Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

James STILLAge: 6 years18161822

Given names
Birth September 13, 1816 33 37
Baptism November 10, 1816 (Age 58 days)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth STILL
Note: The census for 1851 is hard to read. The Ancestry reader says that Elizabeth was born in Smitlake; but it appears more likely that it is Mortlake, Surrey.
Death December 15, 1822 (Age 6 years) Age: 6
Note: Burial record for James Still , age 6, of 7 Feathers Court, the address of the John Still family in other parish records of St Mary le Strand. The 15 Dec 1822 entry seems to clearly be Hill but another record found in the Westminster Archives shows the name is James Still with abode 7 Feathers Court. (Film Roll 20 of St Mary Le Strand Records, Westminster Archives,London.)

Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Birth: January 1810 27 31Richmond, Surrey, England
Death: about 1843England
5 years
elder brother
-3 years
elder brother
5 years
-8 years
elder sister
8 years
Birth: September 13, 1816 33 37St Mary Le Strand Parish, Westminster, London, England
Death: December 15, 18227 Feathers Court, St Mary's LeStrand Parish


Burial record for James Still , age 6, of 7 Feathers Court, the address of the John Still family in other parish records of St Mary le Strand. The 15 Dec 1822 entry seems to clearly be Hill but another record found in the Westminster Archives shows the name is James Still with abode 7 Feathers Court. (Film Roll 20 of St Mary Le Strand Records, Westminster Archives,London.)

BirthJames Still's Baptism Record from St Mary Le StrandJames Still's Baptism Record from St Mary Le Strand
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Image dimensions: 918 × 169 pixels
File size: 50 KB
DeathBurial Record For James Still 1822Burial Record For James Still 1822
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Image dimensions: 1,902 × 312 pixels
File size: 161 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
DeathOriginal Copy of Burial Record of James Still in 1822Original Copy of Burial Record of James Still in 1822
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Image dimensions: 3,235 × 1,919 pixels
File size: 542 KB
Type: Document