Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Christiana MILNEAge: 67 years18151882

Christiana MILNE
Given names
Note: Christiana's grandson James Milne stated that Christina's son Alexander Gardiner was born at sea (1891 census, Port Parry, Ontario.) So that means that the John Milne family left Scotland in 1836, probably alongside the Fairley and John Jrs. families.
Birth 1815 27 30
Note: From a description of Dukewell : \"A large farm steading with outhouses & garden, also, two small houses, it is situated near Stioch and is the property of ...\" From the OS Name Books of Aberdeenshire, 1865-1871.
Baptism October 12, 1815
Birth of a brotherDavid MILNE
September 12, 1820 (Age 5 years)
Note: David was baptized Sept 12 1820 in Insch.
Birth of a brotherAlexander MILNE
October 22, 1822 (Age 7 years)
Note: 1822 Baptism record from Insch Parish records from Scotlands People for Alexander Milne.
Birth of a sisterEllen MILNE
January 12, 1824 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a son
Alexander Gardiner MILNE
January 19, 1837 (Age 22 years)
Note: Alexander Gardiner Milne is reputed to be the son of George Milne - his mother was Christiana, as is confirmed by his baptism record.
MarriageJames MINNIEView this family
April 26, 1840 (Age 25 years)
Note: In the Ontario archives of marriages in Wellington Co: (I think this is from the Fergus Presbyterian…
Birth of a daughter
Margaret MINNIE
about 1840 (Age 25 years)
Census 1851 (Age 36 years)
CensusJames MINNIEView this family
1851 (Age 36 years)
Note: 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Census of Canada East, Canada West, New …
Death of a husbandJames MINNIE
1857 (Age 42 years)
Marriage of a childAlexander Gardiner MILNEAnn MILNEView this family
February 19, 1858 (Age 43 years)
Note: Ontario Marriages
MarriageHenry LANDView this family
April 6, 1858 (Age 43 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam FERRIERMargaret MINNIEView this family
November 23, 1859 (Age 44 years)
Death of a brotherFairley MILNE
December 7, 1865 (Age 50 years)
Note: The Huron County Probate records for Fairley contain many pages, most of whcih are redundant. The papers state that Fairley died in Howick Township. Here are the Letter of Administration + related papers. Farley is buried back in Elora Ontario, his former home.
Death of a fatherJohn MILNE
October 7, 1867 (Age 52 years)
Note: John's will was recorded in Wellington County Probate Book E,, pp 415-416. (FHL film 0555617.) John…

Death of a motherMargaret ANDERSON
after 1867 (Age 52 years)
Death of a husbandHenry LAND
1873 (Age 58 years)
Death of a brotherJohn MILNE
November 1, 1874 (Age 59 years)
Note: Death record states that he was Baptist and died from an injury to the head. He was also listed as a farmer and sawmiller. His son John Jr. reported the death.
Marriage of a childAlexander Gardiner MILNEMargaret GILROYView this family
March 17, 1881 (Age 66 years)
Note: Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1801-1928
Death 1882 (Age 67 years)
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Margaret MILNE
Birth: 1810 22 25Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: July 13, 1891Stirling Falls, Parry Sound, Ontario
3 years
elder brother
18 months
elder brother
Birth: March 1814 27 29Aberdeenshire Scotland
Death: November 1, 1874Grey Twp, Huron Co, Ontario
22 months
6 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Alexander MILNE
Birth: October 22, 1822 35 37Cairneston, Insch Parish, Aberdeenshire
Death: July 1889Grand Forks, Grand Forks Co, ND
15 months
younger sister
Family with Henry LAND - View this family
Marriage: April 6, 1858Wellington ONT
Family with James MINNIE - View this family
Marriage: April 26, 1840Fergus, Ontario
8 months
Family with George MILNE - View this family


From a description of Dukewell : \"A large farm steading with outhouses & garden, also, two small houses, it is situated near Stioch and is the property of ...\" From the OS Name Books of Aberdeenshire, 1865-1871.


In the Ontario archives of marriages in Wellington Co: (I think this is from the Fergus Presbyterian church.)

No. 26 April 17 [1840] James Mennie, of the Township of Warwich, District, & Prov of U. C. Mennie, Jas. Bachelor, and Christian Milne, of the Township of Nichol, County of Halton, District of Gore & Prov. aforesaid, Spinster, having been publicly proclaimed by Banns in order to Marriage – The said parties James Mennie & Christian Milne were legally married in presence of James Cruickshank and Farly Milne, both of Nichol aforesaid, This Seventeenth Day of April, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty years, by me A. Gardiner, Minor.


1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia For Christian Maney [Christian Mennie] Age Next Birthday: 36 Birthplace: Scotland Census Year: 1851 Enumeration District: Wellington County Enumeration District Number: 39 Sub-Enumeration District: Peel Sub-Enumeration District Number: 373

James Maney 47 Christian Maney 36 [Christian Milne Minnie] Alexander Maney 13 Margret Maney 11


Christiana's grandson James Milne stated that Christina's son Alexander Gardiner was born at sea (1891 census, Port Parry, Ontario.) So that means that the John Milne family left Scotland in 1836, probably alongside the Fairley and John Jrs. families.


From, Ontario marriages:

Name: Christiana Milne Birth Place: Scotland Age: 21 (sic) Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837 (sic) Father Name: John Milne Mother Name: Margaret Anderson Spouse Name: Henry Land Spouse's Age: 45 Spouse Estimated Birth Year: abt 1813 Spouse Birth Place: Ireland Spouse Residence: Elora Spouse Father Name: Thomas Land Spouse Mother Name: Grace Row Marriage Date: 6 Apr 1858 Marriage County: Wellington Family History Library Microfilm: 1030067


There is no record of a marriage between George Milne and Christiana but family stories say George was the father of Alexander Gardiner Milne.

BirthDukeweil is Located SW of DrumbladeDukeweil is Located SW of Drumblade
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BaptismBaptism Record in 1815, Drumblade, For Christiana MilneBaptism Record in 1815, Drumblade, For Christiana Milne
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CensusChristine Milne Mennie (spelled Maney here) in 1851 CensusChristine Milne Mennie (spelled Maney here) in 1851 Census
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