Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Johannes BREYHELAge: 52 years16791731

Johannes BREYHEL
Given names
Birth before May 1, 1679
Note: From the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dusslingen:
Birth of a son
Hans Jacob BROYLES
March 26, 1705 (Age 25 years)
Death November 6, 1731 (Age 52 years)
Johannes BREYHEL + … … - View this family
Johannes BREYHEL
Birth: before May 1, 1679Dusslingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Death: November 6, 1731White Oak Run, Spotsylvania C0, VA


From the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dusslingen:

1679 on Phillip and James Day (Church holiday celebrated 1 May) Johannes Parents: Cúnrad Briel and Margaretha

Johannes was christened 1 May 1679, so he was born BEFORE that date.


Copied from GERMANNA Families-05 Jan 2008

Name: Johannes BREYHEL Given Name: Johannes Surname: BREYHEL Name: John BROYLES Given Name: John Note: Johannes' name is given in different documents as John, Johann, and Joh anne. Broyles is listed as PRYOL, PRYOLS, BREIL, BRILE, BRILES, BROIL, BROILS, BROILE, BROILES, BROUEL, BROUELS, BROYLE, BRUILE, BRUILES, etc.

Johannes and family emigrated to Virginia in the summer of 1717, with about twenty other families from nearby villages. Gov. Spotswood of Virginia, who paid their passage in return for an indenture of seven years , settled them at "Germanna" where he had located an earlier group of German immigrants in 1714. (Germanna is located where Virginia Rte. 3 crosses the Rapidan River west of Fredericksburg.) (Added Note: The "2nd Colony" arrived in Virginia on the ship, "Scott", whose Captain was Tarbett.)

Virginia Importation Record:

On Petition of John BRYOLL in order to prove his right to take up Land a ccording to his Majties Royall charter made oath that he came into this Country about nine years since in Capt Scott and that he brought Ursley his wife and two children named Conrad & Elizabeth with him; and that this is the first time of his proving the said Importation. Where upon certificate is ordered to be granted him of Rights to take up two hundred acres of Land,

Johannes Breyhel, son of Conrad and Margaretha (Schelling) Breyhel, was christened 1 May 1679, in Dußlinge (Dusslingen), Württemberg (Wuerttembe rg), just south of Tübingen (Tuebingen) in present day Germany. For reasons unknown he moved about 50 miles away to Ötisheim (Oetisheim), probably around 1700, where on 6 Nov 1703 he married Ursula RUOP, daughter of a local grave digger. It is in Ötisheim that they raised their family. A number of their children died as infants: Conrad (who was a twin to Hans Jacob), Mattheus, and probably also Jerg Martin. In the tradition of the times they used the name Conrad again for their fourth child.

Johann and his family were members of the Mount Hebron Lutheran Church.

His will was made on March 7, 1732, and probated on Feb. 7, 1733 or 1734. He was buried at his old farm place, which was near the Hebron Lutheran Church, Madison County, Virginia. His old farm in Madison County , Virginia is owned by the Wilhites. He moved from Dusslingen, Wurttemberg, Germany to Otisheim, Germany, probably around 1700 and attended St. Michaels, the main church in Otisheim.

According to the Parish Records at Dußlingen, Württemberg, Germany, Johannes was married to Ursula RUOP (ROOP). Some genealogies have him being married to Ursula BLANKENBERGER. This error is a the result of undocumented conjuncture by an elderly researcher, who has since passed away. Johannes' and Ursula's children were born at Ötisheim, Wüttemberg, Germany. One died as an infant, and no record is found of Jerg Martin after his christening in 1711.

Johannes proved his importation to America on 2 May 1727, as John BROYLES. He is listed in the Parish records in Dußlingen, Germany as Johannes BREYHEL.

As an added note to Johannes' ancestry, his paternal and maternal Grandmothers were sisters, thus his parents were first cousins. His paternal Grandfather married Anna DÜRR; his maternal Grandfather married Agnus DÜRR; Anna and Agnus were sisters.

Johannes' father married Margaretta SCHELLING, who was his first cousin.

Margaretta was a sister to Anna SCHELLING. Anna married Jacob VOGT. Jacob and Anna VOGT would be umpteenth-great Uncle and Aunt to all of the BROYLES descendants. Thus, any VOGT, VAUGHT, FAUGHT, etc., descendants of Anna and Jacob would be cousins to any BROYLES descendants today.

