Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Peter GRIFFINAge: 77 years18131890

Given names
Birth about 1813 33
Note: Based on burial record and Coolatin Estate record of 1868.
MarriageCatherine HENNESYView this family

Note: Catherine's name was taken from the will of her father Charles Hennesy in 1864.

Birth of a brotherThomas GRIFFIN
about 1816 (Age 3 years)
Note: Census records of 1861 and 1881 indicate that he was born about 1815, not in 1809 as had been reported on his death record. The Coolatin Estate Residents book puts his birth year as about 1816 as does his immigration record from Coolatin in 1851.

Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn GRIFFIN
before 1834 (Age 21 years)
Note: The Tithe Applotment for Knocknaboley in 1824 lists John Griffin as John Griffin Reps - and has Tho…
Note: This is a possible record of old John Griffin's death. Knocknaboley is in the Shillelagh Registrati…
Death of a fatherThomas GRIFFIN
before 1839 (Age 26 years)
Note: The 1839 Tenants Book for Knocknaboley on the Coolatin Estate shows that Thomas may have already die…

Death of a motherMargaret
after 1839 (Age 26 years)
Note: Margaret Griffin, age 65, was living on the Kemmitt,Griffin,Pollard Lease in 1839 - a widow, according to the Account of Residents Book of the Coolatin Estate - MS 6082 of NLI. She had exactly 2 sons - presumably Peter and Thomas Griffin who took over the lease in Knocknaboley in 1843. Margaret probably had died by 1843.
Residence 1843 (Age 30 years)
Note: The 1843 Rental Book for the Coolatin Estate shows that Peter Griffin assumed the Griffin part of th…

Residence 1848 (Age 35 years)
Note: Peter and his brother Thomas Griffin had taken over the Griffin part of the lease of the old Griffin/Kimmitt/Pollard lease on the estate.
Birth of a son
1851 (Age 38 years)
Note: Thomas Griffin, age 51, lived in Tinahely with his sister.
Birth of a son
1851 (Age 38 years)

Note: According to death record.
Birth of a daughter
1855 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a son
October 16, 1856 (Age 43 years)
Note: Baptism 25 Jan 1857, Kilcommon Parish, Wicklow Ire. Mother was named Catherine.
Residence 1860 (Age 47 years)
Note: Peter Griffin lived on the Griffin Lease for many years. About the time he died the lease and home were taken over by the Conway family. Locals still refer to the ruined home as the Conway Place. The exact GPS for the ruined home and barns is Latitude: 52° 50’ 51.342” N , Longitude: 6° 30’ 22.662” W.
Lot 13 of Ireland Valuation List for Knocknaboley
1860 (Age 47 years)

Note: Peter Griffin was listed on Lot 13 of Knocknaboley Wicklow for all Valuations from 1860-1892. In 18…
Birth of a daughter
1861 (Age 48 years)
Note: From 1901 census.
Residence 1868 (Age 55 years)
Note: A residents census of 1868 gives family information for Peter Griffin. According to the data he was …

Marriage of a childMaurice BYRNESusan GRIFFINView this family
June 6, 1882 (Age 69 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph NEEDHAMMary Anne GRIFFINView this family
May 14, 1885 (Age 72 years)
Note: From Kilcommon Register of Marriages 1846-1903
Death of a wifeCatherine HENNESY
April 24, 1887 (Age 74 years) Age: 65
Note: Record states Catherine had been ill for a year. Her son John was witness at her death in Knocknaboley.
Death of a brotherThomas GRIFFIN
July 29, 1887 (Age 74 years)
Coolatin Estate Lease

Note: Peter replaced Thomas Griffin (probably his father) on the old Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard lease on the farm in Knocknaboley. He and Thomas (probably his brother) farmed the property until the lease was eventually terminated in the 1850s. Subsequently Peter received his own lease and farmed it for many years.

Death August 4, 1890 (Age 77 years)
Cause of death: Senility at age 78.
Note: Peter's burial record was recorded in the Church of Ireland records for Hacketstown and in the Civil Records of Ireland.

