Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John McNABBAge: 80 years17561836

Given names
Birth 1756 25
Note: It is likely that John McNabb's father was Andrew McNabb and that he was born in Chester Co or Lanc…
MarriageMartha HICKLINView this family
June 1794 (Age 38 years)
Note: Bourbon Co KY Loose Papers
Birth of a son
Andrew McNABB
September 6, 1795 (Age 39 years)
Residence 1800 (Age 44 years)
Note: John McKnab was listed on the Montgomery Co List 8/22/1800.
Birth of a son
Hicklin McNABB
January 15, 1803 (Age 47 years)
Note: Some of the information for Hicklin McNabb and his ancestors was taken from Public Trees in and has not been verified.
Birth of a daughter
Rachel Carothers McNABB
July 28, 1808 (Age 52 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Hicklin McNABB
January 27, 1810 (Age 54 years)
Census 1810 (Age 54 years) Age: Over 45
Note: John McNab 4 Males 4 Females 1 Slave
Death of a daughterRachel Carothers McNABB
December 17, 1812 (Age 56 years)
Residence 1813 (Age 57 years)
Note: The book "an Outline History of BATH COUNTY" by Kathleen Bailey McNab; it was reported that John McNabb served on the first grand jury of Bath Co in 1813.
Birth of a daughter
April 7, 1814 (Age 58 years)
Death of a fatherAndrew McNABB
1815 (Age 59 years)
Note: Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A Oct court, 1815
Census 1820 (Age 64 years)
Note: John McNabb is shown living next to Sarah McDaniel in Bath Co, KY. John's land patent from Morgan C…
Marriage of a childHicklin McNABBRebecca McDONALDView this family
December 28, 1821 (Age 65 years)
Note: From old KY Genweb site, this probably is the entry for Hicklin McNabb's marriage. Notice his name …
Residence 1824 (Age 68 years)
Note: Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B
McNabb Land Patents in Morgan IN
1828 (Age 72 years)
Note: MCNABB Henry 19 Jul 1832 13 2E 9 SE qtr of NE qtr …
Property 1833 (Age 77 years)
Note: A John McNabb received 3 patents for land in Morgan County IN. Here is the patent for the last one:
Death of a sonHicklin McNABB
August 14, 1836 (Age 80 years)
Note: From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder
Death about 1836 (Age 80 years)
Note: From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder
EventMartha HICKLINView this family
Marriages in Morgan Co IN
before 1850 (14 years after death)
Note: Marriages in Morgan Co IN
Cemetery: McNabb/Harrah Cemetery
Note: John McNabb, about 80Y. Buried with wife Martha.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Martha HICKLIN - View this family
Marriage: June 1794Bourbon Co KY
7 years
6 years
18 months
4 years


It is likely that John McNabb's father was Andrew McNabb and that he was born in Chester Co or Lancaster Co PA. John was almost certainly not born in Montgomery Co KY as is reported by many genealogists.

According to Montgomery Co Deed Book, Andrew McNabb mortgaged land where he lived in Bourbon Co KY to John McNabb of Montgomery Co in 1802.


Much of the ancestry of John McNabb of Morgan Co Indiana who died in 1836 is taken (and verified as much as possible) from:

McNabb Family of Lancaster, Pa, Cecil County Maryland, Augusta Co, Va. , York County, SC Lynne Bratton Maxwell 6-26-2012 lynnemaxwell@roadr

This is my skeleton outline theory of the four McNabb brothers that constituted the ancestry of the majority of McNabb family members today in the USA that were in country before 1800: namely John, Andrew, William and Patt. All are found by 1742 in Augusta County, Va., Borden’s Great Tract. Other than Patt’s military mention, no other documents have I located. Family history is that he died without a will in Augusta Co, Va. before 1790. His brother, William McNabb, with family of sons, Baptist, Samuel, James and John, is well documented in this tree and is not included in this report history. The brothers John and Andrew McNabb are the subjects of this paper.

