Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Peter PINKSTON1747

Given names
Birth of a daughter
Note: Hannah married a Henry Inman who had died before 1735. For in that year Peter Pinkston deeded his plantation Pinkston's Folly to his grandson William Inman. In the deed it states \"...the Natural love and affection which he hath and doth bear towards his grandson William Inrman, minor, of Anne Arundel County and Province of MD, eldest? son of Henry Inrman of the said county Deceased who Inman married with Hannah the eldest daughter of the said Peter Pinkstone ....give grant release and confer unto the said William Inman ... that tract of Land called Pinkston's Folly lying in Ane Arundel County on a branch of the Patuxent River ...\"
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Note: Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis
Anne Arundel Co, Maryland

Note: In the archives at U of Maryland Hornbake Library, College Park, MD,
Pinkstons Folly
Note: Peter had property in Maryland before 1700. The earliest record of a Pinkston (Pinkstone) in America…

MarriageElizabeth View this family
before 1702

Note: Note: Taken from web site
Pinkston's Delight
Note: Peter sold his plantation called Pinkston's Delight to Charles Stevens in 1702. (Anne Arundel Deed B…

Pinkstons Randan
April 1707
Note: Peter Pinkston also received a patent for 100 acres of land he called Pinkstons Randan on April 2, 1707. (MD Archives SR 7378)

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth PINKSTON
January 17, 1710
Note: St Ann's of Annapolis records show Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Pinkston, was baptized…
Marlsborough Plain
Note: Peter Pinkston Sr received a patent for 200 acres of land he called Marlborough Plain in Anne Arundel Co MD on Aug 24, 1710. The patent was copied from Maryland Land Records Film SR 7378. Peter 'gave' the land to his sons William and Peter Jr who sold it in 1725 but a second deed of sale in 1739 shows a Peter Pinkstone sold the plantation to Joseph Smith. This Peter lived in Talbot Co MD at that time - it could be either Peter Sr or Jr. A Deed of Sale of Pinkston's Thicket, originally part of Marlborough Plains in 1769 from Nicholas Dorsey to Hugh Hiland, states that the land was to the East of the Falls on the Patuxent River below an island in the river.

Marriage of a childWilliam PINKSTONMartha NELSONView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 5, 1717
Note: From St Anne's Parish records pg 38, was married William Pinkston to Martha Nelson, Mar 4, 1716 (1717?)
Residence 1735
Note: In a 1735 deed to grandson William Inman, Peter is named a resident of Queen Anne County.
Death of a wifeElizabeth
after 1739
Death of a sonPeter PINKSTON Jr
1747 (on the date of death)
Note: It is entirely possible that the attributed will and death of Peter Pinkston Sr in Talbot Co (1747) is actually that of his son Peter Pinkston Jr. There is no mention of a spouse in the document so it is difficult to know which Peter Pinkston this was. (See death record attributed to Peter Sr.)
Death 1747
Note: A Peter Pinkston wrote a will on Jan 5, 1747 in Talbot Co MD. It was proved in 1748 after his death…
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Elizabeth - View this family
Marriage: before 1702
-7 years
5 years
-4 years
17 years


In the archives at U of Maryland Hornbake Library, College Park, MD,

Series 12: Land Records, 1671-1963

Peter Pinkston, Anne Arundel County: Land patent, August 24, 1706, Pinkston's Randon (Folio ), 8/24/1706-8/24/1706 box 1 folder 1 item 2666


Peter had property in Maryland before 1700. The earliest record of a Pinkston (Pinkstone) in America is a land warrant issued October 25, 1695, to Peter Pinkston 1 for 200 acres named Pinkston's Delight lying at Elk Ridge by a branch of the Pattuxent River in Anne Arundel County. Also, he received a land warrant on Feb 19, 1699 and a patent for another 180 acres he called Pinkstons Folly located on Rogue Harbors Branch Creek, near Sheldon Creek, adjoining William Ridgoly's land. (Rogues Harbor Branch in Anne Arrundel county: branch of Little Patuxen River, mouth 1/4 mile northeast of Woodwardville. N 39 deg 04 min, W 76 deg 44 min ) In 1735 he gave this land to his grandson William Inman. According to the book THE SPIRIT IN THE SOUTH, by Cynthia Vold Forde, Anne Curtis Terry, pp 42,

\"1755: John Sappington purchases 220 acres called Pinkstone's Folly and Scott's Support: he renames the land Sappington Addition. Nowadays, the National Security Agency is located near this property close to Fort Meade.

1763: .... Sappington Addition .. the branch that had Sappington Station, which is now near Odenton Shopping Center. The town of Sappington is located on Burns Crossing Road, just past Severn run going south toward old Route 32.\"

and page 47, \"1790 ...Caleb (Sappington) ... sold his interest in the land Pinkstone's Folly at Sappington Station, Annapolis and Elks Ridge Railroad...\"

Note: Today, Rogue Harbor Branch is located on map #12 of the ADC Anne Arundel County Maps. It apparently starts somewhere on Fort George G Meade Military Reservation. It flows southward through the reservation and is joined by Franklin Branch after if flows from Burba Lake. It then flows into Lake Allen, which is on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and from there it flows into the Little Patuxent River at a point where the Piney Orchard Parkway (Rte 170) crosses the Little Patuxent. The area is generaly known as Woodwardville. On some old maps, Rogue Harbor Branch actually refers to the Little Patuxent River in that stretch.