Family with parents - View this family
younger brother
-2 years
Family with Catherine HENNESY - View this family
11 years
Birth: 1861 48Co Wicklow, Ireland
Death: December 28, 1929Ballyshonoge, Tinahely, Wicklow, Ireland
-9 years
5 years
21 months


Based on burial record and Coolatin Estate record of 1868.


Catherine's name was taken from the will of her father Charles Hennesy in 1864.


The 1843 Rental Book for the Coolatin Estate shows that Peter Griffin assumed the Griffin part of the Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard Lease on Knocknaboley. The book states that Thomas Griffin was "taken out" and Peter Griffin "inserted' into the book.

It is very likely that Peter was the son of Thomas.


Peter and his brother Thomas Griffin had taken over the Griffin part of the lease of the old Griffin/Kimmitt/Pollard lease on the estate.


Peter Griffin lived on the Griffin Lease for many years. About the time he died the lease and home were taken over by the Conway family. Locals still refer to the ruined home as the Conway Place. The exact GPS for the ruined home and barns is Latitude: 52° 50’ 51.342” N , Longitude: 6° 30’ 22.662” W.


Peter Griffin was listed on Lot 13 of Knocknaboley Wicklow for all Valuations from 1860-1892. In 1892 he was replaced by a John Griffin. Since Peter had died in 1890 it is likely that this John Griffin was his son. John Griffin was replaced by John Conway in 1909-1911; Conways had title all the way to 1962 when the State assumed title.

The original Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard lease from the 1700s became Lots 11 Charles Kemmitt 47 A 12 John Pollard 67 A 13 Peter Griffin 51 A in the Valuation Lists for Knocknaboley.


A residents census of 1868 gives family information for Peter Griffin. According to the data he was 56, his wife was 50, and they had 3 boys and 3 girls living with them.

List of dog owners from Knocknaboley in 1866 names Peter Griffin and John Griffin.


Peter replaced Thomas Griffin (probably his father) on the old Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard lease on the farm in Knocknaboley. He and Thomas (probably his brother) farmed the property until the lease was eventually terminated in the 1850s. Subsequently Peter received his own lease and farmed it for many years.


Peter's burial record was recorded in the Church of Ireland records for Hacketstown and in the Civil Records of Ireland.

MarriageCharles Hennesy Will Names His Daughter Catherine HennesyCharles Hennesy Will Names His Daughter Catherine Hennesy
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MarriageMarriage Entry For Peter McCabe & Catherine Hennesy, 1844Marriage Entry For Peter McCabe & Catherine Hennesy, 1844
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ResidenceModifications To Coolatin Rentals 1843-44
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ResidenceSaunders and Griffins in 1844 Rent Books
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ResidenceCensus of Knocknaboley Residents, Coolatin Estate, 1848
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ResidencePhoto of Former Home of Griffins On Knocknaboley - The Conway PlacePhoto of Former Home of Griffins On Knocknaboley - The Conway Place
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PropertyValuation Record for Peter Griffin of Knocknaboley, Circa 1870Valuation Record for Peter Griffin of Knocknaboley, Circa 1870
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ResidencePeter Griffin, Resident Knocknaboley 1868Peter Griffin, Resident Knocknaboley 1868
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ResidencePeter Griffin Was Licensed To Have 1 Dog in 1866, KnocknaboleyPeter Griffin Was Licensed To Have 1 Dog in 1866, Knocknaboley
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PropertyPeter Griffin, 1860 Tenant on Coolatin EstatePeter Griffin, 1860 Tenant on Coolatin Estate
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PropertyPeter Griffin, 1868 Tenant on Coolatin EstatePeter Griffin, 1868 Tenant on Coolatin Estate
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DeathEntry from Burial Records in HacketstownEntry from Burial Records in Hacketstown
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DeathPeter Griffin, Knocknaboley, 1890 Death Record in Irish Civil RecordsPeter Griffin, Knocknaboley, 1890 Death Record in Irish Civil Records
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