(Note: There is no documentation that James McNabb and wife Sarah Roper are the parents of William McNabb and wife Elizabeth Carpenter.)

John McNabb appears to be the oldest of the 4 McNabb males as he is too old for military service in 1742. John and brother, Andrew McNabb, are in Lancaster County, Penn in 1740 when Andrew’s daughter, Annisbelle marries Oliver Wallace, Sr. Also, Andrew’s daughter, Margaret marries her first cousin, William McNabb. William is John McNabb’s first son. This makes William both Andrew McNabb’s son-in-law and his nephew. William McNabb and wife, Margaret McNabb, are listed in Andrew’s will as “son-in-law and my daughter.” William and Margaret remain in Penn while their fathers travel to Augusta Co, Va. and then on to Camden District (later York County, SC). Slightly before the outbreak of the Rev War, William and Margaret McNabb, appear to travel to SC to join Margaret’s father, Andrew McNabb, sister, Annisbelle McNabb Oliver, and brother, Robert.

Margaret and William McNabb are the parents to at least, Andrew, James, Archibald and John William: Three are documented to be Rev War soldiers. Andrew McNabb, son of William remains in Penn, but later leaves to travel to Bourbon County, Kentucky. His brother, Archibald McNabb, is in Bourbon County, Ky. when in 1813 he states his age at 75. The original John McNabb, the elder, likely dies in Augusta Co., Va. This is the John that buys land and then sells the property to Baptist McNabb, his nephew, son of his youngest brother, William. Likely, other children of John and Mary McNabb are, Francis, who marries Arthur McClure. Jacob and Elisha McNabb, both found in 1780’s records of Washington County, Tn. are likely other sons.

Sons of William McNabb (son of elder John) and Margaret McNabb (daughter of elder Andrew) namely James and John William travel with parents as they join Margaret’s father in Camden Dist, SC. Andrew had left Augusta Co, Va. by 1750 and was in SC with second wife, Mary Margaret, daughter Annisbelle and husband, Oliver Wallace, Sr. Andrew and wife Margaret deed land to “our son Robert” in Sept 1767. Son Robert is married to the former Mary Elizabeth Marshall. This couple has 3 children: Henry, Sarah and Elizabeth. In 1777, Robert’s father, Andrew McNabb, along with Annisbelle, Margaret, Robert with wife, Mary Marshall McNabb, travels to Wilkes Co, Ga. Robert McNabb established McNabb’s Fort in Wilkes Co, Ga. He is killed there in the fall of 1778. Widow McNabb draws pension for Robert’s three children. Also, likely with this group, or at least by the writing of Andrew McNabb’s will and death in 1797, are William (son-in-law, son of John McNabb) and Margaret (daughter of Andrew). William McNabb and Margaret McNabb are mentioned in Andrew’s will as “my son-in-law William McNabb and my daughter, Margaret McNabb”


Bourbon Co KY Loose Papers

MARRIAGE BOND: McNABB, John and Martha HICKLIN. Bond Date: 14 June 1794. Bondsman: Th'o. HICKLIN (signs Thomas HICKLIN).

Consent of Hugh HICKLIN given 9 June 1794 for the marriage of "my daughter Martha" to John McNAB. Witnesses: Thomas HICKLIN, Thomas STARK, Marriage date: not found.


John McKnab was listed on the Montgomery Co List 8/22/1800.


John McNab 4 Males 4 Females 1 Slave


The book "an Outline History of BATH COUNTY" by Kathleen Bailey McNab; it was reported that John McNabb served on the first grand jury of Bath Co in 1813.


John McNabb is shown living next to Sarah McDaniel in Bath Co, KY. John's land patent from Morgan Co IN stated that he was a resident of Bath KY. It is likely that Sarah McDaniel was related to John McNabb's daughter in law, Hicklin's wife, Rebecca McDaniel.

