Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

James MILNEAge: 77 years17931870

Given names
Birth February 6, 1793
Birth of a sisterMargaret MILNE
December 30, 1795 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a daughter
October 14, 1818 (Age 25 years)
Residence 1820 (Age 26 years)
Note: Crooktree (Crocktree) is an neighborhood just north of the town of Kincardine O'Neil along the River Dee. The baptism records of Kincardine O'Neil show James and Margaret live there from 1818 through 1826.
Birth of a son
January 16, 1821 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Isobel MILNE
March 10, 1824 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
July 24, 1826 (Age 33 years)
Residence 1851 (Age 57 years)
Note: 1851 Scotland Census about James Milne
Death of a wifeMargaret FORBES
October 20, 1860 (Age 67 years) Age: 65
Note: Buried in churchyard at Banchory Ternan, Kincardineshire Oct 23 1860.
Residence 1861 (Age 67 years)
Note: 1861 Scotland Census about James Milne, 67
Death of a brotherJohn MILNE
October 7, 1867 (Age 74 years)
Note: John's will was recorded in Wellington County Probate Book E,, pp 415-416. (FHL film 0555617.) John…

EventMargaret FORBESView this family
Baptism Records

Note: The baptism records from Kincardine O'Neil show James Milne and Margaret Forbes lived in Crocktree (Crooktree) and had children Ann, James, Isobel and Jean baptized between 1818 and 1826.
Death July 11, 1870 (Age 77 years) Age: 77
Note: Death record from Old Macher states that James Milne, age 77, husband of (deceased) Margaret Forbes,…
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
13 months
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
19 months
3 years
younger sister
Family with Margaret FORBES - View this family
2 years
3 years
2 years


Crooktree (Crocktree) is an neighborhood just north of the town of Kincardine O'Neil along the River Dee. The baptism records of Kincardine O'Neil show James and Margaret live there from 1818 through 1826.


1851 Scotland Census about James Milne Age: 57 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1794 Spouse's Name: Margaret Milne Where born: Kincardine O'neill, Aberdeen Parish Number: 252 Civil parish: Banchory Ternan County: Kincardineshire Address: Hill Of Coy Occupation: Ag Lab Farming 3 Acres


1861 Scotland Census about James Milne, 67 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1794

Where born: Kincardine O'neill, Aberdeenshire Registration number: 252 Registration district: Banchory Ternan Civil parish: Banchory Ternan County: Kincardineshire Address: House At Newbrae Occupation: Agricultural Labourer

James Milne 67 Jenn Milne 36 Isabella Ewan 7 Margaret Ewan 5 James Ewan 4 Emmen Ewan 1 Alexander Ewan 10 mos


The baptism records from Kincardine O'Neil show James Milne and Margaret Forbes lived in Crocktree (Crooktree) and had children Ann, James, Isobel and Jean baptized between 1818 and 1826.


Death record from Old Macher states that James Milne, age 77, husband of (deceased) Margaret Forbes, died July 11, 1870 in Pitmuxton House, Aberdeen. Also, his father was John Milne and his mother was Jane (sic) Mitchell.

Informant was Alexander Ewan, son-in-law. In the 1861 census James had a 10 month old child named Alexander Ewan living with him.

ResidenceKincardine O'Neil Map Includes Crooktree and FootieKincardine O'Neil Map Includes Crooktree and Footie
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EventBaptism Entries for James Milne and Margaret Forbes' ChildrenBaptism Entries for James Milne and Margaret Forbes' Children
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Image dimensions: 1,402 × 2,029 pixels
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DeathDeath Entry for James Milne, Aberdeen CityDeath Entry for James Milne, Aberdeen City
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Image dimensions: 2,484 × 1,537 pixels
File size: 1,164 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no