Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas MARTIN1865

Given names
Doagh, Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ireland

Note: The Martin clan covered the hills of Magheracloone, especially Doagh.
Birth of a daughter
Margaret MARTIN
about 1815
Marriage of a childFrancis “Red” McCABEMargaret MARTINView this family
before April 1840
Note: Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and h…
Death about 1865
Thomas MARTIN + … … - View this family


The Martin clan covered the hills of Magheracloone, especially Doagh.

A 1777 lease for Hugh Martin and others was found in the Shirley Estate records in Belfast (Ref: D/3531/T/2/41)

Aug 14, 1777. A lease between George Shirley of Eatington of Warwick and Thomas Carroll, Hugh Martin, Bryan Martin, Loughlin Martin, and Phelim Martin of Doagh .... 225 acres two rods Irish Plantation measure for 21 years. Hugh and Bryan Martin signed their names, the others signed with their mark.

A lease for 1799 was also found for Martins on Doagh (D/3531/T/4/18 ).

Feb 1, 1799. The following Martins were named in the lease for land on Doagh: Edward, Patrick the Elder, Patrick second elder, Patrick the younger, Peter Sr., Peter Jr., Bart Sr., Bart Jr., Terence, Miles, Patrick the third, all of Doagh and Patrick Martin of Aghanallart.

Another document from the Shirley Estate labeled Renegotiated Leases, dated 1802-1805, refers to these Martins on Doagh: Patt Martin (Sharp), Patt Martin (White), Catherine Martin, Peter Martin, Michael Martin, Elsie Martin, Bartolemew Martin, Bart Martin Sr,Arther Agness Martin, Owen Martin (King).

The Martins on Doagh in the Tithe Books of 1824 were numerous: Thomas Martin, Rose (Widow of Edward) Martin, Patrick Martin, Peter Martin, Barthe Martin, Felix Martin, Terence Martin, Hugh Martin, Patrick (Whiskey) Martin, Patrick Martin, John Martin, Felix Martin, Ann(?) Martin.

The Rental Books for the Shirley Estate in 1839 for Doagh listed these Martins (in order): Felix Martin Jr "Edw", Felix Martin Sr. "James", Thomas Martin Sr, Patt Martin "Brown", Peter Martin, Rose Martin, Terence and Michael Martin, Pat Martin, Bartle Martin, Hugh Martin, Pat Martin Jr., John Martin, Thomas Martin.

The 1842 Rental Book for Doagh had these Martins listed on Doagh: Felix Jr, Felix Sr, Thomas, Patrick, Rose, Terence and Michael, Patrick, Bartle, Ellen, Patrick, John, Thomas, Patrick.

The Griffiths Evaluation listed fewer Martins on Doagh (1858): Arthur, Felix, James, John, Mary, Philip, and Thomas.

Evidently Thomas Martin was the son of Thomas Martin Sr who was on his lease as late as 1846. It is entirely possible that Thomas Martin was the brother of our Margaret - not her father. In any case the father of Thomas Martin Sr. is not known, but it is likely one of the Martins mentioned in the 1777 or 1779 census.

Thomas Martin (assumed father of Margaret) was on the land from the 1830s until his death after 1866 on the lot that was designated as Doagh 15a,b in the Griffiths Evaluation of the late 1850s, area 21A,1R,20P.

The lease to Thomas' farm (designated Lot 15 on Doagh) passed on to Patrick Martin around 1870, then to Patrick Martin's widow Catherine after 1881. Catherine turned the lease over to Peter Martin after 1901 who held the land until after 1932 when James Jones took title. James Jones gave over the title to Patrick Jones.


The designation of Thomas Martin as the father of Margaret Martin (wife of Frank McCabe) is the result of seaching Shirley estate records, baptism records of Margaret's children in Magheracloone, and Griffith's Evaluation but it is NOT absolutely known to be true.

According to the Griffiths Census, Margaret and Frank were living as cottiers in the 1850s, subleasing from Thomas Martin in the last years before they immigrated to Canada.

Thomas Martin was the godson of Margaret's son Patt McCabe, baptized April 14, 1847.