John McNabb is shown living with male children ages approximately 15,17,20 and being over 45 years old.

Sarah McDaniel is shown to be over 45 and having 2 daughters about 16 years of age. This agrees with Rebecca's known age.


Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B Oct court, 1824

pp180 - a majority of justices of county being present they proceeded to lay the county levies as follows, towit,Edward McGlocklin old and infirm 20.00, to the care of John McNabb


MCNABB Henry 19 Jul 1832 13 2E 9 SE qtr of NE qtr 40 MCNABB Henry 7 Jan 1833 13 2E 9 NE qtr of NE qtr 40 MCNABB John 11 Feb 1824 14 2E 27 E half of SE qtr 80 MCNABB John 12 Mar 1828 14 2E 27 W half of SE qtr 80 MCNABB John 21 Aug 1830 14 2E 27 E half of SW qtr 80 MCNABB Thomas 23 Oct 1828 14 2E 27 E half of NW qtr 80


A John McNabb received 3 patents for land in Morgan County IN. Here is the patent for the last one:


From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder

McNabb, John Death Date: 00/00/1836 Spouse: Martha Hicklin Survived By: Wife. Other: Age 80. Born 1756; son of Andrew McNabb. Married Martha Hicklin McDonald on June 14, 1794. Father of 8 children, 6 sons and 2 daughters: Andrew, Hugh, Hicklin, John Carothers, Rachel Carothers, Thomas, Mary, and one other. He was one of the early settlers of Madison Township. [Tombstone does not give any information, other than his age at death.](Source: article by Ruth Straley in Martinsville Reporter, April 5, 1983.) [Ms. Straley notes that the cemetery no longer exists; the farm on which it once stood is now the Miller Subdivision.] Cemetery: Harrah/McNabb Cemetery, Madison Twp., Morgan Co., Ind.

(The name McDonald above is likely incorrect.)


Marriages in Morgan Co IN

David Purkepile Patsey Hicklin 6 Jul 1830 George H. Randloph Mary McNabb 5 Nov 1830

Knox, Samuel Mary Ann Hicklen April 11, 1841 McNabb, Andrew ELizabeth Glover August 23, 1846 McNabb, James E. Joanna Butterfleld August 3, 1848 McNabb, Martha Larkin Cox October 19, 1843 McNabb, Martha Thomas Gregory February 21, 1850 McNabb, Mary Samuel R. Park November 19, 1846 McNabb, Sarah John L. Knox December 25, 1845 McNabb, Thomas Polly Ann Turley September 3, 1846


John McNabb, about 80Y. Buried with wife Martha.


A number of McNabb's were married in Bath County KY in the time that John McNabb lived there. It is unclear if all of these are John's children:

MCNAB Marriage: Groom: Abner MCNAB Bride: Esther CASSITY Date: 1 Aug 1814. Notes: Bondsman: Stephen Cassity; Esther was 21 Source: Bath County Records

Marriage: Groom: Abner MCNAB Bride: Hester CASSITY Date: 7 Aug 1814 Source: Bath County Marriage Book #1, As compiled by Alice P. Reynolds

Marriage: Groom: Isaac CASSITY Bride: Delilah MCNAB Date: 31 Oct 1819 Source: Bath County Marriage Book #1, As compiled by Alice P. Reynolds

Marriage: Groom: Thirklin MCNAB Bride: Rebecca MCDONALD Date: 28 Dec 1821 Source: Bath County Marriage Book #1, As compiled by Alice P. Reynolds

CensusJohn McNab, Montgomery Co KY 1810 CensusJohn McNab, Montgomery Co KY 1810 Census
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ResidenceJohn McNabb, Bath Co Grand JuryJohn McNabb, Bath Co Grand Jury
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Census1820 Census for John McNabb in Bath KY1820 Census for John McNabb in Bath KY
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PropertyMorgan County IN Land Patent for John McNabb
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