Info from Steve Broyles Database: )

26 Jul 1744 Jacob Briel and Conrad Briel sell 200 acres to Adam Wilhite. Jacob and Conrad were well established at this time and had their own land. This land they had just inherited from their father, whose will directed that it be split among his surviving children after his wife's death. Since Jacob and Conrad comprise two shares of their father's estate, and Johannes owned 400 acres at his death, we can conclude that there were two other surviving children of Johannes. We can also assume they were daughters since there are no other references found to additional male heirs. This deed also states that Adam Wilhite was already in possessio n of the 200 acres. In other words, he was already living there.

30 Mar 1763 Adam Wilhite makes his will, probated 21 Jul 1763, Culpeper Co., VA . He makes bequest to wife Catherine, and names his children. Exec: Adam Broyle and Nicholas Broil. Wit: John Wayland, William Eastham, Jacob Broil.

The executors and witnesses are all Adam's nephews via his wife's brother Jacob Broyles, with the exception of William Eastham. The will directs the distribution of Adam's 300 acre estate by leaving son George 100 acres to be laid off lengthwise, and sons John and Michael to receive 200 acres laid off with a cross line. We know that he acquired 200 acres in the deed noted above (from Jacob and Conrad Broyles) , but there is no record of him acquiring any additional acreage. We believe he acquired it through his wife Catharine as part of the settlement of Johannes Broyles' estate, where Catharine would have received 100 acres. No deed would have been necessary for this sort of transfer.

It appears then that Adam and Catharine married c. 1740 and came to live with Ursula Broyles, widow of Johannes. When she died a few years later they acquired adjoining pieces of the tract from Jacob and Conrad.

It is believed, though not proven, that Johannes and Ursula had additional children after arriving in America. They were certainly young enough. Based on the records of land sales, it is certain that Adam WILHEIT's (WILHITE's) wife Catherine was a daughter of Johannes and Ursula. She would have been born circa 1720. One probable son, "Christley Browel", is mentioned in the 1739 tithable list of Orange Co., VA. From this it would be expected that he was born circa 1718. He must have died or left the area by 1744, the year Jacob and Conrad sold their part of their father's farm. Based on the order of tax taking and comparing it to the Carpenter map of original land patents in Madison Co. (nicely updated in a recent Beyond Germanna), Christley seems to have been living with Matthias Smith, or nearby.

One other mystery, concerns a name, or names, found on the Tithe Lists for present-day Madison County, VA (then Orange County). On the 1736 Tithe List, there is listed a Cotley Broyle. On the 1739 Tithe List, there are listed Christley (Christian?) Browel and Cortney Browel. Some researchers think this is evidence of a heretofore unknown Broyles; however NO other written documentation of such a person has ever been found. To further the mystery, Johannes Breyhel (John Broyles) had two known sons, Hans Jacob and Conrad. A Jacob Broyle is listed on the 1739 Tithe List; Conrad does not show up. Is it possible that the " Cortney" or "Christley" or "Cotley" Broyle/Browel is, in fact, Conrad Broyles?

Update on the Cotley/Christley/Cortney BROYLES Mystery: Thanks to Steve Broyles, some of this mystery has been cleared up. Here is an extract from a post Steve made to the GERMANNA_COLONIES Mailing List on 14 December 2000:

"It turns out that the name Curt is a nickname of Conrad. This may be surprising to us English speakers, but it is no more strange than Dick being a nickname of Richard, or Bill being a nickname of William.

"Little Curt" is Curtle/Curtli and the like. English spe akers use a variation of this idea by adding an 'ee' sound to the end of a name, e.g., Billy, Stevie, Bobby, etc. The name Curtli could be rendered any number of ways by English speakers. Courtley is certainly among them, and it's only a tiny leap to get to Courtney or Cotley.

"Christley, on the other hand, is a distinct name. I've examine d the tax list handwriting and it is clearly Christley, and not s ome other name. Christley looks to be a nickname for Christian, but I have not confirmed this. In any case, I've assumed that Christley Browel was a son of Johanne and Ursula, born in VA after their arrival, probably 1718, based on his appearance in the poll list of 1739 when he was 21. Ursula would have been in her 30's when he was born, and, generally speaking, we'd expect them to have had children o n this side of the pond. Christley's birth, c. 1718, also explains the fact that he doesn't show in earlier lists. What happened to him is not known. I'd love to know if he is found on any tax lists after 1739.

(The above by Steve Broyles.)


(More info transcribed from Steve Broyles' website, .)

Johannes and Ursula are the progenitors of ALL the Broyles, Broiles, and Briles families in America. (And of all families with similar spelling variations.)

