Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Drawing of Adam's Home in Washington Co TN

Adam BROYLESAge: 54 years17281782

Given names
Birth 1728 22
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohannes BREYHEL
November 6, 1731 (Age 3 years)
MarriageMary View this family
about 1754 (Age 26 years)
Note: 17 Jun 1756 - Adam Broyl and wife Mary sell 150 acres to Nicholas Broyl. This was the land bought in 1754 in Culpepper Co VA. They also sold land to his brother Mattias Broyles and the deed named Mary as Adam's wife.
Birth of a son
about 1755 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
about 1758 (Age 30 years)
Death of a fatherHans Jacob BROYLES
May 18, 1763 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
1765 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
June 7, 1767 (Age 39 years)
Note: Adam and his relatives moved to Washington Co TN near Jonesboro about 1780. His home is shown in this drawing.
Farm in Culpepper VA
1768 (Age 40 years)
Note: Adam had several properties in Culpepper Co Va. One was a grant for 375 acres on White Oak Run.
Birth of a son
about 1772 (Age 44 years)
Virginia Militia
1774 (Age 46 years)
Note: Adam Broyles served in the Virgina Militia as part of Dunmore's War - the fight against the Indians in Kentucky and Ohio. Records from the Virginia Archives.
Birth of a daughter
January 23, 1776 (Age 48 years)
Death of a wifeMary
before 1782 (Age 54 years)

Property 1782 (on the date of death)
Note: Adam Broyles received several land patents and at least two surveys were done for him by Daniel Boone. This land was in Fayette County. He probably never moved onto this land.

Note: Adam Broyles and other Broyles received many land warrants in western VA in 1779. The land in Madis…

375 Acres Culpepper VA

Note: Description: 375 acres on the Island Run, now called the White Oak Run.
Death 1782 (Age 54 years)
Note: Conrad Wilhite witnessed the following will in Washington Co, TN: Adam Broyles, 19 April, 1782 sick of body; to Moses Broyles, my first born son, land, out of that bought of Joseph Ballard, on the south side of Little Limestone; to my sons Aron and Joshua Broyles, the land I now live; to my daughter Mille Panther, land bought of George Doherty to Minna Broyles; my daughter Mary Broyles; my daughter Anne Brown, negros and Kentucky land to be divided. Executors: my friends Joseph Brown, Moses Broyles and William Moore. Witnesses: John (X) Waddile, Conrad Willhight. Matthias (X) Broyles.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Mary - View this family
Marriage: about 1754Culpepper Co VA
4 years
8 years
2 years
Birth: June 7, 1767 39Culpepper Co VA
Death: October 5, 1845Anderson, SC
6 years
4 years


17 Jun 1756 - Adam Broyl and wife Mary sell 150 acres to Nicholas Broyl. This was the land bought in 1754 in Culpepper Co VA. They also sold land to his brother Mattias Broyles and the deed named Mary as Adam's wife.


Adam and his relatives moved to Washington Co TN near Jonesboro about 1780. His home is shown in this drawing.


Adam had several properties in Culpepper Co Va. One was a grant for 375 acres on White Oak Run.

From Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants: Adam Broyle of Culpepper Co. 275 A. surplus in 100A. on Island Run now called White Oak Run in said Co. part of 400 A granted George Moyer 24 Jun 1726 who conveyed said tract to Broyle by Deed. Resurvey by Mr Philip Clayton, Grant fo 375 A to Broyle. Adj Adam Yeager, Christopjer Moyer, George Moyer. 3 Aug 1764.

and he had another grant for 68 acres in 1868 on a Hill at the Head of Tims River in Culpepper Co.


Adam Broyles served in the Virgina Militia as part of Dunmore's War - the fight against the Indians in Kentucky and Ohio. Records from the Virginia Archives.


Adam Broyles received several land patents and at least two surveys were done for him by Daniel Boone. This land was in Fayette County. He probably never moved onto this land.


Adam Broyles and other Broyles received many land warrants in western VA in 1779. The land in Madison county eventually became part of Kentucky. Adam and his family moved to Washington Co TN instead where he died in 1782.

The list of land warrants for Adam Broil in the Kentucky land office include Virginia Treasury Warrants numbered 587-597 in the Kentucky Land Office.

The family had a dispute with others over the land which resulted in a lawsuit between his heirs and other land owners in Fleming County. Some of the warrants were used to purchase 1500 acres which were eventually surveyed by Daniel Boone in 1798

From Deed Book D, Bourbon Co KY

From: Brown, James, of Washington Co., TN To: Trimble, William, of Bourbon Co., KY Power of Attorney Book D Page 52 26 Dec 1896 John Fearn & Samuel Fearn POA to act for the heirs, assigns and Legatees of Adam Broyes, deceased, to ask, demand or recover all that land being in KY granted to Adam Broyle, deceased, by his will and descent.



Description: 375 acres on the Island Run, now called the White Oak Run. Broyle, Adam 3 June 1764 Culpeper County VA

Source: Northern Neck Grants M, 1762-1765, p. 283 (Reel 295).


