Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William SAUNDERSAge: 83 years18341918

Given names
Birth August 24, 1834 43 37
Note: According to 1901 Census of Huron Co.
MarriageMarguerite HawthorneView this family

Note: Name: William Saunders
Birth of a brotherJohn SAUNDERS
1839 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas SAUNDERS
1841 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterAnn SAUNDERS
1841 (Age 6 years)
Emigration 1848 (Age 13 years)

Note: From the book, LINES OF HOWICK in the LDS Library.
Birth of a daughter
March 21, 1859 (Age 24 years)
Census 1861 (Age 26 years)
Note: The 1865 Directory for Durham Co shows Wm Sanders living on Conc 6 Lot 19.
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth SAUNDERS
1863 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
George James SAUNDERS
August 22, 1865 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
William John SAUNDERS
1872 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
1874 (Age 39 years)
Death of a fatherJames SAUNDERS
December 21, 1875 (Age 41 years)
Note: It is reported that James Saunders was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in nearby Prince Albert Ontario.
CensusMargaret TWAMLEYView this family
1881 (Age 46 years)
Death of a motherMary
March 22, 1882 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childJohn ABRAHAMMary Jane SAUNDERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
December 12, 1882 (Age 48 years)
Note: The record clearly states that she is the daughter of William Saunders and she was born in Cartwright (Durham) Ontario.
Death of a sisterJane SAUNDERS
after 1890 (Age 55 years)

Note: Jane was listed with her daughter Margaret Phair's family in Forwich in 1891 census of Ontario.
Marriage of a childGeorge James SAUNDERSMargaret Jane TWAMLEYView this family
August 16, 1891 (Age 56 years)
Residence 1891 (Age 56 years)
Note: The 1891 census of Howick showed William Saunders 58 Ireland, Margaret 57, Margaret 16.
Marriage of a childGeorge TWAMLEYElizabeth SAUNDERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
January 20, 1892 (Age 57 years)
Death of a wifeMargaret TWAMLEY
February 9, 1896 (Age 61 years)
MarriageMarguerite HawthorneView this family
December 29, 1897 (Age 63 years)
Note: This must have been William's second marriage because he had young grandchildren living with him a short time later.
Death of a sonWilliam John SAUNDERS
July 20, 1898 (Age 63 years)
Death of a sonGeorge James SAUNDERS
April 16, 1899 (Age 64 years)
Cause: Suicide by drowning
Burial of a sonGeorge James SAUNDERS
1899 (Age 64 years)
Cemetery: Fordwich Public Cemetery, Huron Co, Ont
Marriage of a childWilliam John DOUGLAS Margaret SAUNDERSView this family
March 21, 1900 (Age 65 years)
Note: Ontario Marriages:
Census 1901 (Age 66 years)
Note: Name: William Saunders
Death January 7, 1918 (Age 83 years)

Note: The Wingham Times Dec 15, 1904
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
6 years
elder sister
-2 years
elder sister
14 years
5 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
-14 years
elder brother
16 years
younger sister
Family with Marguerite Hawthorne - View this family
Marriage: December 29, 1897Huron Co, Ontario
Family with Margaret TWAMLEY - View this family
5 years
10 years
3 years
-8 years


According to 1901 Census of Huron Co.


From the book, LINES OF HOWICK in the LDS Library.

William and Margaret Saunders C13-L229

William Saunders (1834-1918) was born in Ireland and came to Canada when he was 14, settling first in Durham County and then in Howick.

William married Margaret Twamley(1835-1896) of C14-L13 and they had a family of five: Mary Jane(1859-1933) m John Abraham, Elizabeth(1864-1940 m George Twamley of Ashfield, George James (1865-1899) m Margaret Jane Twamley, William John (1872-97), and Margaret Ann(1874-1941) m William Douglas.


Name: William Saunders Birth Place: Ireland Age: 60 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837 Father Name: James Saunders Mother Name: Mary Saunders Spouse Name: Margurite Hawthorn Spouse's Age: 42 Spouse Estimated Birth Year: abt 1855 Spouse Birth Place: Kingston Spouse Father Name: James Hawthorn Spouse Mother Name: Eliza Marshall Marriage Date: 29 Dec 1897 Marriage Place: Huron Marriage County: Huron Family History Library Microfilm: MS932_93


The 1865 Directory for Durham Co shows Wm Sanders living on Conc 6 Lot 19.


The 1891 census of Howick showed William Saunders 58 Ireland, Margaret 57, Margaret 16.


This must have been William's second marriage because he had young grandchildren living with him a short time later.


Name: William Saunders Marital Status: Married Age: 66 Birth Date: 24 Aug 1834 Birthplace: Ireland Spouse's name: Margaret Immigration Year: 1847 Irish Religion: Church Of England Occupation: Retired Province: Ontario District: Huron (East/est) District Number: 73 Sub-District: Turnberry Sub-District Number: F-1 Family Number: 112 Page: 11

William Saunders 66 Margaret Saunders 44 Lucinda M Saunders 6 Foemany J Saunders 5


The Wingham Times Dec 15, 1904 Died in Manitoba Mrs Eliza Hawthorne a former resident of this section died at Waskada Man. On Friday last aged 92 years. Mrs. Hawthorne left here some 9 months ago for the West. The remains are being brought home and the funeral will take place from the residence of her son in law Mr. Wm. Saunders (died Jan 7, 1918 at 84 years), Lower Wingham this Thursday afternoon to the Bluevale Cemetery. (Margaret Saunders 1848-1928)

Death certificate stated that William was a resident of Wingham and is buried in Fordwich Cemetery.

CensusWilliam with his first wife Margret and child MaryWilliam with his first wife Margret and child Mary
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CensusWilliam's family listed in the 1881 censusWilliam's family listed in the 1881 census
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