Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas COTTONAge: 80 years16971777

Given names
Birth 1697
Birth of a son

Death of a fatherWalter COTTON
1713 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a son
Richard COTTON
1725 (Age 28 years)
Note: Richard was listed as a son in his father Thomas Cotton's will in 1777.
Death of a wifeJane HYDE
December 2, 1768 (Age 71 years)
Death 1777 (Age 80 years)

Probate June 26, 1777 (Age 80 years)
Note: Will of Thomas Cotton - 1779
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Jane HYDE - View this family


Will of Thomas Cotton - 1779 (Will Book C, page 318, Sussex Co.VA.)

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Thomas Cotton of the Parish of Albermarl in the County of Sussex being aged and infirm but of sound & disposing Sence and memory do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following. First I bequeath my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hoping and believing a remission of my Sins by the Merits & Mediation of Jesus Christ and my Body I commit to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executor herein after mentioned and my worldly Estate I give and devise as follows after my Debts and funeral charges are paid. First I give to my Son John Cotton one Shilling current money. Also I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Cotton the College Tenament whereon I now live also one feather Bed and Furniture one Negro Girl named Amey with her Increase One Negro Boy named Burrel one Negro Boy named Jemmy one large Chest one large iron Pot & Hooks one small iron Pot & Hooks one iron Potrack one Plow Hoe one frow two iron Wedges. Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Nathaniel Cotton one Negro Boy named Bob one Negro Girl named Jane one feather Bed and Furniture one plow Hoe one Iron Potrack one small Chest one small iron Pott. Also I give unto my Son William Cotton the Use & Labour of my Negro Man named Absalom during the natural Life of the said William and after the Decease of said William the said Negro Man Absalom I give unto Wells Cotton (Son of said William) to him and his Heirs. Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard Cotton one Negro Boy named Gabriel to him and his Heirs. Also I give unto my Son David Cotton one feather Bed Also the use & Labour of my Negro boy named Stephen during the natural Life of said David and after the Decease of said David the said Negro Boy Stephen I give unto my Son Thomas Cotton to him and his Heirs. Also I give unto my Son Isham Cotton one feather Bed. Also I give unto my Son Drewry Cotton Five Shillings currant money. Also I give unto my Son Henry Cotton One Negro Boy named Nathan one feather Bed during the natural Life of the said Henry and after the Decease of said Henry the said Negro Boy Nathan and Bed I give unto Thomas Cotton (Son of Henry) to him & his Heirs. Also I give and bequeath unto my Sons Thomas and Nathanael my Negro Woman Hannah with her future Increase. Also All the rest of my Estate of what Quality soever I give unto my two Sons Thomas & Nathanael to be equally divided betwixt them. Lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my Sons Thomas & Nathanael Executors of this my last Will & Testament and desire that my Estate such as it is may not be appraised. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & affixed my Seal this twenty sixth Day of June Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy seven.

Thomas(hisTCmark)Cotton (Seal)

Signd Seal'd and Declared by the said Thomas Cotton as & for his last Will & Testament in presence of us who in his presence & at his request subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto- John Adkins Henery Parsons

At a Court held for Sussex County the 18th Day of February 1779. The last Will & Testament of Thomas Cotton deced. was presented into Court by Nathaniel Cotton one of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto as the Law directs & the same was proved by the oaths of James Adkins & Henry Parsons witnesses thereto & by the Court ordered to be recorded & on the motion of the said Executor Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. (Contributed by Russell L. Lawrence

Shared note

Will of Walter's brother - names Walter's wife Elizabeth and son Thomas, from the Surry Co Va records:

February the 26th 1718 In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Cotten being in perfect since and memory bequeath my Soul to God that gave it me and body to the Earth to be decently buried. my Estate as followeth when all my debts are paid I give unto my loving wife Mary Cotten my plantation and Land belonging to it during her naturall life & after her decease to my Cousin Thomas Cotten son of Walter Cotten and Elizabeth his wife to the said Tomas Cotton & his heirs Lawfully begotten of his body for ever never to be (...) nor morgaged (.....) the first heir shall pretend to either of these the next shall (.... ...) upon the said land and (.... ....) of I give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary Cotten the two feather beds bolster pillows blanketts Sheets & two rugs two pair of Curtaines Valan(.)s bedsteads Cords and whatelse belongs to them in that (...) room this I give to her and her disposing. I give and bequeath to mary Smith daughter of John Smith & Elizabeth his wife one feather bed bolster blankets & rug a pair of Sheets more. I give to the said Mary (.......) pewter dishes & two pewter plates. I give to my Cousin Thomas Cotten a feather bed bolster one blanket (... .. ... ) & the bedstead bilong I give unto Richard Hide my best belt I give and bequeath to my Loving wife Mary Cotten all the rest of my Estate my Cattell hogs sheep horses all the (.... .... ..) pewter b(.......) & all (.... ...... .......) in the (.....) I give unto my Cousin Thomas Cotton all my remaining Estate I give unto my Cousin William Cotton one Shilling I give unto my kinswoman Anne Mylone one Shilling I make and impower my Loving wife Mary Cottin my Executrix of this my last will and testament whereunto I have put my hand and Seal Thomas [TC] Cott(..) his mark and seal In the Presence of us Jethro Baxter Senior, John Johnson, Grace Baxter

At a Court held at Southwark for the County of Surry March the 18th 1718: The (......) mentioned Will of Thomas Cotten Deceased was presented in Court by Mary Cotten Executrix thereof who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of Jethro Baxter & Higb Higbsib (........) thereto the same is ordered to be recorded