Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Peter PINKSTON JrAge: 49 years16981747

Given names
Name suffix
Birth 1698
Note: Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis
Marriage of parentsPeter PINKSTONElizabeth View this family
before 1702 (Age 4 years)

Note: Note: Taken from web site
Birth of a sisterElizabeth PINKSTON
January 17, 1710 (Age 12 years)
Note: St Ann's of Annapolis records show Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Pinkston, was baptized…
Death of a motherElizabeth
after 1739 (Age 41 years)
Death of a fatherPeter PINKSTON
1747 (on the date of death)
Note: A Peter Pinkston wrote a will on Jan 5, 1747 in Talbot Co MD. It was proved in 1748 after his death…
Pinkston Thicket

Note: Peter Pinkstone of Talbot Co sold Marlborough Plain to John Worthington. This could be Peter Pinkston Jr.

Death 1747 (Age 49 years)
Note: It is entirely possible that the attributed will and death of Peter Pinkston Sr in Talbot Co (1747) is actually that of his son Peter Pinkston Jr. There is no mention of a spouse in the document so it is difficult to know which Peter Pinkston this was. (See death record attributed to Peter Sr.)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1702
-7 years
elder brother
5 years
-4 years
elder sister
17 years
younger sister


Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis Name: Peter Pinkstone Gender: Male Birth Date: 1698 Birth Place: Anne Arundel Circuit of The Methodist Episcopal Church, Anne Arundel, Maryland Christening Date: 1705 Christening Age: 7 Christening Place: Saint Annes Parish, Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland Father's Name: Peter Pinkstone FHL Film Number: 13281

Since Peter Pinkston was charged with living with Anne Johnson outside of marriage in 1723, it is probable that he was born before 1700;


Peter Pinkstone of Talbot Co sold Marlborough Plain to John Worthington. This could be Peter Pinkston Jr.


It is entirely possible that the attributed will and death of Peter Pinkston Sr in Talbot Co (1747) is actually that of his son Peter Pinkston Jr. There is no mention of a spouse in the document so it is difficult to know which Peter Pinkston this was. (See death record attributed to Peter Sr.)


St Ann's vestry minutes from 1723,

Peter Pinkston Jr and Ann Johnson were summoned several times ... charged with "incontinent Living together" ...

PropertyDeed of Sale for Marlborough Plain in 1739Deed of Sale for Marlborough Plain in 1739
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PropertyVarious Pinkston and Nelson Family Records in MarylandVarious Pinkston and Nelson Family Records in Maryland
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