Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Margaret 1839

Given names
Birth of a son
about 1813
Note: Based on burial record and Coolatin Estate record of 1868.
Birth of a son
about 1816
Note: Census records of 1861 and 1881 indicate that he was born about 1815, not in 1809 as had been reported on his death record. The Coolatin Estate Residents book puts his birth year as about 1816 as does his immigration record from Coolatin in 1851.

Death of a husbandThomas GRIFFIN
before 1839
Note: The 1839 Tenants Book for Knocknaboley on the Coolatin Estate shows that Thomas may have already die…

Death after 1839
Note: Margaret Griffin, age 65, was living on the Kemmitt,Griffin,Pollard Lease in 1839 - a widow, according to the Account of Residents Book of the Coolatin Estate - MS 6082 of NLI. She had exactly 2 sons - presumably Peter and Thomas Griffin who took over the lease in Knocknaboley in 1843. Margaret probably had died by 1843.

Margaret Griffin, age 65, was living on the Kemmitt,Griffin,Pollard Lease in 1839 - a widow, according to the Account of Residents Book of the Coolatin Estate - MS 6082 of NLI. She had exactly 2 sons - presumably Peter and Thomas Griffin who took over the lease in Knocknaboley in 1843. Margaret probably had died by 1843.

DeathTenants on Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard Lease in 1839Tenants on Kemmitt/Griffin/Pollard Lease in 1839
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