William SUMMERSAge: 5 days1779–1779
- Name
- William SUMMERS
- Given names
- William
- Surname
![]() | February 19, 1779 40 38 Note: A second son was named William folowing the death of his older brother William. Unfortunately, the second son also died in infancy.
![]() | February 24, 1779 (Age 5 days) |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles SUMMERS Birth: May 1738 — Near Cam, Gloucestershire Death: January 12, 1817 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
mother |
Martha VIZARD Birth: September 19, 1740 30 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England Death: June 10, 1810 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
Marriage: January 2, 1760 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
6 months elder sister |
Olive SUMMERS Birth: June 1760 22 19 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
28 years younger brother |
-24 years elder brother |
Charles “Charly” SUMMERS Birth: October 17, 1763 25 23 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
3 years elder brother |
John SUMMERS Birth: March 4, 1767 28 26 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: March 4, 1767 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
3 years elder brother |
Thomas SUMMERS Birth: February 13, 1770 31 29 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
2 years elder sister |
Elizabeth SUMMERS Birth: May 17, 1772 34 31 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
brother |
William SUMMERS Death: February 28, 1774 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
elder sister |
Mary SUMMERS Birth: September 5, 1775 37 34 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
2 years elder brother |
Edward SUMMERS Birth: October 28, 1777 39 37 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: 1848 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
16 months himself |
William SUMMERS Birth: February 19, 1779 40 38 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: February 24, 1779 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
18 months younger sister |
Ann SUMMERS Birth: August 6, 1780 42 39 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
7 years younger sister |
Martha SUMMERS Birth: November 5, 1787 49 47 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
Birth | A second son was named William folowing the death of his older brother William. Unfortunately, the second son also died in infancy. |