Conrad Wilhite witnessed the following will in Washington Co, TN: Adam Broyles, 19 April, 1782 sick of body; to Moses Broyles, my first born son, land, out of that bought of Joseph Ballard, on the south side of Little Limestone; to my sons Aron and Joshua Broyles, the land I now live; to my daughter Mille Panther, land bought of George Doherty to Minna Broyles; my daughter Mary Broyles; my daughter Anne Brown, negros and Kentucky land to be divided. Executors: my friends Joseph Brown, Moses Broyles and William Moore. Witnesses: John (X) Waddile, Conrad Willhight. Matthias (X) Broyles.


There is a great deal known about the Broyles family that immigrated from Germany into Madison/Culpeper Co VA. More information can be found at



From the Wilhite web site

Supports the claims that Demilia, known wife of Adam Painter, is Demilia BROYLES, daughter of Adam BROYLES.

Conrad Wilhite witnessed the following will in Washington Co, TN: Adam Broyles, 19 April, 1782 sick of body; to Moses Broyles, my first born son, land, out of that bought of Joseph Ballard, on the south side of Little Limestone; to my sons Aron and Joshua Broyles, the land I now live; to my daughter Mille Panther, land bought of George Doherty to Minna Broyles; my daughter Mary Broyles; my daughter Anne Brown, negros and Kentucky land to be divided. Executors: my friends Joseph Brown, Moses Broyles and William Moore. Witnesses: John (X) Waddile, Conrad Willhight. Matthias (X) Broyles.

Signed Adam Broyles

Recall, Moses Broyles was a "godparent" to Hezekial, first born son of Demilia and Adam in Culpepper Co VA.


The following information was copied from the excellent web site:

Adam BROYLES Son of (Hans) Jacob BROYLE and Maria Catharina FLEISCHMANN

BIRTH: Abt 1728, VA, Spotsylvania [11] DEATH: Apr 1782, TN, Washington

MARRIAGE: Abt 1754, VA, Culpeper To Mary

Children Birth Death 1. Moses BROYLES Abt 1755 VA, Culpeper - Abt 1803 VA, Madison 2. Anne BROYLES 28 Oct 1758 VA, Culpeper - 8 May 1814 3. Milla BROYLES Abt 1760 VA, Culpeper - 4. Jemima BROYLES 1765 VA, Culpeper - 16 Jan 1860 GA, Dahlegona 5. Aaron BROYLES 7 Jun 1767 VA, Culpeper - 5 Oct 1845 SC, Anderson 6. Joshua BROYLES Abt 1772 VA, Culpeper - 7. Mary BROYLES 23 Jan 1776 VA, Culpeper - 1850-1860 TX, Collins ?

Notes Generation 3, Keith #6 The identity of Adam's wife is a mystery. Prof. Keith had posited in [2] that she was Mary Wilhoit, daughter of Tobias. (Tobias Wilhoit made reference to his daughter Mary Broyles in his will.) It is now generally agreed that Mary Wilhoit married Cyrus Broyles, and that they named their son Tobias after Mary's father. Keith corrected his error in [1].

Judging from the land records in Virginia, and his estate inventory in Washington Co., TN, Adam would appear to have been the most financially secure of Jacob's sons.

Along with several of his brothers, Adam made the move from Virginia to Tennessee around the year 1780. Like them he also patented land in Kentucky, though he never took up the claim. His dreams were cut short by his untimely death at the age of 54 or so.

Eldest son Moses chose to stay in Virginia, but the rest of the children made the journey to Tennessee. After Adam's death, most of the children and their families moved to Pendleton District, SC (later Anderson Co.). Son Aaron achieved prominencethere.

Note that there were several men by the name of Adam Broyles in East Tennessee at the same time. This Adam generally spelled his name without an 's' and the end.

10 Mar 1753 - Adam Broyle, assignee of George Moyer, patents 375a on Island Run, now called White Oak Run, adjacent to: Moyer's patent of 24 Jun 1726, Adam Yeager, Michael Kaifer, Christoper Moyer. (This looks like the area Harnsbarge and Motz patented.)

6 Aug 1754 - George Moyer sells to Adam Broyl 150 acres. This may mark his marriage. [1] Though, see next.

6 Aug 1754 - George Moyer, with "indenture of feofment" transfers 375a to Adam Broyle. Adam apparently sued Moyer and won the case.

1754 - The estate of William Nash, dec'd "to Adam Broile £6.10.6 ..." [57]A This deserves some investigation. Perhaps Adam's wife was William Nash's daughter, though this may be nothing more than a note.

