Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Note: The father was likely Severo Flores; he was the father of other siblings of Merced and Maria eventually married Severo in the 1870s. But when she married Severo she claimed to be a widow; no name for her first husband was stated.
Birth of a son
September 1851
Note: Merced was baptized in September 1851.
Baptism of a sonMerced ROSALES
September 27, 1851
Note: Mexico Baptisms
Birth of a daughter
Maria Hilaria Eulalia ROSALES
January 14, 1855
Note: According to baptism record.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Hilaria Eulalia ROSALES
February 12, 1855
Note: Mexico Baptisms For Maria Hilaria Eulalia Rosales
Marriage of a childMerced ROSALESMaria Eduvigis GARCIAView this family
Type: Civil marriage
January 24, 1874
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967

Death of a wifeMaria Ildefonza ROSALES

Note: Yldefonza's husband Severo remarried in 1889.
Death of a sonMerced ROSALES
March 10, 1933
Note: Merced was a US citizen but died in Camargo Mexico in 1933. The death record doesn't say whether he was just visiting or had returned to Mexico to live. He was 84 years old and of poor health so he may have returned to Mexico for medical care. Camargo is a city close to Merced's former home in Jiménez.
Family with Maria Ildefonza ROSALES - View this family
3 years
Severo FLORES + Maria Ildefonza ROSALES - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: May 17, 1879Santo Cristo De Burgos, Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico
-19 years
13 months
23 months
5 years
2 years
Inocente FLORES
Baptism: January 14, 1870 40San Buenaventura, Villa Lopez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: May 12, 1871López, Chihuahua, México
3 years
Baptism: August 23, 1872 42San Buenaventura, Villa López, Chihuahua, Mexico
2 years


The father was likely Severo Flores; he was the father of other siblings of Merced and Maria eventually married Severo in the 1870s. But when she married Severo she claimed to be a widow; no name for her first husband was stated.

Shared note

Merced Rosales Marriage Entry Has Parents and Grandparents

REGISTRATION OR MARRIAGE DATE: 24 Ene 1874 REGISTRATION OR MARRIAGE PLACE: Jiménez, Chihuahua, México PAGE NUMBER: 48 Merced Rosales 23 groom Maria Eduviges Garcia bride Other Names Felipe Garcia - bride's father Felipe's father - Julian Garcia Felipe's mother - Maria Valentina Arias Maria Concepcion Soto - bride's mother Ms Soto's mother - Maria Trinidad Soto Maria Ildefonza Rosales - groom's mother Cruz Rosales - Maria Ildefonza Rosales' father Maria Teodora Nevares - Maria Ildefonza Rosales' mother

Media objectBirth Certificate For Guadalupe Flores, Daughter of Ilfonza RosalesBirth Certificate For Guadalupe Flores, Daughter of Ilfonza Rosales
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 833 × 511 pixels
File size: 354 KB
Type: Certificate
Note: This birth record for Guadalupe shows Yldefonza originated from Labor de Guadalupe Durango