Though born in the village of Dußlingen in Baden-Württemberg, Johannes moved, perhaps around the year 1700, to Ötisheim, a small village approximately 40 miles north as the crow flies. There he met and married Ursula Ruop, daughter of a local gravedigger. And there he and Ursula began raising their family.

Johannes' father, Conrad, was a farmer, and Johannes was the eldest son, thus entitling him to a good inheritance, but he forsook this to make his living as a weaver in Ötisheim. Perhaps it was this sense of trying the unknown that prompted him and Ursula to join a group of families making the voyage to the New World.

There can be no doubt that Johannes and Ursula Breyhel of Ötisheim are identical to John and Urseley Broyle of Germanna. The names and ages of their children match perfectly with what is known, and they disappeared from the Ötisheim records at just the right time.

1717 - Johannes and family emigrate to America with about 20 other German families, and come to live at Germanna, in Virginia.

24 Jun 1726 - John Prial is granted 400 acres in the "first fork of the Rapidan River."

2 May 1727 - John Bryoll proves his importation. He is granted the right to take up 200 acres. He states that he came to this country about nine years since with Captain Scott, and that he brought with him his wife Urseley, and children Conrad andElizabeth. On the same day, Jacob Bryoll (John's son) proves his right to take up land, and is granted 50 acres. (It has since been proven that the ship was actually the " Scott" and that its Captain was a man named Tarbett.)

7 Mar 1732 - John Broyle makes his will, Spotsylvania Co., Va., Book A, page 209:

"I, John Broyles, being willing to setel my affairs, knowing that in this trancitory life we are in ye mids of death. I does after by wife's deceas leve my land, Goods, and catel to be "be" equally divided amongst all my children mail and female as witness hand. This being my last will Testament his John / Broyles mark wit: Michael Holt, Balthasar (Paultus) Blankenbaker, and Nicholas Blankenbaker.

5 Feb 1733 - At a court held for Spotsylvania County: "Urseley Broyl e, widow of John Broyle decd Exhibied the above will which was proved by oath of Paultus Blankepaker one of the witnesses thereto and desired the same might be recorded which was granted."

26 Jul 1744 - Jacob and Conrad Broil convey to Adam Wilhite 200 a cres of land patented 24 Jun 1726 by John Broil, and bequeathed to them. This was their inheritance, and would indicate that their mother had died. Since it appears that John Broil owned 400 acres at his death, this would also indicate that he had four children who survived him, because the estate was to be divided equally among his heirs.

Birth: BEF 1 MAY 1679 in Dußlingen, Baden-Württemberg, GER Death: 5 FEB 1731 in White Oak Run, Spotsylvania Co., VA (became Orange Co.-1734; Culpeper Co.-1749; Madison Co.-1793)

Christening: 1 MAY 1679 Dußlingen Parish, Baden-Württemberg, GER 1 Father: Conrad BREUEL b: BEF 12 DEC 1652 in Dußlingen, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 12 DEC 1652 in Dußlingen, Baden-Württemberg, GER Mother: Margaretta SCHELLING b: 18 JAN 1657 in Dußlingen, Baden-Württemberg, GER

Marriage 1 Ursula RUOP b: 16 SEP 1680 in Dußlingen, Baden-Württemberg, GER Married: 6 NOV 1703 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Note: Marriage Record from Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 6 Nov 1703:

Were joined together, Johannes BREIHEL, suviving legitimate son of the late Conrad BREIHEL, citizen of Dußlingen, Tübingen; and Ursula, surviving legitimate daughter of the late Jacob RUOP, who was citizen and gravedigger from here.

Children Hans Jacob BROYLES b: 26 MAR 1705 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 26 MAR 1705 in Ötisheim Parish, Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Conrad BREYHEL b: 26 MAR 1705 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 26 MAR 1705 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Mattheus BREYHEL b: 24 NOV 1706 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 24 NOV 1706 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Conrad BRILES b: 2 JUL 1709 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 2 JUL 1709 in Ötisheim Parish, Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Jerg Martin BREYHEL b: 1 AUG 1711 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 1 AUG 1711 in Ötisheim Parish, Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Maria Elisabetha BROYLES b: 5 JUL 1716 in Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER c: 5 JUL 1716 in Ötisheim Parish, Ötisheim, Baden-Württemberg, GER Catharine BROYLES b: 1719 in , Essex Co., VA (became Spotsylvania-1721, then Orange-1734, then Culpeper-1749, then Madison-1793)

Sources: Abbrev: Dußlingen Parish Records, Dußlingen,Württemberg,Germany Title: Dußlingen Parish Records, Dußlingen,Württemberg,Germany