Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John Boyd Headstone in Clayton, Hendricks, IN

John BOYDAge: 78 years17611840

Given names
Birth December 28, 1761
Rev War Veteran

Death of a fatherWilliam BOYD
about 1777 (Age 15 years)
Death of a motherunknown unknown
after November 1777 (Age 15 years)
Residence 1782 (Age 20 years)
Note: According to his Rev War petition and
MarriageMary ROBERTSView this family
June 1, 1784 (Age 22 years)
Note: Mary applied for a pension after John died in 1840. He had received his Rev War pension up to that point. In the application Mary gives her maiden name, where they were married and the names of her children.
Birth of a son
William BOYD
February 22, 1787 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a son
November 20, 1788 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
James BOYD
October 15, 1790 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a daughter
Martha BOYD
August 18, 1792 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a son
Matthew BOYD
August 18, 1792 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth BOYD
March 30, 1794 (Age 32 years)

Birth of a son
Spencer BOYD
February 19, 1796 (Age 34 years)
CensusMary ROBERTSView this family
1796 (Age 34 years)
Note: John Boyd appeared in 1796 Tax List - the only Boyd to appear that year. He also appeared on the 3 July 1798 personal tax rolls , with 3 horses.
Birth of a daughter
October 4, 1799 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a daughter
Susan BOYD
April 1, 1801 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a son
October 1, 1806 (Age 44 years)
Note: Birth records for John Boyd, Hugh Boyd and other family members were found in a small Accounts Book in John Boyd's application (R 1089) for Rev War Pension in 1833.
Marriage of a childHarmon HIATTMartha BOYDView this family
July 25, 1819 (Age 57 years)

Marriage of a childHugh BOYDMary DUDLEYView this family
August 23, 1829 (Age 67 years)
Note: Records on have
Residence between 1780 and 1845 (Age 18 years)
Note: According to the Rev War petition of John and his wife Mary John Boyd lived at various times in Bur…
Surry County NC

Note: John Boyd appeared on the Tax List of CAPTAIN HUMPHRIES DISTRICT - 1782, Surry Co, NC.
Death January 6, 1840 (Age 78 years)
Note: John Boyd left no will but his estate records are in the Hendrick Co archives, copied from the India…

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Mary ROBERTS - View this family
Marriage: June 1, 1784Surry Co NC
22 years
-14 years
-6 years
21 months
23 months
22 months
19 months
23 months
Spencer BOYD
Birth: February 19, 1796 34 Virginia
Death: February 6, 1874Glenwood, Mills Co, Iowa
4 years
18 months


According to his Rev War petition and

U.S., Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820 For John Boyd State: North Carolina, County: Burke County Residence Year: 1780 Household Remarks: Name on a petition, 25 Dec 1778, to the Governor, etc., from inhabitants of Burke County seeking to become a part of Tryon County provided the boundaries will allow them to raise public buildings...


Mary applied for a pension after John died in 1840. He had received his Rev War pension up to that point. In the application Mary gives her maiden name, where they were married and the names of her children.


John Boyd appeared in 1796 Tax List - the only Boyd to appear that year. He also appeared on the 3 July 1798 personal tax rolls , with 3 horses.


According to the Rev War petition of John and his wife Mary John Boyd lived at various times in Burke & Surrey counties in NC, Grayson Co VA, Green and Hawkins counties TENN and ended up in Hendricks Co Indiana.

  1. John Boyd appeared in Grayson Co VA tax rolls from 1796-98.

  2. 1830 United States Federal Census For John Boyd Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Surry, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1 Free White Persons - Under 20: 1 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1 Total Free White Persons: 4 Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 4


John Boyd appeared on the Tax List of CAPTAIN HUMPHRIES DISTRICT - 1782, Surry Co, NC.


John Boyd left no will but his estate records are in the Hendrick Co archives, copied from the Indiana Genealogical Society web site.

From Findagrave: Birth: Dec. 28, 1761, Burke County North Carolina, USA

Death: Jan. 6, 1840 Clayton, Hendricks County Indiana, USA

John Boyd was wounded at the battle of Gulliford Court House about March, 1781 in North Carolina. Married Mary Roberts June 1785 in North Carolina

Burial: Clayton Cemetery Clayton, Hendricks County Indiana, USA


Synopsis of John Boyd's application for Rev War Pension taken from

BOYD, John, Mary, R1089, NC Line, soldier applied 11 Nov 1833, Hendricks County, IN aged 72 a resident of Guilford Twp, IN, lived Burke County, NC at enlistment, a William Boyd was a witness to Soldier's affidavit in 1833, widow applied 13 June 1843, Hendricks County, IN aged 76, soldier married Mary Roberts in Surry County, NC in June 1785 and they moved to Green County, TN then back to Surry County, NC then moved to Gracen (Grayson) County, VA then moved to Hawkins County, TN then back to Surry County, NC then to Hendricks County, IN, soldier died 6 Jan 1840, soldier and widow had 15 children: Alexander Smith Boyd who died shortly after birth, William Boyd born 22 Feb 1787, John Boyd born 20 Nov 1788, James 15 Oct 1790, Matthew born 18 Aug 1792, Martha, Elizabeth born 30 Mar 1794, Spencer born 19 Feb 1796, Joshua born 15 Oct 1797, Jane born 4 Oct 1799, Susan or Susy born 1 (Apr) 1801, Elisha Boyd, Hugh Boyd, Matilda Boyd and one not named, 10 were living in 1843, soldier was born 28 Dec 1761, soldier's daughter Martha Hiatt was aged 50 in August 1842.

Shared note

Early Settlers of Surry County

Source: The Heritage of Surry County, North Carolina, Volume I

Surry County was settled largely by second generation Americans who were born in Virginia. Some came before the Revolution looking for land; some came to receive land in payment for services in the Revolution; some were simply land speculators; and some passed through and stayed only long enough to grow food to take them to another place. ........ They traveled in groups of extended family, neighbors or in groups that had a common religious bond. They followed the same pattern in settlement and in marriage. They married where they were. And if they did not migrate, they were given their portion of land adjoining the family. This pattern is still true of farm families today. ....... Another example of a travel group was Matthew CREED and his brother Bennett who came to Surry about 1770. They brought adult and teenage children with them. Also included were Matthew's wife's family, the McKinneys, Richard Lawrence with seventeen children, Edward Moore and Rodham Moore (who settled in Patrick but whose son Gabriel settled in Surry and married into the Lawrence family).

It is believed that the GORDON family came with them as well as the Herring and DUDLEY families. This group settled in the area south of Mt. Airy on the Turner's Mountain and the Red Brush section; others who came with them were the ROBERTS, Robertson and the very wealthy McCraw families. Descendants are here today through hundreds settled in the west.

MilitaryFrom: Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in IndianaFrom: Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in Indiana
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Type: Book
MilitaryJohn Boyd's Application for Pension in 1833
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MarriageMary Roberts Boyd Pension Application From National Archives.
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CensusJohn Boyd in 1796 Tax Record of Grayson Co, VAJohn Boyd in 1796 Tax Record of Grayson Co, VA
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PropertyJohn Boyd lived on ?? CreekJohn Boyd lived on ?? Creek
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DeathJohn Boyd's Estate Records - 1840
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DeathJohn Boyd Headstone in Clayton, Hendricks, INJohn Boyd Headstone in Clayton, Hendricks, IN
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