoms and]

Media objectEd Jones in Cowboy HatEd Jones in Cowboy Hat
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