17 Jun 1756 - Adam Broyl and wife Mary sell 150 acres to Nicholas Broyl. This was the land bought in 1754. [1]

21 Oct 1756 - George Moyer, Jr. sells to Jacob Broyles, Jr., land joining Adam Broyl.

19 Aug 1762 - John Wayland buys 64 acres from Adam and Mary Broil on White Oak Run. He signs his name, she makes her mark. [1]

30 Mar 1763 - Adam Broil and Nicholas Broil are appointed executors of Adam Wilhoit's will. [57]A

19 May 1763 - Adam is mentioned as an heir in his father's will.

21 Jul 1763 - Adam Broyle presents the will of Adam Wilhoit as executor, with Nicholas Broil. He was named executor 30 May 1763. [57]A

1763 - "Adam Broyle v. Christopher Moyer. Cont'd", "Adam Broyle v. Christopher Moyer. Dismissed agreed, "Adam Broyle v. John Clore. Dismissed" [59]:405, "John Clore v. Adam Broyle. Dismissed" [59]:405.

18 Nov 1771 - Mary Catherine Broils (Adam's mother), Adam Broile, Matthias and Eva Broile sell to John Glassell 166 acres on the Robinson River. [1] This was probably the 156 acres that Jacob Broyles had willed his son Matthias. The reason so manypeople were required to sell it was that Mary Catherine was still alive, Matthias and Eva had to renounce their rights to it, and Adam was involved since he was administrator.

21 Jan 1772 - Adam Broile bought 1340 acres from James Barbour, Jr. for 504 pounds sterling and 4 shillings. Barbour got it from Thomas Smith who got it from Lord Fairfax. [1],[58]:51

21 Jan 1772 - Adam Broile and wife Mary sell 283 acres on Robinson Fork to John Yager. [1]

21 Jan 1772 - They sell 116 acres to Michael Broile. [1]

22 Jan 1772 - Adam Broyle witnessed the sale of 200 acres to Adam Yager, from John and Catherine (Broyles) Wayland. {WM242}

15 Mar 1772 - They sell 139 acres to Connard Wilhoit. [1]

1772 - Sponsor at baptism of Solomon Breil, son of Peter.

15 Feb 1773 - They sell 235 acres to Matthias Broile. [1]

18 May 1773 - They sell 290 acres to Robert Fleshman. [1]

20 Mar 1775 - Adam Broyle & Mary Catherine Broyle, John Broyle & wife Margaret, Mathis Broyle sell 70 acres to John Glassell of Culpeper Co.

1776 - Adam is listed as a trustee of Hebron Church. [1]

  • Adam moves to Washington Co., Tenn.

5 Jun 1780 - Adam Broyl and wife Mary sell 200 acres, for £1000, to Thomas Porter. This probably marks their move to Tenn. [1]

1780 - Adam patents 1500 acres in Jefferson Co., Ky. on the Rockcastle River, and 1500 acres on the Licking River. [48]:178 pparently they never took up the claim.

21 May 1781 - The first of the two above patents was surveyed for Adam. [1]

19 Apr 1782 - Soon after their arrival in Tennessee, Adam makes his will. wit: Conrad Willhight, Mathias Broyles, John Waddle. Exec: Joseph Brown, Moses Broyles, and William Moore. See [3]1:33 for the will.

May 1782 - The will is probated, Washington Co., Tenn. There is no mention of his wife, which indicates that she has already died. He does mention Kentucky lands.

1782 - Adam's inventory is returned by William Moore, executor of the will. His estate included 23 head of cattle, 4 horses, 48 hogs, 14 negroes, and one silver watch. Bonds due him, and paper money amounted to more than 1982 pounds!

22 May 1789 - Moses Broyles (Adam's son) transfers execution of his father's will to "trusty friend John Shields." [3]5:104 Though Moses was named an executor, he was living in Virginia, and would have thus been unable to complete his duties. (This date certainly looks suspicious; probably an error for 1782)

23 Jul 1796 - In a notice regarding a land claim, in "The Kentucky Gazette", William Tremble mentions Adam Broyl. [61]

Apr 1800 - At a Chancery Court held in Fleming Co., KY, the heirs of Adam Bryles, deceased, bring suit agains William Wilson and Michael Cassidy. The suit mentions the 1500 acres of land that was entered by Adam Broyles in 1780. The named heirs are Joshua Broyles, William Goucher and wife Mary, Aaron Broyles, Adam Panther and wife Milley, Hugh Brown and wife Jemima. [60]

MarriageDeed from Adam to Mattias BroylesDeed from Adam to Mattias Broyles
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ResidenceDrawing of Adam's Home in Washington Co TNDrawing of Adam's Home in Washington Co TN
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PropertyAdam Broyles Received Patent for 68 acreas
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MilitaryPay due to Culpepper men for Militia ServicePay due to Culpepper men for Militia Service
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PropertyWarrant 592 For 500 AcresWarrant 592 For 500 Acres
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PropertyDaniel Boone Survey of Adam's Land near Blue Lick KYDaniel Boone Survey of Adam's Land near Blue Lick KY
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PropertyAdam Broyles Land Near Booneville KY Survey by Daniel Boone
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PropertyA Second File for Same Patents in Madison Co
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PropertyAdam Broyles Land Patent 1764
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DeathAdam Broyles Will
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