Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William Carl JONESAge: 96 years18981995

William Carl JONES
Given names
William Carl
Birth September 3, 1898 27
Death of a motherAnna Delilah Francis BENNETT
May 3, 1903 (Age 4 years)
Death of a sisterMary E JONES
March 7, 1919 (Age 20 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Russell JONES
October 31, 1926 (Age 28 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherSarah Jane MOORE
October 23, 1931 (Age 33 years)
Note: Paper in Confederate Widow Pension states Sarah died of senility in the home of her son-in-law GW Kennedy.

Death of a brotherJames Edward “Ed” JONES
March 22, 1970 (Age 71 years)
Note: Obituary of JAMES EDWARD JONES
Death August 18, 1995 (Age 96 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 24, 1891Trinity County, Tx
11 months
elder brother
Ed Jones in Cowboy HatJames Edward “Ed” JONES
Birth: May 1, 1892 21Trinity Co, Tx
Death: March 22, 1970Safford, Graham, Arizona, United States
6 years
-5 years
elder sister
Birth: November 1893 22Trinity Co Tx
Death: March 7, 1919Holdenville, Hughes County, Oklahoma, USA
2 years
elder brother


Email from Lynne BENNETT Bottoms, June 2007:

My dad was actually born 03 Sep 1898 at Groveton. My dad died 18 Aug 1995 at Wagoner, Wagoner Co. OK. He was the baby of the family like me. We all grew up at Inola in Rogers County which isn't far from here. All my family except my brother Bill lives close around Tulsa.

This is the story my dad was told of what happened to Annie: She was pregnant with their 5th child and had gone out to the well to get water in the bucket. Her husband had been outside working & had come in to eat. She said, "Everytime I come to this bucket, its empty." Don't know what time of day. Then something happened to her - may have been a heart attack. But they brought her up onto the porch because she said she needed air. And I guess she died shortly after that. Then Wm. Russell (Bill) Jones took the family to OK because his brothers & sis had moved up there. He died 31 Oct 1926 at Holdenville,Hughes Co, OK. And we pretty much lost track of the Bennetts. Daddy would tell stories of what he knew. He said Annie had red hair and I have learned that Rosa Anna also had red hair.

Media objectWilliam Carl photographed in a Cotton Patch about 1923.William Carl photographed in a Cotton Patch about 1923.
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