Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Elizabeth BOOTHAge: 91 years17981889

Elizabeth BOOTH
Given names
Birth February 21, 1798 50 35
Birth of a brotherJames BOOTH
May 1800 (Age 2 years)
Baptism of a brotherJames BOOTH
May 16, 1800 (Age 2 years)
1800 Baptism of James Booth of Drumgowan's son James
1800 Baptism of James Booth of Drumgowan's son James

Note: George and William Booth (the baby's uncles, I believe) are witnesses.

Birth of a sisterJane BOOTH
October 10, 1802 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge BOOTH
March 19, 1807 (Age 9 years)
MarriageJoseph MILNEView this family
April 30, 1826 (Age 28 years)
Baptism of a daughterJane MILNE
June 2, 1826 (Age 28 years)
Baptism of a sonJames MILNE
February 17, 1830 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sisterIsabel BOOTH
May 21, 1843 (Age 45 years)
Death of a sisterMargaret BOOTH
December 31, 1874 (Age 76 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam BOOTH
August 29, 1879 (Age 81 years)
Death of a sisterJane BOOTH
November 26, 1881 (Age 83 years)
Death October 7, 1889 (Age 91 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1791
19 months
elder sister
23 months
elder brother
William BOOTH
Birth: July 4, 1794 46 31Drumgowan, Leslie, Aerdeen
Death: August 29, 1879Silver Stone, Tullynessle & Forbes Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
23 months
elder sister
21 months
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Birth: October 10, 1802 54 39Drumgowan, Leslie, Aerdeen
Death: November 26, 1881Leslie Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
4 years
younger brother
Family with Joseph MILNE - View this family
Marriage: April 30, 1826Clatt, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1 month
4 years