Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Margaret STRAHAN1825

Margaret STRAHAN
Given names
Birth of a son
Note: James Saunders was born in 1791 as identified by his acknowledged father Andrew Saunders on Andrew's original lease on the estate. By 1827 James Saunders was living on half of his father's original lease. It is possible Andrew was dead by this time. Andrew's daughter Mary Collins was living on the other half.
Birth of a daughter
about 1800
Birth of a daughter
January 1802
Note: From the Roman Catholic Killaveny parish records, NLI film P4257:
Mary Strahan - Relative?

Note: Jan 15, 1815 a baptism record for the child of Peter Farrel and Catherine Doyle of Knocknaboley had witnesses John Kenshala and Mary Strahon. Perhaps it was supposed to be Mary Saunders (dau of Margaret Strahan.)
Child Baptism January 24, 1802
Note: From the Church Baptism Records for Catholic parish of Killaveney in Wicklow:
Marriage of a childJames KENSHALAMargaret SAUNDERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
January 13, 1816
Marriage of a childMichael COLLINSMary SAUNDERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 28, 1816
Note: Mary's sister Margaret Kenshale was a witness to the marriage in the Catholic Parish of Killaveny.
Death after 1825
Note: Margaret STRAHAN Saunders was still alive in Aug 1825. She was the sponsor for her granddaughter Mar…
Family with Andrew SAUNDERS - View this family
10 years
2 years


Jan 15, 1815 a baptism record for the child of Peter Farrel and Catherine Doyle of Knocknaboley had witnesses John Kenshala and Mary Strahon. Perhaps it was supposed to be Mary Saunders (dau of Margaret Strahan.)

Child Baptism

From the Church Baptism Records for Catholic parish of Killaveney in Wicklow:

Mary Sanders, baptized 24 Jan 1802. Father Andrew Sanders, Mother Margaret Strahan of Knocknaboley. Sponsors: Matthew Lambert and Margaret Farrel. Father is a Protestant.

According to Rental records from Coolatin Estate, the Lamberts and Farrells were neighbors of the Saunders family in Knocknaboley.


Margaret STRAHAN Saunders was still alive in Aug 1825. She was the sponsor for her granddaughter Mary Collins, daughter of Mary SAUNDERS Collins of Knocknaboley.

Aug 7 Knocknaboley Mary for Michael collins and Mary Saunders, Sponsors Alexander ?? and Margaret Strahan.


There was a Strahan family living on Rosebawn in Killaveny Parish in 1843 Parish Records of Killaveny:

Baptism: Margaret Strahan, Jan 30, 1843 Parish : Killavany Parents: John Strahan, Mary Byrne of Rosebawn

Note - Rosebawn is not Rathbawn.

DeathBaptism Record for Mary Collins, Knocknaboley, 1825Baptism Record for Mary Collins, Knocknaboley, 1825
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