Note: Taken from web site

By 1702, Peter Pinkston was married to Elizabeth ________?, as shown by another Maryland land record wherein Peter and Elizabeth Pinkston were the grantors. Peter and Elizabeth had probably married before 1695, because their son William Pinkston (named in still another land deed) was married by 1716. (St. Ann’s Parish Records, V. I, copy at Maryland Historical Historical Society (MHS), Anne Arundel County).


Peter sold his plantation called Pinkston's Delight to Charles Stevens in 1702. (Anne Arundel Deed Book WT 2 pp 13, MSA CE 76-7 Maryland Archives.)

Evidently a piece of Pinkston's Delight was retained by Peter in 1702. In 1721 he had 50 acres of the property surveyed for himself - still called Pinkston's Delight - and in 1731 Peter's son William Pinkston sold the 50 acres to William Hammond.


Peter Pinkston also received a patent for 100 acres of land he called Pinkstons Randan on April 2, 1707. (MD Archives SR 7378)


Peter Pinkston Sr received a patent for 200 acres of land he called Marlborough Plain in Anne Arundel Co MD on Aug 24, 1710. The patent was copied from Maryland Land Records Film SR 7378. Peter 'gave' the land to his sons William and Peter Jr who sold it in 1725 but a second deed of sale in 1739 shows a Peter Pinkstone sold the plantation to Joseph Smith. This Peter lived in Talbot Co MD at that time - it could be either Peter Sr or Jr. A Deed of Sale of Pinkston's Thicket, originally part of Marlborough Plains in 1769 from Nicholas Dorsey to Hugh Hiland, states that the land was to the East of the Falls on the Patuxent River below an island in the river.


In a 1735 deed to grandson William Inman, Peter is named a resident of Queen Anne County.


A Peter Pinkston wrote a will on Jan 5, 1747 in Talbot Co MD. It was proved in 1748 after his death. It is not clear whether this was Peter Pinkston Jr or Sr. Most likely it was Jr.

Transcription of Will of Peter Pinkstone copied from Maryland Archives July 2011

In the Name of God Amen the Fifth day of January one thousand seven hundred and forty seven I Peter Pinkstone of Talbot County in the Province of Maryland Planter being sick and weak of Body but of Sound and Perfect memory, praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this Life and the Certainty of death do make this my last will and testament in manner and form ?? ?? And as ?? such worldly estate .... I give and Bequeath unto my well beloved Friend Isaac Dixon all my personal estate measureable and immeasureable as also that debt of eight hundred pounds of tobacco thats due unto me from William Kelly? for my crop of Corn and Tobacco made upon Robert Halls? plantation in ?? one thousand seven hundred and forty seven as also that debt of two hundred pounds of tobacco due unto me from Richard Hart? ... as also that debt due unto me for a good ?? from Richard Barrow?? to him his heirs and ?? forever, do witness my hand .. this day .. Signed in the presence John Dixon, James Robinson,William Williams

Signed Peter (X) Pinkstone His Mark

On the back of the paper was written: John Dixon and William Williams .. witnesses of the forgoing will being ?? called Quakers made their solemn affirmation and declare they saw the testator Peter Pinkstone sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension?? of sound and disposing mind and memory before me April the 15th day Anno domini 1748 . Thomas Bullen?? DComm Talbot County


Peter and Elizabeth were members of St Annes Parish of Anne Arundel Co MD from about 1700 to the 1720s. Here are some records found in the parish registry book published by Ann Burns:

-- 5, 1694 was born William Pinkstone, son of Peter -- 31 1698 was born Peter Pinkstone --5, 1698 was born Hannah Pinkstone Feb 5,1707 was married Ambrose Nelson and Sarah Du---- Mar 4,1716/1717 was married William Pinkston to Martha Nellson Jan 17,1710/1711 was born Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth, his wife Also recorded as July 29,1717 (baptism?) Mar 19,1718 was born Peter, son of William Pinkston and Martha, his wife Also recorded as July 25, 1718

July 2, 1723 Vestry meeting Ordered: "Peter Pinkston Jr and Anne Johnson being formerly writt to appear before the Vestry for incontinent Living together .... if they appear not before the Vestry ... the Vestry will return them to the Attorney General to proscribe them for Contempt and Incontinent Living."

PropertyList of some of Peter's propertiesList of some of Peter's properties
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PropertyPatent for Pinkston's FollyPatent for Pinkston's Folly
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PropertyPeter Pinkston Gives Pinkston's Folly to Grandson William InmanPeter Pinkston Gives Pinkston's Folly to Grandson William Inman
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PropertyPlat for Pinkston Delight, Sold to Charles StevensPlat for Pinkston Delight, Sold to Charles Stevens
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PropertySale of Pinkston's Delight in 1702Sale of Pinkston's Delight in 1702
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PropertyPatent for Pinkstons RandanPatent for Pinkstons Randan
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PropertyRandan Patent Found in Manuscript Room of Hornbake LibraryRandan Patent Found in Manuscript Room of Hornbake Library
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PropertyDeed of Sale for Marlborough Plain in 1739Deed of Sale for Marlborough Plain in 1739
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PropertyPinkston Thicket Sold in 1769Pinkston Thicket Sold in 1769
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Media objectVarious Pinkston and Nelson Family Records in MarylandVarious Pinkston and Nelson Family Records in Maryland
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Image dimensions: 1,432 × 2,103 pixels
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Media objectPatent for Marlsborough Plain in Anne Arundel Co
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